28.05.2015 21:14:00
Dollar Tree, Inc. -- Moody's: Dollar Tree's proposed Term Loan B refinancing has no immediate impact on ratings
New York, May 28, 2015 -- Moody's Investors Service today said that Dollar Tree, Inc.'s (Ba2 stable) announcement that it will refinance, reprice and amend its existing $3,950 million senior secured term loan B will have no impact on its ratings. Under the amendment the company will split the existing term loan B into two tranches -- a $3,450 million floating rate senior secured term loan B-1 and a $500 million fixed rate senior secured term loan B-2. The fixed rate term loan B-2 will have no amortization. There will be no change in any other terms and conditions including maturity or security. The term loan was originally issued to finance the company's acquisition of Family Dollar Stores, Inc. (Baa3 RUR down).