15.07.2016 15:59:31
DGAP-News: Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd
DGAP-News: Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. :
- Dies ist eine höchst signifikante Zahl, da das Unternehmen zuvor bereits über Verkaufszahlen i.H.v. $1,4 Mio. CDN für das 1. Quartal 2016 berichtete.
- Die Verkaufszahlen im 2. Quartal stiegen auf $4,2 Mio. CDN an - ein beachtlicher Anstieg von 200% im Vergleich zum 1. Quartal.
- Am 20. Juni 2016 verkündete NSP einen neuen Kaufauftrag über insgesamt $1,45 Mio. CDN, der in das 3. Quartal fällt.
- Zum Vergleich: NSP berichtete zuvor über testierte 2014- Bruttojahreseinnahmen i.H.v. $235.000 CDN.
- Im darauffolgenden Jahr 2015 stiegen die testierten Brutto- Verkaufseinnahmen um knapp 30% auf insgesamt $301.705 CDN.
- Bis dato hat das Unternehmen also die 2015-Jahreseinnahmen um mehr als 2.350% gestiegen.
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, KANADA - 14. Juli 2016 - Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:NSP)(OTCQB:NSPDF)(FRANKFURT:50N) ("NSP") positioniert sich, um gesunde Nahrungsmittel, vor allem basierend auf Hanf und CBD, weltweit zu exportieren. Dieser Gesundheitsmarkt soll laut Euromonitor International (http://www.nutraingredients.com/Markets-and- Trends/Global-healthy-foods-to-hit-1-trillion-in-2017-Report) die $1 Billionen (770 Mio. Euro) Marke zum ersten Mal nächstes Jahr (2017) übersteigen. Laut NSP-Unternehmensaussage:
"Wir haben uns die Historie von Hanf angeschaut und sind zu der klaren Schlussfolgerung gekommen, dass es Zeit für eine radikale Veränderung ist."
In Anbetracht der heute veröffentlichten Verkaufszahlen, die der Markt in dieser Grössenordnung wohl nicht erwartet hat, bietet die NSP-Aktie zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt möglicherweise eine aussergewöhnliche Opportunität.
Mit insgesamt nur 57,4 Mio. ausgegebenen Aktien wird das Unternehmen aktuell mit $15,5 Mio. CDN (ca. 11 Mio. Euro) vom Markt bewertet. Sofern die Verkaufszahlen der ersten beiden Quartale ein Indiz für die letzten zwei Quartele sind, so könnte NSP im gesamten Jahr 2016 etwa $11,2 Mio. CDN einnehmen: Ein wahrlich signifikantes Wachstum von 3.609% im Vergleich zu 2015.
Bei einem implizierten Unternehmenswert ("EV"; Enterprise Value) i.H.v. $15,5 Mio. CDN und projizierten 2016-Einnahmen i.H.v. $11,2 Mio. geniesst NSP derzeit einen EV/Einnahmen-Faktor von lediglich 1,4x.
Laut Daten (http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/datafile/ psdata.html) von der Stern Universität New York haben die folgenden Branchen einen signifikant höheren EV/Einnahmen-Faktor als der aktuelle Faktor von NSP (1,4x):
Arzneistoffe (Biotechnologie): 8,32x Arzneistoffe (Pharmaczeutika): 4,76x Gesundheitsprodukte: 3,75x Branchendurchschnitt: 2,65x
Unter Anwendung eines konservativen EV/Einnahmen-Faktors von 2,65x würde die NSP-Aktie bei knapp $0,54 CDN notieren (+89% vom aktuellen Kursniveau). Unter Anwendung eines Faktors von 5x, so wie es auch im Falle von Arznemittel ist, wäre NSP mit $0,96 CDN/Aktie fair bewertet (+257% vom aktuellen Kursniveau).
Sollte das NSP-Management erfolgreich sein, die 3. und 4. Quartalszahlen stärker als die ersten Beiden anwachsen zu lassen, so macht es den Anschein, dass sogar noch höhere Aktienkursnotierungen plausibel wären. Gemäß der heutigen News könnte NSP die Erwartungen erneut übertreffen. Der Hanf/Cannabis- und Gesundheitsmarkt gewinnt wieder an Fahrt, nicht nur in Nord-Amerika sondern weltweit, sodass in der absehbaren Zukunft mit erhöhtem Investoren-Interesse gerechnet werden kann.
Um die erste Grafik in dieser Pressemitteilung zu sehen, besuchen Sie bitte folgenden Link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/nsp0714graph1.jpg
Um die zweite Grafik in dieser Pressemitteilung zu sehen, besuchen Sie bitte folgenden Link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/nsp0714graph2.jpg
Der CEO von Naturally Splendid, Herr Craig Goodwin, sagte in der heutigen Unternehmensmitteilung:
"Wir sind bereit für einen guten Start ins 3. Quartal. Da wir bereits einen Kaufauftrag von $1,45 Mio. CDN für das 3. Quartal gesichert haben, befindet sich Naturally Splendid auf Kurs, um eine gleiche Verkaufs-Performance wie im 2. Quartal zu erwirtschaften. Unser Ziel ist es, unsere Verkaufszahlen vom 2. Quartal mit erhöhten Export-Aktivitäten, Verkäufen, Gewinnung von neuen Kunden und Betriebsoptimierungen von POS / BPC zu steigern. Wir sind definitiv mit dem Anstieg unserer Brutto-Verkäufe in unseren Abteilungen zufrieden. Wichtiger ist, dass wir daran glauben, dass das Unternehmen die Phase erreicht, einen positiven Cashflow auf konstanter Basis zu erwirtschaften. Wir sind definitiv erfreut, unsere Brutto-Verkaufseinnahmen in unseren Abteilungen erhöht zu haben. Noch wichtiger ist, dass wir daran glauben, dass das Unternehmen die Phase erreicht, einen positiven Cashflow auf konstanter Basis zu erwirtschaften. Dies basiert auf der Tatsache, dass nicht nur die Brutto-Verkäufe angestiegen sind, sondern auch die Margen, da Skaleneffekte beginnen, einen positiven Effekt auf unseren Reingewinn zu haben. Da das Unternehmen kurz davor steht, einen positiven Cashflow auszuweisen, können wir damit beginnen, mehr Aufmerksamkeit und Ressourcen in die lukrativen Omega-Märkte weltweit mit HempOmega(R) zu fokussieren, sowie damit zu beginnen, unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die sich positiv entwickelnden Cannabinoid-Opportunitäten in den USA zu richten, und zwar der Fokus auf die Cannabidiol- (CBD) Märkte."
Laut heutiger Pressemitteilung:
"Naturally Splendid erfährt momentan Wachstum in den Brutto-Verkäufen in vielen seiner Abteilungen. Das signifikanteste Wachstum gibt es in der Export-Abteilung, wo die Exporte nach Süd-Korea die ersten Projizierungen bisher um mehr als 400% übertroffen haben. Allerdings kann der Gesamtanstieg in Brutto-Verkäufen auf mehrere Faktoren zurückgeführt werden, einschliesslich Naturally Splendids Produktlinien NATERA(R), Chii(TM) und Pawsitive FX(TM), die ein beständiges Wachstum zeigen. Darüberhinaus, und wie zuvor bereits berichtet, ist das Unternehmen erfreut zu bestätigen, dass im 1. Quartal 2016 ihre Tochtergesellschaft POS BPC Manufacturing Corp. ("POS BPC"), die grösstenteils im Besitz von Naturally Splendid ist, die Vorbereitungs-/Trainingsarbeiten abgeschlossen hat, um den normalen Herstellungsstatus in dieser Anlage zu beginnen, wobei auch mit der Produktion für einen Kunden aus dem Bereich natürliche Gesundheitsprodukte ("natural health product client") begonnen wurde.
Die POS / BPC Anlage wird weitere Verkaufseinnahmen für Naturally Splendid im Jahr 2016 erwirtschaften. Die 1.115 m2 grosse Anlage, die für POS BPC von POS Bio-Sciences betrieben wird, ist positioniert, um maßgeschneiderte Verarbeitungslösungen für biologische Materialien, wie funktionale Lebensmittel und natürliche Gesundheitsinhaltsstoffe, an eine Vielzahl von Kunden anzubieten.
In Bezug auf HempOmega(R), Naturally Splendids geschützter Omega- Inhaltsstoff, ist das Unternehmen weiterhin dabei, die kommerziellen Anwendungsfelder und somit Einnahme-Opportunitäten mittels Forschung und Entwicklug zu vergrössern. Die Forschung und Entwicklung wird bei POS BioSciences speziell für funktionale Getränke-Anwendungen durchgeführt; durch die Saskatchewan Agri-Value Initiative (SAVI) unter der Canada- Saskatchewan Growing Forward 2 für Inhaltsstoffanwendungen von Produkten wie Brote und Nutribars; sowie für Produktentwicklung bei der Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development's Food Science & Technology Center (FSTC) in Brooks, Alberta, für Anwendungen in Haustiernahrung. Das Unternehmen ist momentan in Gesprächen mit mehreren potentiellen Kunden für HempOmega(TM)."
In einem 2013 veröffentlichten "Nutraceuticals World" Artikel wurde wie folgt berichtet:
"Es wird vorausgesagt, dass die Omega-Produktion um gigantische 32,8% im Volumen (15,1% im Wert) bis 2018 anwachsen wird, zu welcher Zeit 3,3 Mio. Tonnen mit einem Wert von $9,1 Mrd. produziert werden. "Der pflanzliche Omega3-Produktionswert soll erwartungsgemäß doppelt so stark wie Marine in den nächsten fünf Jahren ansteiegen", sagte Herr Bender voraus. "Das Resultat ist, dass bis 2018 pflanzliche Omega-3 etwa 52% des Produktionswertes ausmachen werden; im Vergleich zu 48% für Marine. Pflanzliche Omega-3 werden von dem Kundenwunsch profitieren, von tierbasierten Produkten wegzukommen." Naturally Splendid ist positioniert, um an erster Stelle von diesem Wandel von Omega-Quellen zu profitieren."
Goodwin fasst zusammen:
"Our exporting to South Korea is just the beginning. The South Korean opportunity secures Naturally Splendid a foothold in the growing Asian health and wellness market and we are experiencing increased interest for our products in Asia since attending tradeshows as official Members of the Canadian Trade Delegation in Singapore and Seoul and more recently as official Members of the Premier's Trade Mission to Seoul, Manila and Tokyo, which was lead by British Columbia's Premier Christy Clark. The success that we have had in South Korea creates the opportunity to increases our exporting sales by expanding to additional countries not only in Asia but globally, as well as adding additional product offerings such as hemp protein, hemp oil and HempOmega(R). However, we are not limited to just hemp products as we have numerous opportunities to introduce additional food products outside of hemp utilizing in part the same successful product launch strategy initially executed with our shelled hemp seed hearts in South Korea".
Empfohlene Artikel:
June 17, 2016: Q&A from Stockhouse Publishing http://www.stockhouse.com/opinion/interviews/2016/06/17/naturally-splendid- v-nsp-the-wild-success-you-may-never-heard-of
February 2016: Peter Epstein Article Part 1 http://www.stockhouse.com/opinion/independent-reports/2015/02/26/naturally- splendid-nsp-v-poised-to-harvest-hefty-hemp-based-revenue
March 13, 2016: Peter Epstein Article Part 2 http://www.stockhouse.com/news/newswire/2015/03/13/part-ii-naturally- splendid-poised-for-greatness-2015
Empfohlene Videos:
Naturally Splendid Video Introduction 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D-iSWTjuns&app=desktop
Naturally Splendid - TSX-VENTURE 50 - 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNmf3_akJcM
HempOmega(TM) Informational Video: https://youtu.be/1kxPc4aLHzM
Naturally Splendid Korean Purchase Order 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTcy-8V0YdU
Lotte Home Shopping Launches Paleo-NATERA(R) in Korea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpjBj2gRtcw
CEO Craig Goodwin Interview with SmallCap-Investor TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFWn6AQWsCI
NSP- Webseiten:
www.naturallysplendid.com www.hempomega.com www.simpliingredients.com www.nateralife.com www.pawsitivefx.com www.chii.ca
About Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. ("NSP"):
NSP is a multifaceted biotechnology company that is developing, producing, commercializing, and licensing an entirely new generation of plant-derived, bioactive ingredients, nutrient-dense foods, and related products. Naturally Splendid is building an expanding portfolio of patents (issued and pending) and proprietary intellectual property focused on the commercial uses of industrial hemp and non-psychoactive cannabinoid compounds in a broad spectrum of applications.
NSP currently has six innovative divisions:
(1) Natera(R) brand of retail hemp superfood products currently distributed throughout North America and Asia;
(2) Chi Hemp Industries Incorporated (Chii) is selling natural and organic hemp products through e-commerce;
(3) PawsitiveFX(R) brand of pet care products;
(4) Simlpi Plant-Based Ingredients Division of plant-derived bulk ingredients including patent-pending HempOmega(R);
(5) The 12,000-square-foot POS / BPC Facility - which is managed for Naturally Splendid by POS Bio-Sciences - is positioned to offer commercial- scale custom processing solutions for biological materials, such as functional foods and natural health ingredients to a wide range of clients;
(6) Hemp-based cannabinoid nutraceuticals. The company's advanced technologies, industry expertise, and strategic partners allow for the creation of customized solutions with a consistent focus on quality and sustainability.
The company's advanced technologies, industry expertise, and strategic partners allow for the creation of customized solutions with a consistent focus on quality and sustainability.
NSP was very active in 2015, completing several acquisitions and initiating multiple new revenue streams. NSP is forecasting substantial growth in all of its divisions in 2016, and the company has already exceeded internal expectations early in 2016.
February 3, 2016: NSP announced having received a $924,000 CDN Purchase Order for hemp food products from a Korean company.
March 31, 2016: NSP announced having exceeded total 2015 gross sales by 250% in the first quarter of 2016.
May 4, 2016: NSP announced its Purchase Orders exceeded $3 million CDN to South Korea.
May 18, 2016: NSP announced to accompany Premier Christy Clark on trade mission to key markets in Asia.
June 20, 2016: NSP secured an additional $1.45 Purchase Order for export (export Purchase Orders to date exceeded $5.7 million CDN in 2016).
This is a great opportunity to be looking into NSP at an advanced stage of the company's development. The company's flagship ingredient (HempOmega(TM)) is commercializing and beginning to create new opportunities and new revenue streams for NSP.
This adds to the existing revenue streams the company has established already with Natera(TM), PawsitveFX(TM), CHII Hemp, Laguna Blends Inc. (client), and bulk export of plant-based ingredients/food products through Simpli Ingredients, NSP's bulk division.
NSP is also generating revenue through their majority owned POS-BPC (Bio- Processing Centre) located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where NSP has multiple clients processing in the facility for a toll.
In 2015 NSP secured a CBD distribution agreement with from Medropharm, a Swiss supplier of high grade CBD (Cannabidiol) which NSP has already begun marketing in the USA. NSP also finalized the 51% acquisition of the POS-BPC (Bio-Processing Centre) a manufacturing facility in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, a 12,000 square foot facility located on the university grounds, where the company can conduct extraction and formulation of its own products and technology, and also toll process for other client's requirements.
NSP also announced its first major purchase order last year for $100,000 CDN from Laguna Blends, which incorporates the companies Omega technology and is part of a $1.6 million sales agreement with Laguna Blends.
NSP announced at the end of 2015, that it finalized the acquisition of Chi Hemp Industries Inc., an online hemp company with over $300,000 CDN in yearly revenues that is cash flow positive today.
NSP announced in early 2016, it has entered into an (LOI) with the Coco's Pure Beverage Company, to co-develop a unique product line of coconut based retail products infused with HempOmega(TM).
On February 3rd, 2016, NSP announced a Purchase Order for hemp food products worth $924,000 CDN, with a South Korean based distributor (Korean Beauty & Health Care Co.). Delivery of the $924,000 CDN Purchase Order has been finalized as of the end Q1, March 2016.
NSP was recently pleased to announce that it has exceeded its total 2015 gross sales by +250% in the first quarter of 2016.
NSP announced on May 4, 2016, that its Purchase Orders to South Korea have exceeded $3 million CDN since February 3, 2016. The company also announced that it will be expanding its operations with a move to a larger facility in July of 2016.
On June 20, 2016, NSP announced it secured an additional $1.45 million CDN Purchase Order for export, and export Purchase Orders to date have exceeded $5.7 million CDN.
The company is projecting it can increase its revenues and build shareholder value, by obtaining new clients in the food/food ingredient, beverage, nutraceutical, cosmeceutical, pet food/pet care, and livestock feed industries.
NSP is a multifaceted biotechnology company developing, commercializing, producing, selling, and licensing an entirely new generation of hemp- derived, high quality, nutrient-dense Omega foods, nutritional food enhancers, and related products.
NSP and its partners are building an expanding portfolio of patents (issued and pending) and proprietary intellectual property focused on the commercial uses of Cannabis Sativa, industrial hemp, and cannabinoid (CBD) compounds in a broad spectrum of applications.
NSP is currently innovating in five related industries: nutritional biotechnologies, cannabinoid pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, and retail superfood and supplement consumer products under its NATERA(TM) brand, also wholesale hemp products sold via e-commerce through CHII Hemp Industries, and premium pet food and care products under its PAWSITIVE FX(TM) brand.
As well through hemp and plant-based bulk sales though NSP's Simpli Ingredients division, and plant to product processing through its majority owned POS Bio Processing Centre (POS-BPC).
1. HempOmega(TM) & Nutritional Biotechnologies (100% owned by NSP) http://www.hempomega.com
NSP is producing scientifically proven, functional plant-based Omega 3-6-9 ingredients. These plant-based Omegas directly solve major issues inherent in marine-sourced omegas, including bioavailability, environmental sustainability, taste, and smell. In addition, these plant-based omegas can be added to virtually any food as a powder, aqueous solution, or as an ingredient added to stand alone products, thereby markedly enhancing the nutrient value. NSP's plant-based omega offerings include HempOmega(TM), H2Omega(TM), ChiaOmega(TM), FlaxOmega(TM), CanolaOmega(TM), and AlgaeOmega(TM). Potential product categories include pet foods, body products, livestock feeds, cosmeceuticals, and CBD infused pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. Chickens that were fed HEMPOMEGA(TM) as an additive in their feed, had tests that produced the following highlight results: 527% increase in the omega-3 content of the eggs; 272% increase in the omega-3 content of the meat; lowered trans fats in the chickens by 5%.
2. POS-BPC Manufacturing Corp. (a Processing and Manufacturing Facility; 51% owned by NSP)
Based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan NSP's POS Bio Processing Centre (POS-BPC) is the perfect platform for launching products that leverage the company's proprietary omega extraction and formulation technologies. POS-BPC operates its 12,000 square foot facility containing approximately 60,000 liters of tankage, a fractional distillation system, evaporation equipment, spray drying equipment, a ring dryer, and various other pieces of complementary and auxiliary equipment. POS-BPC is capable of processing a variety of products, including plant-based omega technologies such as Naturally Splendid's own HempOmega(TM). Additionally, the BPC facility is designed to produce plant-based extracts, tinctures, and dry ingredients in order to serve a wide variety of client requirements. NSP also has in place a strategic cooperation agreement with Nature's Health Products Canada Corp., a member of the POS Group of Companies (http://www.pos.ca) based in Saskatoon. This important partner has been in business for over 35 years and has over 600 major customers worldwide. NSP has gained the ability to seamlessly coordinate entire plant-to product processes. From sourcing bio- active, plant-based ingredients to overseeing toll processing, formula development, and the creation of custom ingredient solutions, NSP offers its clients the convenience and advantages of a comprehensive, "one-stop" service provider.
3. Simpli Ingredients (100% owned by NSP) http://www.simpliingredients.com
Simpli Ingredients is NSP's wholesale ingredients division, specializing in hemp and plant based ingredients, which are globally and ethically source and processed in Canada in state of the art bio-sciences and dedicated hemp processing facilities in Saskatoon.
4. Naturally Splendid USA (100% owned by NSP) http://www.naturallysplendidusa.com
Naturally Splendid USA is a wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. NSP-USA is a provider and distributor of products and ingredients derived from industrial hemp. They are dedicated setting new industry standards for sustainability, safety, and quality. NSP encourages an educated, scientific approach to the industrial hemp and cannabinoid industries to develop a clearly defined regulatory environment that will promote consumer safety and corporate accountability.
5. Cannabinoid Nutraceuticals (under development)
The potential value of the hemp crop for medicinal purposes is virtually undiscovered. Industrial hemp is known to be the best source of cannabidiol (CBD), which is known to provide relief from symptoms such as anxiety, stress, seizures, etc. It has been used to treat epilepsy, convulsions and inflammation. In partnership with Boreal Technologies and Full Spectrum Laboratories, NSP is bringing to market a comprehensive suite of CBD- related market-disruptive technologies, including CBD water solubility (a major breakthrough that facilitates major advances in the production of CBD-based medicines and supplements).
6. NATERA(TM) Superfoods (100% owned by NSP) http://www.nateralife.com
The NATERA(TM) line was launched in 2013. NATERA(TM) features a broad spectrum of hemp based food products including flavoured hemp seed and protein powders. NATERA(TM) products are available in retail outlets in Canada and the US.
7. Pawsitive FX(TM) Pet Care (100% owned by NSP) http://www.pawsitvefx.com
Pawsitive FX(TM) is a Canadian company dedicated to improving the health and happiness of your furry family members. The Pawsitive FX(TM) line launched in 2015 and features a wide of range of pet care products including a line of nose and paw balms, and will be launching a line of all natural shampoos. NSP proudly ensures that their products use 100% natural ingredients that are not only healthy and safe for pets, but that are also sustainable for the environment. Pawsitive FX(TM) products are currently available in retail outlets in Canada, and will be expanding into the US market.
8. CHII - Chi Hemp Industries Inc. (100% owned by NSP) http://www.chii.ca
Chi Hemp Industries Incorporated (CHII) is an International Limited Liability Corporation physically headquartered in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, with warehousing operations in both Victoria, Burnaby, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. This corporation is in the business of growing, supplying, facilitating and diversifying the commercial hemp industry, while encouraging a 100% sustainable approach to all aspects of the agriculture industry and commerce associated with it. CHII was incorporated in May of 1998 and has been actively working to promote the Canadian hemp industry ever since through a grassroots movement to re-educate the public on the many wonderful and beneficial virtues of the hemp seed plant. NSP has worked tirelessly at thousands of live events communicating one on one with tens of thousands of people from all over the world.
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SkyCapitalReport's and related interests: The author(s) who produced this research note, Mike Rodgers, are/is employees of SkyCapitalReport. Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. has not been visited by the authors. SkyCapitalReport and/or its employees and/or directors and associates hold equity positions in Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. and reserve the right to acquire or dispose of such positions in the future. SkyCapitalReport has, or will, receive a cash compensation from Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. to feature the company.
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Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. is a Canadian company with a global focus on redefining hemp and CBD via bio technology.
Mike Rodger 604-688-8231 mrodger@skycapitalreport.com
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DGAP-News: Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. / Schlagwort(e): Research
Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. :
15.07.2016 / 15:59
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Naturally Splendid gibt 2016 Verkaufszahlen bekannt: Bereits 2350% Wachstum
seit 2015
- Bevor der Markt in Kanada eröffnete, berichtete Naturally Splendid
Enterprises Ltd. ("NSP") die gesamten Verkaufszahlen bis dato für 2016:
$7,1 Mio. CDN.
- Dies ist eine höchst signifikante Zahl, da das Unternehmen zuvor bereits über Verkaufszahlen i.H.v. $1,4 Mio. CDN für das 1. Quartal 2016 berichtete.
- Die Verkaufszahlen im 2. Quartal stiegen auf $4,2 Mio. CDN an - ein beachtlicher Anstieg von 200% im Vergleich zum 1. Quartal.
- Am 20. Juni 2016 verkündete NSP einen neuen Kaufauftrag über insgesamt $1,45 Mio. CDN, der in das 3. Quartal fällt.
- Zum Vergleich: NSP berichtete zuvor über testierte 2014- Bruttojahreseinnahmen i.H.v. $235.000 CDN.
- Im darauffolgenden Jahr 2015 stiegen die testierten Brutto- Verkaufseinnahmen um knapp 30% auf insgesamt $301.705 CDN.
- Bis dato hat das Unternehmen also die 2015-Jahreseinnahmen um mehr als 2.350% gestiegen.
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, KANADA - 14. Juli 2016 - Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:NSP)(OTCQB:NSPDF)(FRANKFURT:50N) ("NSP") positioniert sich, um gesunde Nahrungsmittel, vor allem basierend auf Hanf und CBD, weltweit zu exportieren. Dieser Gesundheitsmarkt soll laut Euromonitor International (http://www.nutraingredients.com/Markets-and- Trends/Global-healthy-foods-to-hit-1-trillion-in-2017-Report) die $1 Billionen (770 Mio. Euro) Marke zum ersten Mal nächstes Jahr (2017) übersteigen. Laut NSP-Unternehmensaussage:
"Wir haben uns die Historie von Hanf angeschaut und sind zu der klaren Schlussfolgerung gekommen, dass es Zeit für eine radikale Veränderung ist."
In Anbetracht der heute veröffentlichten Verkaufszahlen, die der Markt in dieser Grössenordnung wohl nicht erwartet hat, bietet die NSP-Aktie zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt möglicherweise eine aussergewöhnliche Opportunität.
Mit insgesamt nur 57,4 Mio. ausgegebenen Aktien wird das Unternehmen aktuell mit $15,5 Mio. CDN (ca. 11 Mio. Euro) vom Markt bewertet. Sofern die Verkaufszahlen der ersten beiden Quartale ein Indiz für die letzten zwei Quartele sind, so könnte NSP im gesamten Jahr 2016 etwa $11,2 Mio. CDN einnehmen: Ein wahrlich signifikantes Wachstum von 3.609% im Vergleich zu 2015.
Bei einem implizierten Unternehmenswert ("EV"; Enterprise Value) i.H.v. $15,5 Mio. CDN und projizierten 2016-Einnahmen i.H.v. $11,2 Mio. geniesst NSP derzeit einen EV/Einnahmen-Faktor von lediglich 1,4x.
Laut Daten (http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/datafile/ psdata.html) von der Stern Universität New York haben die folgenden Branchen einen signifikant höheren EV/Einnahmen-Faktor als der aktuelle Faktor von NSP (1,4x):
Arzneistoffe (Biotechnologie): 8,32x Arzneistoffe (Pharmaczeutika): 4,76x Gesundheitsprodukte: 3,75x Branchendurchschnitt: 2,65x
Unter Anwendung eines konservativen EV/Einnahmen-Faktors von 2,65x würde die NSP-Aktie bei knapp $0,54 CDN notieren (+89% vom aktuellen Kursniveau). Unter Anwendung eines Faktors von 5x, so wie es auch im Falle von Arznemittel ist, wäre NSP mit $0,96 CDN/Aktie fair bewertet (+257% vom aktuellen Kursniveau).
Sollte das NSP-Management erfolgreich sein, die 3. und 4. Quartalszahlen stärker als die ersten Beiden anwachsen zu lassen, so macht es den Anschein, dass sogar noch höhere Aktienkursnotierungen plausibel wären. Gemäß der heutigen News könnte NSP die Erwartungen erneut übertreffen. Der Hanf/Cannabis- und Gesundheitsmarkt gewinnt wieder an Fahrt, nicht nur in Nord-Amerika sondern weltweit, sodass in der absehbaren Zukunft mit erhöhtem Investoren-Interesse gerechnet werden kann.
Um die erste Grafik in dieser Pressemitteilung zu sehen, besuchen Sie bitte folgenden Link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/nsp0714graph1.jpg
Um die zweite Grafik in dieser Pressemitteilung zu sehen, besuchen Sie bitte folgenden Link: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/nsp0714graph2.jpg
Der CEO von Naturally Splendid, Herr Craig Goodwin, sagte in der heutigen Unternehmensmitteilung:
"Wir sind bereit für einen guten Start ins 3. Quartal. Da wir bereits einen Kaufauftrag von $1,45 Mio. CDN für das 3. Quartal gesichert haben, befindet sich Naturally Splendid auf Kurs, um eine gleiche Verkaufs-Performance wie im 2. Quartal zu erwirtschaften. Unser Ziel ist es, unsere Verkaufszahlen vom 2. Quartal mit erhöhten Export-Aktivitäten, Verkäufen, Gewinnung von neuen Kunden und Betriebsoptimierungen von POS / BPC zu steigern. Wir sind definitiv mit dem Anstieg unserer Brutto-Verkäufe in unseren Abteilungen zufrieden. Wichtiger ist, dass wir daran glauben, dass das Unternehmen die Phase erreicht, einen positiven Cashflow auf konstanter Basis zu erwirtschaften. Wir sind definitiv erfreut, unsere Brutto-Verkaufseinnahmen in unseren Abteilungen erhöht zu haben. Noch wichtiger ist, dass wir daran glauben, dass das Unternehmen die Phase erreicht, einen positiven Cashflow auf konstanter Basis zu erwirtschaften. Dies basiert auf der Tatsache, dass nicht nur die Brutto-Verkäufe angestiegen sind, sondern auch die Margen, da Skaleneffekte beginnen, einen positiven Effekt auf unseren Reingewinn zu haben. Da das Unternehmen kurz davor steht, einen positiven Cashflow auszuweisen, können wir damit beginnen, mehr Aufmerksamkeit und Ressourcen in die lukrativen Omega-Märkte weltweit mit HempOmega(R) zu fokussieren, sowie damit zu beginnen, unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die sich positiv entwickelnden Cannabinoid-Opportunitäten in den USA zu richten, und zwar der Fokus auf die Cannabidiol- (CBD) Märkte."
Laut heutiger Pressemitteilung:
"Naturally Splendid erfährt momentan Wachstum in den Brutto-Verkäufen in vielen seiner Abteilungen. Das signifikanteste Wachstum gibt es in der Export-Abteilung, wo die Exporte nach Süd-Korea die ersten Projizierungen bisher um mehr als 400% übertroffen haben. Allerdings kann der Gesamtanstieg in Brutto-Verkäufen auf mehrere Faktoren zurückgeführt werden, einschliesslich Naturally Splendids Produktlinien NATERA(R), Chii(TM) und Pawsitive FX(TM), die ein beständiges Wachstum zeigen. Darüberhinaus, und wie zuvor bereits berichtet, ist das Unternehmen erfreut zu bestätigen, dass im 1. Quartal 2016 ihre Tochtergesellschaft POS BPC Manufacturing Corp. ("POS BPC"), die grösstenteils im Besitz von Naturally Splendid ist, die Vorbereitungs-/Trainingsarbeiten abgeschlossen hat, um den normalen Herstellungsstatus in dieser Anlage zu beginnen, wobei auch mit der Produktion für einen Kunden aus dem Bereich natürliche Gesundheitsprodukte ("natural health product client") begonnen wurde.
Die POS / BPC Anlage wird weitere Verkaufseinnahmen für Naturally Splendid im Jahr 2016 erwirtschaften. Die 1.115 m2 grosse Anlage, die für POS BPC von POS Bio-Sciences betrieben wird, ist positioniert, um maßgeschneiderte Verarbeitungslösungen für biologische Materialien, wie funktionale Lebensmittel und natürliche Gesundheitsinhaltsstoffe, an eine Vielzahl von Kunden anzubieten.
In Bezug auf HempOmega(R), Naturally Splendids geschützter Omega- Inhaltsstoff, ist das Unternehmen weiterhin dabei, die kommerziellen Anwendungsfelder und somit Einnahme-Opportunitäten mittels Forschung und Entwicklug zu vergrössern. Die Forschung und Entwicklung wird bei POS BioSciences speziell für funktionale Getränke-Anwendungen durchgeführt; durch die Saskatchewan Agri-Value Initiative (SAVI) unter der Canada- Saskatchewan Growing Forward 2 für Inhaltsstoffanwendungen von Produkten wie Brote und Nutribars; sowie für Produktentwicklung bei der Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development's Food Science & Technology Center (FSTC) in Brooks, Alberta, für Anwendungen in Haustiernahrung. Das Unternehmen ist momentan in Gesprächen mit mehreren potentiellen Kunden für HempOmega(TM)."
In einem 2013 veröffentlichten "Nutraceuticals World" Artikel wurde wie folgt berichtet:
"Es wird vorausgesagt, dass die Omega-Produktion um gigantische 32,8% im Volumen (15,1% im Wert) bis 2018 anwachsen wird, zu welcher Zeit 3,3 Mio. Tonnen mit einem Wert von $9,1 Mrd. produziert werden. "Der pflanzliche Omega3-Produktionswert soll erwartungsgemäß doppelt so stark wie Marine in den nächsten fünf Jahren ansteiegen", sagte Herr Bender voraus. "Das Resultat ist, dass bis 2018 pflanzliche Omega-3 etwa 52% des Produktionswertes ausmachen werden; im Vergleich zu 48% für Marine. Pflanzliche Omega-3 werden von dem Kundenwunsch profitieren, von tierbasierten Produkten wegzukommen." Naturally Splendid ist positioniert, um an erster Stelle von diesem Wandel von Omega-Quellen zu profitieren."
Goodwin fasst zusammen:
"Our exporting to South Korea is just the beginning. The South Korean opportunity secures Naturally Splendid a foothold in the growing Asian health and wellness market and we are experiencing increased interest for our products in Asia since attending tradeshows as official Members of the Canadian Trade Delegation in Singapore and Seoul and more recently as official Members of the Premier's Trade Mission to Seoul, Manila and Tokyo, which was lead by British Columbia's Premier Christy Clark. The success that we have had in South Korea creates the opportunity to increases our exporting sales by expanding to additional countries not only in Asia but globally, as well as adding additional product offerings such as hemp protein, hemp oil and HempOmega(R). However, we are not limited to just hemp products as we have numerous opportunities to introduce additional food products outside of hemp utilizing in part the same successful product launch strategy initially executed with our shelled hemp seed hearts in South Korea".
Empfohlene Artikel:
June 17, 2016: Q&A from Stockhouse Publishing http://www.stockhouse.com/opinion/interviews/2016/06/17/naturally-splendid- v-nsp-the-wild-success-you-may-never-heard-of
February 2016: Peter Epstein Article Part 1 http://www.stockhouse.com/opinion/independent-reports/2015/02/26/naturally- splendid-nsp-v-poised-to-harvest-hefty-hemp-based-revenue
March 13, 2016: Peter Epstein Article Part 2 http://www.stockhouse.com/news/newswire/2015/03/13/part-ii-naturally- splendid-poised-for-greatness-2015
Empfohlene Videos:
Naturally Splendid Video Introduction 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D-iSWTjuns&app=desktop
Naturally Splendid - TSX-VENTURE 50 - 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNmf3_akJcM
HempOmega(TM) Informational Video: https://youtu.be/1kxPc4aLHzM
Naturally Splendid Korean Purchase Order 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTcy-8V0YdU
Lotte Home Shopping Launches Paleo-NATERA(R) in Korea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpjBj2gRtcw
CEO Craig Goodwin Interview with SmallCap-Investor TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFWn6AQWsCI
NSP- Webseiten:
www.naturallysplendid.com www.hempomega.com www.simpliingredients.com www.nateralife.com www.pawsitivefx.com www.chii.ca
About Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. ("NSP"):
NSP is a multifaceted biotechnology company that is developing, producing, commercializing, and licensing an entirely new generation of plant-derived, bioactive ingredients, nutrient-dense foods, and related products. Naturally Splendid is building an expanding portfolio of patents (issued and pending) and proprietary intellectual property focused on the commercial uses of industrial hemp and non-psychoactive cannabinoid compounds in a broad spectrum of applications.
NSP currently has six innovative divisions:
(1) Natera(R) brand of retail hemp superfood products currently distributed throughout North America and Asia;
(2) Chi Hemp Industries Incorporated (Chii) is selling natural and organic hemp products through e-commerce;
(3) PawsitiveFX(R) brand of pet care products;
(4) Simlpi Plant-Based Ingredients Division of plant-derived bulk ingredients including patent-pending HempOmega(R);
(5) The 12,000-square-foot POS / BPC Facility - which is managed for Naturally Splendid by POS Bio-Sciences - is positioned to offer commercial- scale custom processing solutions for biological materials, such as functional foods and natural health ingredients to a wide range of clients;
(6) Hemp-based cannabinoid nutraceuticals. The company's advanced technologies, industry expertise, and strategic partners allow for the creation of customized solutions with a consistent focus on quality and sustainability.
The company's advanced technologies, industry expertise, and strategic partners allow for the creation of customized solutions with a consistent focus on quality and sustainability.
NSP was very active in 2015, completing several acquisitions and initiating multiple new revenue streams. NSP is forecasting substantial growth in all of its divisions in 2016, and the company has already exceeded internal expectations early in 2016.
February 3, 2016: NSP announced having received a $924,000 CDN Purchase Order for hemp food products from a Korean company.
March 31, 2016: NSP announced having exceeded total 2015 gross sales by 250% in the first quarter of 2016.
May 4, 2016: NSP announced its Purchase Orders exceeded $3 million CDN to South Korea.
May 18, 2016: NSP announced to accompany Premier Christy Clark on trade mission to key markets in Asia.
June 20, 2016: NSP secured an additional $1.45 Purchase Order for export (export Purchase Orders to date exceeded $5.7 million CDN in 2016).
This is a great opportunity to be looking into NSP at an advanced stage of the company's development. The company's flagship ingredient (HempOmega(TM)) is commercializing and beginning to create new opportunities and new revenue streams for NSP.
This adds to the existing revenue streams the company has established already with Natera(TM), PawsitveFX(TM), CHII Hemp, Laguna Blends Inc. (client), and bulk export of plant-based ingredients/food products through Simpli Ingredients, NSP's bulk division.
NSP is also generating revenue through their majority owned POS-BPC (Bio- Processing Centre) located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where NSP has multiple clients processing in the facility for a toll.
In 2015 NSP secured a CBD distribution agreement with from Medropharm, a Swiss supplier of high grade CBD (Cannabidiol) which NSP has already begun marketing in the USA. NSP also finalized the 51% acquisition of the POS-BPC (Bio-Processing Centre) a manufacturing facility in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, a 12,000 square foot facility located on the university grounds, where the company can conduct extraction and formulation of its own products and technology, and also toll process for other client's requirements.
NSP also announced its first major purchase order last year for $100,000 CDN from Laguna Blends, which incorporates the companies Omega technology and is part of a $1.6 million sales agreement with Laguna Blends.
NSP announced at the end of 2015, that it finalized the acquisition of Chi Hemp Industries Inc., an online hemp company with over $300,000 CDN in yearly revenues that is cash flow positive today.
NSP announced in early 2016, it has entered into an (LOI) with the Coco's Pure Beverage Company, to co-develop a unique product line of coconut based retail products infused with HempOmega(TM).
On February 3rd, 2016, NSP announced a Purchase Order for hemp food products worth $924,000 CDN, with a South Korean based distributor (Korean Beauty & Health Care Co.). Delivery of the $924,000 CDN Purchase Order has been finalized as of the end Q1, March 2016.
NSP was recently pleased to announce that it has exceeded its total 2015 gross sales by +250% in the first quarter of 2016.
NSP announced on May 4, 2016, that its Purchase Orders to South Korea have exceeded $3 million CDN since February 3, 2016. The company also announced that it will be expanding its operations with a move to a larger facility in July of 2016.
On June 20, 2016, NSP announced it secured an additional $1.45 million CDN Purchase Order for export, and export Purchase Orders to date have exceeded $5.7 million CDN.
The company is projecting it can increase its revenues and build shareholder value, by obtaining new clients in the food/food ingredient, beverage, nutraceutical, cosmeceutical, pet food/pet care, and livestock feed industries.
NSP is a multifaceted biotechnology company developing, commercializing, producing, selling, and licensing an entirely new generation of hemp- derived, high quality, nutrient-dense Omega foods, nutritional food enhancers, and related products.
NSP and its partners are building an expanding portfolio of patents (issued and pending) and proprietary intellectual property focused on the commercial uses of Cannabis Sativa, industrial hemp, and cannabinoid (CBD) compounds in a broad spectrum of applications.
NSP is currently innovating in five related industries: nutritional biotechnologies, cannabinoid pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, and retail superfood and supplement consumer products under its NATERA(TM) brand, also wholesale hemp products sold via e-commerce through CHII Hemp Industries, and premium pet food and care products under its PAWSITIVE FX(TM) brand.
As well through hemp and plant-based bulk sales though NSP's Simpli Ingredients division, and plant to product processing through its majority owned POS Bio Processing Centre (POS-BPC).
1. HempOmega(TM) & Nutritional Biotechnologies (100% owned by NSP) http://www.hempomega.com
NSP is producing scientifically proven, functional plant-based Omega 3-6-9 ingredients. These plant-based Omegas directly solve major issues inherent in marine-sourced omegas, including bioavailability, environmental sustainability, taste, and smell. In addition, these plant-based omegas can be added to virtually any food as a powder, aqueous solution, or as an ingredient added to stand alone products, thereby markedly enhancing the nutrient value. NSP's plant-based omega offerings include HempOmega(TM), H2Omega(TM), ChiaOmega(TM), FlaxOmega(TM), CanolaOmega(TM), and AlgaeOmega(TM). Potential product categories include pet foods, body products, livestock feeds, cosmeceuticals, and CBD infused pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. Chickens that were fed HEMPOMEGA(TM) as an additive in their feed, had tests that produced the following highlight results: 527% increase in the omega-3 content of the eggs; 272% increase in the omega-3 content of the meat; lowered trans fats in the chickens by 5%.
2. POS-BPC Manufacturing Corp. (a Processing and Manufacturing Facility; 51% owned by NSP)
Based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan NSP's POS Bio Processing Centre (POS-BPC) is the perfect platform for launching products that leverage the company's proprietary omega extraction and formulation technologies. POS-BPC operates its 12,000 square foot facility containing approximately 60,000 liters of tankage, a fractional distillation system, evaporation equipment, spray drying equipment, a ring dryer, and various other pieces of complementary and auxiliary equipment. POS-BPC is capable of processing a variety of products, including plant-based omega technologies such as Naturally Splendid's own HempOmega(TM). Additionally, the BPC facility is designed to produce plant-based extracts, tinctures, and dry ingredients in order to serve a wide variety of client requirements. NSP also has in place a strategic cooperation agreement with Nature's Health Products Canada Corp., a member of the POS Group of Companies (http://www.pos.ca) based in Saskatoon. This important partner has been in business for over 35 years and has over 600 major customers worldwide. NSP has gained the ability to seamlessly coordinate entire plant-to product processes. From sourcing bio- active, plant-based ingredients to overseeing toll processing, formula development, and the creation of custom ingredient solutions, NSP offers its clients the convenience and advantages of a comprehensive, "one-stop" service provider.
3. Simpli Ingredients (100% owned by NSP) http://www.simpliingredients.com
Simpli Ingredients is NSP's wholesale ingredients division, specializing in hemp and plant based ingredients, which are globally and ethically source and processed in Canada in state of the art bio-sciences and dedicated hemp processing facilities in Saskatoon.
4. Naturally Splendid USA (100% owned by NSP) http://www.naturallysplendidusa.com
Naturally Splendid USA is a wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. NSP-USA is a provider and distributor of products and ingredients derived from industrial hemp. They are dedicated setting new industry standards for sustainability, safety, and quality. NSP encourages an educated, scientific approach to the industrial hemp and cannabinoid industries to develop a clearly defined regulatory environment that will promote consumer safety and corporate accountability.
5. Cannabinoid Nutraceuticals (under development)
The potential value of the hemp crop for medicinal purposes is virtually undiscovered. Industrial hemp is known to be the best source of cannabidiol (CBD), which is known to provide relief from symptoms such as anxiety, stress, seizures, etc. It has been used to treat epilepsy, convulsions and inflammation. In partnership with Boreal Technologies and Full Spectrum Laboratories, NSP is bringing to market a comprehensive suite of CBD- related market-disruptive technologies, including CBD water solubility (a major breakthrough that facilitates major advances in the production of CBD-based medicines and supplements).
6. NATERA(TM) Superfoods (100% owned by NSP) http://www.nateralife.com
The NATERA(TM) line was launched in 2013. NATERA(TM) features a broad spectrum of hemp based food products including flavoured hemp seed and protein powders. NATERA(TM) products are available in retail outlets in Canada and the US.
7. Pawsitive FX(TM) Pet Care (100% owned by NSP) http://www.pawsitvefx.com
Pawsitive FX(TM) is a Canadian company dedicated to improving the health and happiness of your furry family members. The Pawsitive FX(TM) line launched in 2015 and features a wide of range of pet care products including a line of nose and paw balms, and will be launching a line of all natural shampoos. NSP proudly ensures that their products use 100% natural ingredients that are not only healthy and safe for pets, but that are also sustainable for the environment. Pawsitive FX(TM) products are currently available in retail outlets in Canada, and will be expanding into the US market.
8. CHII - Chi Hemp Industries Inc. (100% owned by NSP) http://www.chii.ca
Chi Hemp Industries Incorporated (CHII) is an International Limited Liability Corporation physically headquartered in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, with warehousing operations in both Victoria, Burnaby, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. This corporation is in the business of growing, supplying, facilitating and diversifying the commercial hemp industry, while encouraging a 100% sustainable approach to all aspects of the agriculture industry and commerce associated with it. CHII was incorporated in May of 1998 and has been actively working to promote the Canadian hemp industry ever since through a grassroots movement to re-educate the public on the many wonderful and beneficial virtues of the hemp seed plant. NSP has worked tirelessly at thousands of live events communicating one on one with tens of thousands of people from all over the world.
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SkyCapitalReport's and related interests: The author(s) who produced this research note, Mike Rodgers, are/is employees of SkyCapitalReport. Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. has not been visited by the authors. SkyCapitalReport and/or its employees and/or directors and associates hold equity positions in Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. and reserve the right to acquire or dispose of such positions in the future. SkyCapitalReport has, or will, receive a cash compensation from Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. to feature the company.
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Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. is a Canadian company with a global focus on redefining hemp and CBD via bio technology.
Mike Rodger 604-688-8231 mrodger@skycapitalreport.com
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