20.04.2006 21:05:00
Halliburton Announces First Quarter Results
Halliburton (NYSE:HAL) announced today that net income in thefirst quarter of 2006 was $488 million, or $0.91 per diluted share,compared to net income of $365 million, or $0.72 per diluted share, inthe first quarter of 2005. Net income in the first quarter of 2006included income from discontinued operations of $7 million after tax,or $0.01 per diluted share, primarily related to the operations ofKBR's Production Services group, which is expected to be sold in thesecond quarter of 2006 with a pretax gain of approximately $100million. Net income in the first quarter of 2005 also included incomefrom discontinued operations of $6 million after tax, or $0.01 perdiluted share. Income from continuing operations in the first quarterof 2006 was $481 million, or $0.90 per diluted share, compared toincome from continuing operations of $359 million, or $0.71 perdiluted share, in the first quarter of 2005.
Consolidated revenue in the first quarter of 2006 was $5.2 billioncompared to $4.8 billion in the first quarter of 2005. This increasewas largely attributable to higher activity in the Energy ServicesGroup (ESG), where revenue increased 35% from the prior year firstquarter to a record level of $2.9 billion. Lower revenue in KBR,primarily on government services projects in the Middle East,partially offset this increase.
Consolidated operating income was $755 million in the firstquarter of 2006 compared to $575 million in the first quarter of 2005,a 31% increase. ESG's operating income improved 42%, reflectingincreased rig activity, higher utilization of assets, and increasedpricing. First quarter of 2005 operating income included a $110million gain on the sale of the company's 50% interest in the Subsea7, Inc. joint venture. KBR's operating income in the first quarter of2006 declined compared to the prior year first quarter, primarily dueto $30 million in charges related to an equity method investment in anAustralian railroad and reduced activities for Government andInfrastructure (G&I) operations in Iraq.
"I am pleased to report another record quarter for the EnergyServices Group. We continue to benefit from our strength in NorthAmerica, where our customers' spending is most concentrated. Ourinvestment in key Eastern Hemisphere markets is also resulting inquality growth," said Dave Lesar, chairman, president, and chiefexecutive officer of Halliburton. "Last week's filing of KBR, Inc.'sForm S-1 marks a significant milestone in our strategy to separate KBRfrom the Energy Services Group."
2006 First Quarter Segment Results
Energy Services Group
ESG posted revenue of $2.9 billion in the first quarter of 2006, a$754 million or 35% increase over the first quarter of 2005. ESG'soperating income was $727 million, up $214 million or 42% from thesame period in the prior year. ESG's operating income margin was 24.7%during the first quarter of 2006.
First quarter of 2006 revenue in the Western Hemisphere grew 36%over the previous year first quarter. First quarter of 2006 WesternHemisphere operating income margins were 28.6%, compared to 29.1% inthe first quarter of 2005, which included the $110 million Subsea 7,Inc. gain. Gains in both revenue and operating income margins were ledby the strong United States and Canadian markets.
Eastern Hemisphere results were impacted by the typical firstquarter reduction in Landmark revenue and weather-related factors. Inaddition, the direct export sales of equipment were lower as a resultof a change in strategy regarding direct sales. Nonetheless, theEastern Hemisphere first quarter of 2006 revenue grew 32% over theprior year first quarter, while operating income improved 70% over thesame period.
Production Optimization operating income for the first quarter of2006 was $340 million, an increase of $49 million or 17% over thefirst quarter of 2005, which included a $110 million gain on the saleof the Subsea 7, Inc. equity interest. Production Enhancementoperating income more than doubled, driven by strong demand for wellstimulation services in natural gas applications, increasedutilization of crews and assets, and improved pricing, particularly inthe United States. Completion Tools operating income increased 21% dueto higher activity in the United States, the North Sea, and SaudiArabia.
Fluid Systems operating income for the first quarter of 2006 was$182 million, a $69 million or 61% increase over the first quarter of2005. Cementing Services operating income increased 66% due to higherdrilling activity, improved pricing, and increased asset utilizationin the United States and growth in offshore activity in the Gulf ofMexico, western Africa, and the North Sea. These results werepartially offset by lower offshore activity in Latin America. BaroidFluid Services operating income grew 49% on strong activity andimproved product mix in the United States and higher activity inwestern Africa.
Drilling and Formation Evaluation operating income for the firstquarter of 2006 was $156 million, a $76 million or 95% increase overthe prior year first quarter. Sperry Drilling Services operatingincome increased 117% in the first quarter of 2006 compared to thefirst quarter of 2005, benefiting from increased activity in the Gulfof Mexico, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, and the North Sea. LoggingServices operating income increased 50% due to increased activity inthe United States and Asia Pacific. Security DBS Drill Bits operatingincome doubled over the prior year first quarter, reflecting improvedpricing and fixed cutter activity in North America and Europe, as wellas improved pricing and roller cone bit demand in the Middle East.
Digital and Consulting Solutions operating income in the firstquarter of 2006 was $49 million, an increase of $20 million or 69%over the prior year period. First quarter of 2005 Digital andConsulting Solutions operating income included a $17 million favorableinsurance claim settlement, partially offset by an $8 million loss ontwo integrated solutions projects in Mexico. Landmark operating incomenearly tripled compared to the prior year first quarter due toimproved sales of software and consulting services primarily in theUnited States and Latin America, as well as improvements in its coststructure.
KBR revenue for the first quarter of 2006 was $2.3 billion, a $327million or 13% decrease compared to the first quarter of 2005,primarily due to decreased military support activities in Iraq.Operating income for the first quarter of 2006 was $62 million, a $32million or 34% decrease compared to the prior year quarter.
Government and Infrastructure operating income for the firstquarter of 2006 was $20 million, a $33 million or 62% decreasecompared to the first quarter of 2005. The decrease was attributablein part to reduced activity on the LogCAP III contract and differencesin award fees and settlements recorded in each period related to thatcontract. First quarter of 2006 results were impacted by a $30 millionimpairment charge and loss recorded on an equity investment in anAustralian railroad operation due to delays in the expansion of thePort of Darwin and a delay in mining operations that resulted inreduced freight.
Energy and Chemicals operating income for the first quarter of2006 was $42 million, a $1 million increase compared to the firstquarter of 2005. KBR and its customer, Petrobras, have now agreed onthe technical and operational acceptance of the completed floatingproduction vessels. Although later than previously expected, finallender approval is expected shortly. The first quarter of 2006 resultsincluded a $15 million charge on the Barracuda-Caratinga project,reflecting additional costs to finalize the project and for warrantymatters.
Halliburton's Iraq-related work contributed approximately $1.1billion in revenue in the first quarter of 2006 and $27 million ofoperating income, or a 2.5% margin, before corporate expenses andtaxes.
Technology and Significant Achievements
Halliburton made a number of advances in technology and newcontract awards.
Energy Services Group new technologies and contract awards:
-- Sperry Drilling Services is helping to improve heavy oil economics for Petrozuata in the Faja del Orinoco field of Eastern Venezuela, using its LatchRite(R) multilateral system technology in more than 65 wells. Petrozuata is a Venezuelan company with partners PDVSA and ConocoPhillips.
-- Baroid Fluid Services has introduced the new INNOVERT(TM) drilling fluid system for use in areas where paraffin/mineral oil is the preferred base oil. Derived from the proven barite sag-eliminating technology used in Halliburton's award-winning ACCOLADE(R) drilling fluid, the INNOVERT(TM) system replaces existing approaches for treating barite sag in paraffin and mineral oil-based fluids, while providing operators excellent technical and economic performance.
-- Halliburton has been awarded a multi-million Dollar contract by Salym Petroleum Development N.V. (SPD) for exploration and production services in Russia. Under the contract, Halliburton will carry out directional drilling support and performance optimization as well as provide drilling fluids engineering, cementing, and pumping services. The three-year contract calls for new wells to be drilled from five drilling rigs and will include 300 S-shaped wells, as well as directional and extended reach wells. The average true vertical depth of the wells will be 2,600 meters (8,500 feet).
-- Halliburton has been awarded a two-year, $40 million multi-service contract by Occidental Mukhaizna, LLC, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corporation for the Mukhaizna field in the Sultanate of Oman. The contract calls for Halliburton to provide an integration of services from the Fluid Systems, Drilling and Formation Evaluation, and Production Optimization divisions.
-- Landmark was awarded a two-year, multi-million dollar contract to support, train, and consult for Petrobras on a full suite of software and information technology services. Landmark's participation in Petrobras' streamlined contract system places the company's technology on Petrobras' "Global Purchase Order" system, which allows suppliers to set fixed prices for their products and services.
KBR new technologies and contract awards:
-- Aspire Defence, a joint venture between KBR, Mowlem plc, and a financial investor, has been awarded the Ministry of Defence's GBP 8 billion (US$13.9 billion) private finance initiative contract to upgrade and provide a range of services to the British Army's garrisons at Aldershot and around Salisbury Plain in the United Kingdom. In addition to a GBP 3.2 billion (US$5.6 billion) package of services to be delivered over 35 years, Project Allenby/Connaught includes a GBP 1.2 billion (US$2 billion), nine-year construction program that will improve soldiers' single living, technical, and administrative accommodations, along with leisure and recreational facilities.
-- An approximately $400 million project to construct an anhydrous ammonia plant in Sokhna Port, Egypt for Egypt Basic Industries Company (EBIC), a joint venture including KBR, certain Egyptian petrochemical and construction companies, the Egyptian state-owned oil and gas company, and other private investors, reached financial close. The project will construct a greenfield 2,000 metric tons per day anhydrous ammonia plant, including a pipeline corridor connecting the ammonia production plant to product storage tanks located in Sokhna Port. The plant design is based on the proprietary KBR Advanced Ammonia Process (KAAP(TM)).
Halliburton, founded in 1919, is one of the world's largestproviders of products and services to the petroleum and energyindustries. The company serves its customers with a broad range ofproducts and services through its Energy Services Group and KBR. Thecompany's World Wide Web site can be accessed at www.halliburton.com.
NOTE: The statements in this press release that are not historicalstatements, including statements regarding future financialperformance, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of thefederal securities laws. These statements are subject to numerousrisks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the company'scontrol, which could cause actual results to differ materially fromthe results expressed or implied by the statements. These risks anduncertainties include, but are not limited to: consequences of auditsand investigations of the company by domestic and foreign governmentagencies and legislative bodies and related publicity; potentialadverse proceedings by such agencies; contract disputes with thecompany's customers; protection of intellectual property rights;compliance with environmental laws; changes in government regulationsand regulatory requirements, particularly those related to radioactivesources, explosives and chemicals; compliance with laws related toincome taxes and assumptions regarding the generation of futuretaxable income; unsettled political conditions, war and the effects ofterrorism, foreign operations and foreign exchange rates and controls;weather-related issues including the effects of hurricanes andtropical storms; changes in capital spending by, and claimsnegotiations with, customers; changes in the demand for or price ofoil and/or gas, structural changes in the industries in which thecompany operates, and performance of fixed-fee projects; thedevelopment and installation of financial systems; increasedcompetition for employees; availability of raw materials; andintegration of acquired businesses, operations of joint ventures, andcompletion of planned dispositions. Halliburton's Form 10-K for theyear ended December 31, 2005, recent Current Reports on Forms 8-K, andother Securities and Exchange Commission filings discuss some of theimportant risk factors identified that may affect the business,results of operations and financial condition. Halliburton undertakesno obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-lookingstatements for any reason.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(Millions of dollars and shares except per share data)
Three Months Three Months
Ended Ended
March 31 December 31
2006 2005 2005
Production Optimization $1,274 $900 $1,231
Fluid Systems 836 631 777
Drilling and Formation
Evaluation 647 489 615
Digital and Consulting Solutions 181 164 225
Total Energy Services Group 2,938 2,184 2,848
Government and Infrastructure 1,734 2,088 2,130
Energy and Chemicals 538 511 594
Total KBR 2,272 2,599 2,724
Total revenue $5,210 $4,783 $5,572
Operating income (loss):
Production Optimization $340 $291 $307
Fluid Systems 182 113 157
Drilling and Formation
Evaluation 156 80 148
Digital and Consulting Solutions 49 29 66
Total Energy Services Group 727 513 678
Government and Infrastructure 20 53 55
Energy and Chemicals 42 41 54
Total KBR 62 94 109
General corporate (34) (32) (20)
Total operating income 755 575 767
Interest expense (47) (52) (53)
Interest income 28 12 26
Foreign currency, net 8 - (4)
Other, net 3 (2) (7)
Income from continuing
operations before income taxes
and minority interest 747 533 729
Benefit (provision) for income
taxes (255) (166) 380
Minority interest in net income
of subsidiaries (11) (8) (17)
Income from continuing
operations 481 359 1,092
Income from discontinued
operations, net 7 6 10
Net income $488 $365 $1,102
Basic income per share:
Income from continuing
operations $0.94 $0.72 $2.14
Income from discontinued
operations, net 0.01 0.01 0.02
Net income $0.95 $0.73 $2.16
Diluted income per share:
Income from continuing
operations $0.90 $0.71 $2.06
Income from discontinued
operations, net 0.01 0.01 0.02
Net income $0.91 $0.72 $2.08
Basic weighted average common
shares outstanding 512 501 509
Diluted weighted average common
shares outstanding 534 510 529
See Footnote Table 1 for a list of significant items included in
All periods presented reflect the reclassification of KBR's Production
Services operations to discontinued operations.
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
(Millions of dollars)
March 31 December 31
2006 2005
Current assets:
Cash and equivalents $2,278 $2,391
Receivables, net 4,952 4,801
Inventories, net 1,086 953
Other current assets 1,423 1,115
Total current assets 9,739 9,260
Property, plant, and equipment, net 2,675 2,648
Other assets 2,756 3,102
Total assets $15,170 $15,010
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable $1,688 $1,967
Current maturities of long-term debt 360 361
Other current liabilities 2,114 2,099
Total current liabilities 4,162 4,427
Long-term debt 2,793 2,813
Other liabilities 1,192 1,253
Total liabilities 8,147 8,493
Minority interest in consolidated
subsidiaries 151 145
Shareholders' equity 6,872 6,372
Total liabilities and shareholders'
equity $15,170 $15,010
Note - Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to be
consistent with the current presentation.
All periods presented reflect the reclassification of KBR's Production
Services operations to discontinued operations. At March 31, 2006,
Production Services assets were $236 million, of which $170 million
were classified as current, and liabilities were $80 million, of which
$76 million were classified as current. At December 31, 2005,
Production Services assets were $207 million, of which $140 million
were classified as current, and liabilities were $64 million, of which
$54 million were classified as current.
Selected Cash Flow Information
(Millions of dollars)
Three Months
Three Months Ended Ended
March 31 December 31
2006 2005 2005
Capital expenditures:
Energy Services Group $137 $131 $151
KBR 22 11 26
General corporate 1 - -
Total capital expenditures $160 $142 $177
Depreciation, depletion, and
Energy Services Group $117 $110 $115
KBR 11 15 12
Total depreciation, depletion, and
amortization $128 $125 $127
Revenue and Operating Income Comparison
By Geographic Region - Energy Services Group Only
(Millions of dollars)
Three Months
Three Months Ended Ended
March 31 December 31
2006 2005 2005
North America $1,513 $1,059 $1,353
Latin America 351 314 373
Europe/Africa/CIS 595 463 631
Middle East/Asia 479 348 491
Total revenue $2,938 $2,184 $2,848
Operating income:
North America $480 $353 $387
Latin America 53 46 67
Europe/Africa/CIS 93 62 119
Middle East/Asia 101 52 105
Total operating income $727 $513 $678
See Footnote Table 2 for a list of significant items included in
Backlog Information
(Millions of dollars)
March 31 December 31
2006 2005
Firm orders:
Government and Infrastructure $3,418 $3,403
Energy and Chemicals - Gas monetization 3,451 3,651
Energy and Chemicals - Other (a) 1,978 1,786
Energy Services Group segments 133 180
Total firm orders $8,980 $9,020
Government orders firm but not yet funded,
letters of intent, and contracts awarded but
not signed:
Government and Infrastructure $474 $1,775
Total backlog $9,454 $10,795
(a) The amounts presented represent backlog for our continuing
operations and do not include backlog associated with KBR's
Production Services operations, which we have agreed to sell and
now account for as discontinued operations. Backlog for the
Production Services operations was $1.1 billion as of March 31,
2006 and $1.2 billion as of December 31, 2005.
Items included in Operating Income and After Tax Impact per Diluted
Share By Operating Segment
(Millions of dollars except per share data)
Three Months Ended Three Months Ended
March 31, 2006 March 31, 2005
---------------------- ----------------------
Operating After Tax Operating After Tax
Income per Share Income per Share
---------------------- ----------------------
Production Optimization:
Subsea 7 Inc. gain
on sale $- $- $110 $0.14
Drilling and Formation
Patent settlement - - - -
Digital and Consulting
Integrated solutions
projects in Mexico - - (8) (0.01)
Government and
Railroad impairment
charge and loss (30) (0.05) - -
Energy and Chemicals:
project loss (15) (0.02) - -
Three Months Ended
December 31, 2005
Operating After Tax
Income per Share
Production Optimization:
Subsea 7 Inc. gain
on sale $- $-
Drilling and Formation
Patent settlement 24 0.03
Digital and Consulting
Integrated solutions
projects in Mexico - -
Government and
Railroad impairment
charge and loss - -
Energy and Chemicals:
project loss - -
Items included in Operating Income and After Tax Impact per Diluted
Share By Geographic Region - Energy Services Group Only
(Millions of dollars except per share data)
Three Months Ended Three Months Ended
March 31, 2006 March 31, 2005
---------------------- ----------------------
Operating After Tax Operating After Tax
Income per Share Income per Share
---------------------- ----------------------
North America:
Patent settlement $- $- $- $-
Subsea 7, Inc. gain
on sale - - 107 0.14
Latin America:
Patent settlement - - - -
Integrated solutions
projects in Mexico - - (8) (0.01)
Patent settlement - - - -
Subsea 7, Inc. gain
on sale - - 3 -
Middle East/Asia:
Patent settlement - - - -
Three Months Ended
December 31, 2005
Operating After Tax
Income per Share
North America:
Patent settlement $12 $0.02
Subsea 7, Inc. gain
on sale - -
Latin America:
Patent settlement 2 -
Integrated solutions
projects in Mexico - -
Patent settlement 6 0.01
Subsea 7, Inc. gain
on sale - -
Middle East/Asia:
Patent settlement 4 -

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