23.08.2006 20:13:00
Escondida - El Victor Mineralized Trend Extended into San Carlos Area, Mulatos Deposit, Mexico
(Azimuth/ (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t)
06SC001 150.91 64.02 65.55 1.53 0.767
(000/-90) 73.17 83.84 10.67 0.796
88.41 94.51 6.10 0.849
106.71 117.38 10.67 2.076
128.05 144.82 16.77 0.923
150.91 153.96 3.05 0.564
06SC002 149.39 56.40 57.93 1.53 0.544
(000/-90) 88.41 92.99 4.58 2.503
96.04 103.66 7.62 0.707
115.85 117.38 1.53 0.572
126.52 128.05 1.53 0.578
138.72 141.77 3.05 0.650
06SC003 135.67 70.12 92.99 22.87 2.315
(000/-65) 105.18 115.85 10.67 1.844
120.43 123.48 3.05 0.564
06SC004 198.17 53.35 56.40 3.05 2.460
(000/-50) 64.02 67.07 3.05 1.108
77.74 79.27 1.53 0.709
83.84 96.04 12.20 0.841
123.48 125.00 1.52 0.517
131.10 132.62 1.52 0.534
141.77 143.29 1.52 2.340
149.39 157.01 7.62 0.890
06SC005 167.68 77.74 83.84 6.10 1.186
(000/-90) 86.84 91.46 4.62 0.636
94.51 102.13 7.62 2.197
105.18 121.95 16.77 1.014
126.52 131.10 4.58 0.836
06SC006 198.17 59.45 60.98 1.53 4.980
(000/-65) 68.60 70.12 1.52 0.762
73.17 79.27 6.10 1.085
83.84 99.09 15.25 3.285
111.28 112.80 1.52 1.010
118.90 125.00 6.10 1.711
128.05 138.72 10.67 0.750
146.34 150.91 4.57 0.668
06SC007 152.44 89.94 91.46 1.52 0.998
(000/-90) 94.51 102.13 7.62 1.184
109.76 111.28 1.52 0.503
121.95 126.52 4.57 0.887
140.24 150.91 10.67 0.556
06SC008 269.82 114.33 149.39 35.06 2.994
(000/-75) 155.49 157.01 1.52 1.240
175.30 193.60 18.30 0.975
198.17 211.89 13.72 1.093
06SC009 230.18 96.04 97.56 1.52 0.640
(000/-55) 100.61 117.38 16.77 1.236
144.82 147.87 3.05 1.351
153.96 155.49 1.53 0.551
160.06 161.59 1.53 0.645
184.45 185.98 1.53 1.145
204.27 211.89 7.62 0.963
06SC010 228.66 120.43 121.95 1.52 1.970
(000/-60) 125.00 129.57 4.57 36.11
153.96 161.59 7.63 0.659
Re-run by 205.79 207.32 1.53 0.504
screen fire assay 210.37 213.41 3.04 0.775
06SC011 253.05 118.90 120.43 1.53 0.531
(000/-90) 125.00 131.10 6.10 1.691
135.67 140.24 4.57 0.574
234.76 240.85 6.09 0.708
06SC012 243.90 170.73 189.02 18.29 0.932
06SC013 230.18 185.98 189.02 3.04 0.820
(000/-60) 193.60 195.12 1.52 0.537
216.46 217.98 1.52 0.561
06SC014 182.93 42.68 51.83 9.15 0.959
(000/-75) 57.93 65.55 7.62 1.057
70.12 100.61 30.49 1.153
103.66 112.80 9.14 1.108
118.90 123.48 4.58 0.847
129.55 155.49 25.94 1.378
06SC015 243.90 160.06 163.11 3.05 23.48
(000/-70) 176.83 178.35 1.52 2.18
(to be re-run 198.17 199.70 1.53 0.867
by screen fire 202.74 204.27 1.53 0.669
assay) 221.04 227.13 6.09 0.726
06SC016 68.60 44.21 48.78 4.57 6.157
(000/-65) 51.83 68.60 16.77 2.027
(to be re-run
by screen fire
06SC017 182.93 0.00 1.52 1.52 1.555
(000/-90) 6.10 7.62 1.52 0.782
24.38 25.91 1.53 0.618
109.76 111.28 1.52 0.623
131.10 132.62 1.52 0.689
06SC018 221.04 103.66 105.18 1.52 0.658
(000/-80) 109.76 111.28 1.52 0.516
117.38 166.16 48.78 4.692
(to be re-run includes
by screen fire 120.43 134.15 13.72 12.80
190.55 193.60 3.05 0.799
196.65 201.22 4.57 0.973
06SC019 213.41 4.57 16.76 12.19 0.539
(190/-60) 28.96 32.01 3.05 0.636
144.82 146.34 1.52 0.717
06SC020 160.06 1.52 39.63 38.11 0.954
(190/-45) 42.68 45.72 3.04 0.845
68.60 70.12 1.52 0.515
89.94 92.99 3.05 0.727
146.34 147.87 1.53 0.648
152.44 153.96 1.52 1.035
157.01 158.54 1.53 0.567
06SC021 227.13 86.89 89.94 3.05 0.558
(180/-65) 115.85 117.38 1.53 1.015
179.88 181.40 1.52 0.638
196.65 198.17 1.52 0.577
201.22 204.27 3.05 0.649
06SC022 243.90 111.28 114.33 3.05 1.106
(000/-70) 117.38 121.95 4.57 10.616
125.00 126.52 1.52 6.640
(to be re-run 129.57 149.39 19.82 2.031
by screen fire 157.01 158.54 1.53 0.519
assay) 160.06 161.59 1.53 0.542
164.63 167.68 3.05 1.137
179.88 181.40 1.52 2.030
184.45 185.98 1.53 1.095
190.55 192.07 1.52 0.542
202.74 207.32 4.58 0.635
211.89 214.94 3.05 0.745
224.09 234.76 10.67 0.856
06SC023 217.99 105.18 106.71 1.53 0.948
(000/-70) 114.33 115.85 1.52 0.600
120.43 121.95 1.52 0.802
129.57 132.62 3.05 0.598
137.20 138.72 1.52 0.520
06SC024 243.90 138.72 155.49 16.77 1.200
(180/-70) 160.06 161.59 1.53 0.979
167.68 169.21 1.53 0.671
173.78 178.35 4.57 0.655
208.84 222.56 13.72 1.074
230.18 231.71 1.53 0.608
06SC025 254.57 146.34 147.87 1.53 1.830
(000/-60) 153.96 157.01 3.05 0.722
160.06 161.59 1.53 0.658
164.63 176.83 12.20 1.320
179.88 181.40 1.52 0.533
185.98 187.50 1.52 0.863
192.07 199.70 7.63 0.728
237.08 242.38 5.30 1.965
06SC026 239.33 176.83 187.50 10.67 1.039
(000/-90) 192.07 199.70 7.63 0.600
208.84 210.37 1.53 0.516
06SC027 176.83 53.35 57.93 4.58 6.747
(000/-90) 60.98 71.65 10.67 3.130
76.22 77.74 1.52 0.610
(to be re-run 82.32 100.61 18.29 5.374
by screen fire 115.85 152.44 36.59 1.169
assay) 155.49 160.06 4.57 0.684
169.21 170.73 1.52 1.365
173.78 176.83 3.05 1.131
06SC028 60.98 30.48 36.59 6.11 0.854
(000/-55) 36.93 41.16 4.23 0.716
57.93 60.98 3.05 1.176
06SC029 121.95 47.26 50.30 3.04 0.669
(000/-70) 54.88 60.98 6.10 5.264
(to be re-run 64.02 85.37 21.35 0.650
by screen fire
06SC030 251.52 146.34 147.87 1.53 0.712
(000/-90) 150.91 152.44 1.53 0.546
06SC031 205.79 71.65 79.27 7.62 0.791
(010/-45) 82.83 86.89 4.06 0.699
92.99 99.09 6.10 1.840
103.66 106.71 3.05 1.035
111.28 114.33 3.05 1.289
117.38 129.57 12.19 2.392
163.11 164.63 1.52 0.700
172.26 179.88 7.62 1.010
185.98 189.02 3.04 2.131
06SC032 141.77 53.35 56.40 3.05 0.540
(190/-70) 70.12 71.65 1.53 0.556
73.17 74.70 1.53 0.688
79.27 80.79 1.52 0.503
83.84 85.37 1.53 0.616
91.46 94.51 3.05 0.626
97.56 105.18 7.62 0.578
112.80 114.33 1.53 0.570
115.85 117.38 1.53 0.569
125.00 141.77 16.77 0.821
06SC033 60.98 32.01 33.54 1.53 3.39
(000/-45) Drilled 42.68 44.21 1.53 0.616
into stope 48.78 56.46 7.68 6.974
(to be re-run at 56.46;
by screen fire no
assay) recovery 60.98 62.50 1.52 8.3
The San Carlos area was selected as a high-priority explorationtarget due to having similar geologic characteristics to the EscondidaHanging Wall Zone. It is located along the same 2-km regionalstructural trend controlling the gold occurrences from Mina Vieja toEl Victor. It also has a similar stratigraphic setting of animpermeable horizon overlying a highly favorable unit, which was thegold trapping mechanism at the Escondida Hanging Wall Zone. San Carloshas been sporadically mined at a small scale by locals and was awell-known source for spectacular high-grade gold specimens.Historical San Carlos underground channel sampling records (1960) shownarrow high-grade gold intervals, including 2.13 m of 253 g/t Au and1.9m of 259 g/t Au. Widely spaced Kennecott drilling at San Carlos inearly 90's encountered both low grade and high-grade gold intercepts,but no further drilling has been completed since then. The Alamos GoldPhase I drilling program was designed to test projections ofidentified high-grade structures and associated hanging wall andfootwall mineralization, particularly where favorable stratigraphy wasprojected, offset previous high-grade Kennecott intercepts, and testfor lower-grade bulk-tonnage stratiform mineralization.
The Phase I drilling program consisted of 33 surface reversecirculation holes (6303 meters) and four underground core holes(353.3m). Two surface reverse-circulation (RC) and one underground rigwere allocated to the project in an attempt to complete as muchdrilling as possible before rising monsoon season river levels blockedaccess. Drill holes to date have outlined an extensive area of thickintensely silicified hydrothermal breccias concealed by post-mineralvolcanic cover. The silicic alteration occurs over an area greaterthan 300m wide, 400m along strike, and over 150m thick. Sixteen holeswere terminated in strong silicic alteration, due to caving conditionsand/or excessive water at depth. The system is open to the east andnorth with the highest grade-thickness intercepts located at theextreme northeastern edge of the drilled area. Highest-grademineralization occurs at the near at the top of the stratiform silicicalteration, a similar relationship to the Escondida high-gradeoccurrence. Drill hole intercepts are believed to approximate truewidths based on sectional work indicating stratigraphic-hostedmineralization, but need additional drilling to confirm zone geometry.High-grade intercepts were also encountered, including local visiblegold, but they appear narrower and more structurally confined than theEscondida Hanging Wall Zone. Higher-grade intercepts were generallyuniform in the 10-20-g/t range. All assay results to date, however,are fire assay with atomic adsorption finish, which tend underestimategrade in a coarse gold situation. Higher-grade intervals will bere-run by screen fire assay to analyze for coarse gold.
The San Carlos area appears to be a separate mineralization centerdue to the generally higher grades in comparison with El Victor,multi-stage alteration and mineralization events, and the abundance oflate mafic dikes spatially related to mineralization. Hydrothermalbreccias and the dikes are rare to absent in the Mulatos deposit. Thefeeder zone of the multi-stage breccias has not yet been located.Classic multi-stage epithermal textures suggest further potential forhigh-grade mineralization in the system.
Additional drill holes are strongly warranted, but will need towait until river levels drop in October or November. The San Carlosproject area will mostly likely be the next project added to theresource expansion project pipeline. The success of the San Carlosproject is believed to increase the likelihood of finding additionalhigh-grade mineralization in the Gap area, where a similar structuraland stratigraphic setting exists in a largely untested area ofmineralization. A 7500 hectare concession was also recently added tothe land position to cover potential extensions of mineralized trend,as well as two other areas of alteration.
A map of drill hole locations can be accessed at the followingwebsites: www.alamosgold.com,http://files.newswire.ca/518/SanCarlosDrillingPlan.pdf.
The San Carlos exploration program is being carried out under thedirection of Ken Balleweg, P. Geol, BSc. Geological Engineering, M.S.Geology, Alamos' Vice President of Exploration and the QualifiedPerson as defined by National Instrument 43-101 of the CanadianSecurities Administrators. Drilling method was reverse circulationusing a center return bit and 1.5 meter sample intervals. Strictsampling and QA/QC protocol are followed, including the insertion ofstandards and blanks on a regular basis. Samples are sent to ALSChemex Inc. in Hermosillo, Mexico for sample preparation and then toVancouver, British Columbia for analysis. Analytical method is fireassay with atomic adsorption finish and gravimetric finish forindividual samples with a gold concentration greater than 3.0 g/t. A0.5g/t cut-off grade was used for calculation of composite intervals,with only a single 1.5m interval of sub-0.5 g/t material allowedwithin a composite interval.
Alamos common shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchangeunder the symbol "AGI" and convertible debentures under the symbolAGI.DB".
The TSX has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility forthe adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This release contains "forward-looking statements" that involve anumber of risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements include,but are not limited to, statements with respect to the Company'sexpectations regarding the results of the Company's explorationactivities and the potential of the Mulatos Project. Forward-lookingstatements are based on the opinions and estimates of management as ofthe date such statements are made, and they involve known and unknownrisks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actualresults, performance or achievements of the Company to be materiallydifferent from any other future results, performance or achievementsexpressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such factorsinclude, among others: the actual results of current explorationactivities; actual results of current reclamation activities;conclusions of economic evaluations; changes in project parameters asplans to continue to be refined; future prices of gold; possiblevariations in ore grade or recovery rates; failure of plant, equipmentor processes to operate as anticipated; accidents, labour disputes andother risks of the mining industry; delays in obtaining governmentalapprovals or financing or in the completion of development orconstruction activities, fluctuations in metal prices, as well asthose risk factors discussed or referred to in the Company's annualManagement's Discussion and Analysis and Annual Information Form filedwith the securities regulatory authorities in all provinces of Canadaand available at www.sedar.com, and the Company's Annual Report onForm 40-F filed with the United States Securities and . Commission.Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors thatcould cause actual actions, events or results to differ materiallyfrom those described in forward-looking statements, there may be otherfactors that cause actions, events or results not to be anticipated,estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-lookingstatements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and futureevents could differ materially from those anticipated in suchstatements. Except as may be required by applicable law, the Companyundertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements ifcircumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change.Accordingly, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance onforward-looking statements.

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