21.10.2005 02:21:00

Gold Banc Reports Net Earnings of $5.0 Million Compared With Year-Ago $1.8 Million Loss, Announces $20.0 Million Additional Stock Repurchase Authorization

Gold Banc Corporation, Inc. (Nasdaq:GLDB), todayannounced earnings for the quarter ended September 30, 2005 of $5.0million or $0.13 per share. This is an increase of $6.8 million overthe third quarter 2004 net loss of $1.8 million or $0.05 per share.Year to date earnings were $38.4 million or $1.00 per share comparedto $11.8 million or $0.29 per share in the prior year. Additionally,the board of directors authorized an expenditure of up to $20.0million for the repurchase of common stock, which is supplemental tothe $32.0 million of stock previously repurchased this year.

"The third-quarter's underlying performance was achieved despitethe recently announced settlement with the IRS which was mitigated byassociated recoveries from other parties," explained Chief ExecutiveOfficer Mick Aslin. "For instance, net loans and deposits, excludingbranch sales, were up 2.8% and 3.7%, respectively, for the quarter,and were up 11.4% and 8.4% year to date, respectively. The netinterest margin improved slightly, and our efficiency ratio hasimproved dramatically. Even so, our core earnings per share fell $0.03short of our target, primarily because of higher provision for loanlosses, lower-than-expected contribution from Gold Capital Managementand lower-than-projected net interest income due to nearly half of thenew loan volume coming the last ten days of the quarter."

Turning to the fourth-quarter outlook, Aslin anticipated coreearnings per share should approximate $0.24 - $0.25 ($0.27 - $0.28GAAP earnings including the settlement payment received in fourthquarter discussed below), with continued loan and deposit growthanticipated, as well as slight margin expansion if the Federal Reserveincreases rates on November 1.

"Most important," Aslin emphasized, "we remain confident about thevalidity of our strategy of focusing on our large metro markets, whichrank among the highest-growth Metropolitan Statistical Areas in thecountry. To capitalize on this enviable market positioning, over thenext three years we anticipate opening up to 12 new offices in ourFlorida and Midwest markets."

Aslin also reported that Gold Banc is implementing severalinitiatives aimed at contributing to consistent earnings growth. "Thesteps we are taking include a personal banking emphasis on newchecking accounts and attractive CD rates with other features that arebeing well-received by customers; new leadership in Business Bankingand Residential Real Estate Lending, which is focused on more targetedmarketing campaigns, and a renewed emphasis on Asset Management, TrustServices and Private Banking, all areas with significant growthpotential."

Although significantly improved over last year's third quarter,the results for this year's third quarter include a $3.5 millionsettlement agreement with the IRS, announced earlier this week. TheGold Bank Kansas (the "Bank") subsidiary entered into three settlementagreements with the IRS arising from the Bank's purchase of $14.2million in multifamily housing revenue bonds (the "Series C Bonds") in2001 and 2002. The Bank made a one-time $3.5 million cash payment infull settlement of all claims made by the IRS. The payment isreflected as income tax expense in the quarterly financial statements.The Bank didn't admit any liability or wrongdoing in connection withthe settlement. Further detail on the settlement can be obtained inthe related news release and Form 8-K, both dated October 17, 2005.

The Bank made a claim against the trustee of the Oklahoma Series CBonds. The trustee denied any wrongdoing in connection with theOklahoma Series C bonds. On September 29, 2005, the Bank entered intoa Settlement Agreement and Release with the trustee, pursuant to whichthe trustee made a cash payment of $1.4 million to the Bank and theBank released the trustee from liability in connection with the claimsdescribed above. This payment was received prior to the close of thequarter ended September 30, 2005 and was recorded as a reduction ofthe remaining principal of the Series C Bonds in the amount of $0.8million and a settlement gain in the amount of $0.6 million.

"The resulting net impact of these settlements per outstandingshare totaled approximately $0.08 in third quarter 2005. As indicatedin the October 17, 2005 press release, a $1.75 million additionalrecovery has been received and will be recorded as income in fourthquarter 2005 in the amount of approximately $0.03 per share net oftax. When all was said and done, these investments generated a netpositive return of approximately 5% based on currently known facts,"commented Aslin.

The following chart provides a reconciliation of GAAP net earningsto core earnings excluding unusual, non-recurring items in the resultsfor the three months ended September 30, 2005 and 2004:
3 Months 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months
Ended Ended Ended Ended
9/30/05 9/30/05 9/30/04 9/30/04
(amounts in (earnings (amounts in (earnings
millions) per share) millions) per share)
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
GAAP net earnings: $ 5.0 $ 0.13 $ (1.8) $ (0.05)
Gain on branch sales: - - - -
Bond impairment: - - 10.8 0.28
Qui tam settlement: - - 2.5 0.06
Bond trustee
settlement: (0.6) (0.02)
IRS settlement: 3.5 0.09 - -
Tax impact of
adjustments: 0.2 0.01 (3.8) (0.09)
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Core earnings: $ 8.1 $ 0.21 $ 7.7 $ 0.20
========== ========== ========== ==========

GAAP earnings ratios
Return on average
assets (annualized): 0.49% -0.17%
Return on average
equity (annualized): 7.10% -2.70%

Core earnings ratios
Return on average
assets (annualized): 0.79% 0.73%
Return on average
equity (annualized): 11.46% 11.28%

GAAP net earnings for the three months ended September 30, 2005were $5.0 million compared to a loss of $1.8 million for the prioryear. After adjusting for unusual, non-recurring items, core earningsfor the three months ended September 30, 2005 were $8.1 millioncompared to $7.7 million for the prior year. As with the nine-monthperiod, the provision for loan losses was higher in 2005 than in 2004due to loan growth as well as reclassification of credits as a resultof the ongoing internal loan review process. Net interest incomeimproved slightly due to growth in the spread between interest incomeon loans and investments and interest expense on deposits andborrowings over the same period last year. GAAP net earnings for thenine months ended September 30, 2005 were $38.4 million compared to$11.8 million for the prior year. After adjusting for unusual,non-recurring items, core earnings for the nine months ended September30, 2005 were $24.2 million compared to $21.9 million for the prioryear. The improvement was driven primarily by stronger net interestincome offset partially by the provision for loan losses, which was$2.6 million higher in 2005 than in 2004.

Net Interest Income

For third quarter 2005, net interest income after provision forloan loss was $27.5 million, compared to $28.5 million for thirdquarter 2004 and $27.2 million for second quarter 2005. The decreaseover the prior year is attributed to branch sales as well as thefollowing other factors. Interest income on loans increased $9.9million due primarily to rate increases with a lesser portion of theincrease attributable to loan growth. Interest income on investmentsdecreased $2.1 million due to declining principal balances from salesand maturities. Interest expense on deposits increased $5.3 millionalmost exclusively due to rate increases from recent market conditionsas well as a concerted effort to grow core deposits and positionourselves competitively. Interest expense on borrowings grew $2.0million due again to rate increases with some volume improvement as wehave shifted away from borrowings in favor of deposits. The provisionfor loan losses was up $1.6 million this quarter over the same quarterlast year due to significant loan growth as well as changes inclassifications of loans as we continue to review our portfolio.Changes in net interest income after provision for loan loss from thesecond quarter of 2005 are primarily due to a lower provision for loanlosses, offset by decreased earning assets resulting from branchsales, reduced interest income on investments as the portfolio hasdiminished, and increased rates on deposits and borrowings. The taxequivalent net interest margin for third quarter 2005 increased to3.10% from 2.99% for third quarter 2004 and from 3.07% for secondquarter 2005.

Non-Interest Income

Non-interest income totaled $6.8 million in third quarter 2005compared to a net expense of $4.5 million for third quarter 2004. Theexpense in 2004 was caused by an impairment charge taken on the SeriesC bonds of $10.8 million. Service fees are also down from a year agodue to branch sales as well as restructuring of insufficient funds andaccount analysis charges. This restructuring has negatively impactedfees for the year. The fee policy was adjusted during the thirdquarter, which resulted in higher service fees late in the quarter,but there was still a decline for the quarter. Investment trading feesand commissions are down from a year ago due to lower volume in ourinstitutional fixed income brokerage business. Non-interest income isnearly flat from second quarter 2005 after adjusting for the gain onbranch sales and loss on investment sales during second quarter.

Non-Interest Expense

Non-interest expense for third quarter 2005 was $21.3 million,compared to $26.9 million for third quarter 2004, which contained $2.5million of expenses associated with the settlement of qui tamlitigation. Salaries and employee benefits were down due to reductionsin wages due to branch sales, declines in ESOP expense due to lowerplan costs, and declines in stock compensation expense due to fewerrestricted stock grants than in the prior year. The current quarternon-interest expense was decreased from the prior quarter due again toreduced wages from branch sales as well as the donation of $1.5million made in the second quarter to the Gold Bank Foundation Fund.

Balance Sheet

As of September 30, 2005, Gold Banc total assets were $4.077billion including $2.991 billion total loans net of allowance and$769.4 million investment securities, and total deposits were $3.022billion. As of December 31, 2004, Gold Banc's total assets were $4.330billion, total loans net of allowance were $3.067 billion (includingloans held for sale), total investment securities were $916.0 million,and total deposits were $3.137 billion (including deposits held forsale). Loans and deposits held for sale at December 31, 2004 wereidentified for the then-pending transaction to sell five Oklahomabranches, which closed on June 17, 2005.

Excluding branch sale activity, net loan growth continued with$83.7 million or 2.8% added in third quarter 2005. Along with the$224.7 million added in first and second quarters of 2005, net loansafter branch sales have grown $308.4 million or 11.4% from $2.717billion at December 31, 2004. Excluding branch sales, deposits grew$108.6 million or 3.7% during third quarter 2005 in addition to theaggregate growth of $126.6 million in the first and second quarters of2005. For the year, deposits after branch sales have grown $235.2million or 8.4%, despite a reduction in brokered certificates ofdeposit. Brokered certificates of deposit totaled $377.1 million as ofSeptember 30, 2005, a $159.5 million reduction from $536.6 million atthe end of 2004 and a reduction of $29.7 million for the quarter. FHLBadvances were $411.8 million at September 30, 2005, a $160.1 millionreduction from $571.9 million at December 31, 2004, and a reduction of$75.1 million for the quarter. This combined reduction of $319.6million in brokered deposits and FHLB borrowings reflects Gold Banc'scommitment to move away from wholesale funding and to build coredeposits.

The $373.9 million available-for-sale securities portfolio iscomprised of $218.5 million in obligations of US government-sponsoredentities, $104.1 million of mortgage-backed securities, $41.4 millionof stock and other investments, $9.2 million in municipal securities,and $0.7 million in US Treasury securities. The average maturity ofnon-equity securities is approximately 4.2 years, or 2.8 yearsexcluding trust preferred securities. Held-to-maturity securitiestotal $391.1 million, and are comprised of $252.3 million inobligations of US government-sponsored entities, $76.6 million ofmortgage-backed securities, $44.5 million of trust-preferredsecurities, and $17.7 million of municipal securities.Held-to-maturity securities provide a degree of desirable insulationto our tangible equity level in a rising-interest-rate environment.

Credit Quality

Non-performing loans totaled $21.7 million or 0.72% of total loansat September 30, 2005, compared to $25.8 million or 0.88% of totalloans at June 30, 2005 and compared to $15.7 million or 0.51% of totalloans on December 31, 2004. Other real estate owned increased slightlyby $0.3 million from December 31, 2004 to $4.0 million as of September30, 2005. This is up from $3.8 million at June 30, 2005.Non-performing assets as a percentage of total assets decreased to0.63% on September 30, 2005, from 0.72% on June 30, 2005, but were upfrom 0.45% on December 31, 2004. These changes are primarily due tochanges in non-accrual loans. The provision for loan losses for thequarter was $2.1 million compared to $0.5 million in third quarter2004. On a year to date basis, the provision for loan losses in 2005was $7.4 million compared to $4.8 million in 2004. The 2005 increaseis due primarily to $308.4 million in net loan growth this year,specific reserves for individual credits, and changes inclassifications of loans to categories that merit greater allowances,reflecting our view of current economic trends and risk. The allowancefor loan losses was $34.2 million on September 30, 2005 compared to$33.6 million on June 30, 2005, and is 1.13% of loans currentlycompared to 1.14% of loans at June 30, 2005. The allowance was $32.1million or 1.03% of loans on December 31, 2004.


The capital levels of Gold Banc continue to be in excess of thewell-capitalized levels established by regulatory agencies. AtSeptember 30, 2005, the company's total capital ratio was 11.82%, itstier one ratio was 10.04% and, its leverage ratio was 8.43%. Capitalratios have grown from the previous year and the previous quarter dueto the Oklahoma branch sale, offset somewhat by stock repurchases asdiscussed below. Book value per share was $7.11 and tangible bookvalue was $6.22 on September 30, 2005, compared to $6.73 and $5.84,respectively, on December 31, 2004. Gold's equity to asset ratio atthe end of third quarter 2005 was 6.66%, increased from 6.24% atDecember 31, 2004. This ratio has improved since last year due to thecompletion of Gold's sale of five Oklahoma branches.

Share Repurchase

On October 19, 2005, the board of directors authorized anadditional expenditure of up to $20.0 million for the repurchase ofits outstanding common stock from time to time during the next twelvemonths in open market purchases and private transactions subject tomarket conditions, and as permitted by securities laws and other legalrequirements. On August 24, 2005, we completed the authorizedrepurchase of $32.0 million of outstanding common stock. The board ofdirectors authorized an initial repurchase in the amount of $12.0million on October 21, 2004 and an additional amount of $20.0 millionon April 18, 2005. A total of 2,234,339 shares were repurchasedbetween January 27, 2005 and August 24, 2005 at a total cost of $32.0million. The average price paid per share was $14.32. During thequarter, 508,000 shares of stock were repurchased at a total cost of$7.7 million (average cost per share of $15.14).


The Gold Banc board of directors declared a regular quarterlydividend of $0.05 per common share on October 19, 2005. The dividendwill be payable November 09, 2005 to shareholders of record as ofNovember 02, 2005. On April 18, 2005, the board increased the dividendfrom $0.03 per common share. Gold Banc has 38,205,194 sharesoutstanding as of September 30, 2005.

Organizational Improvement

In September, Gold Banc announced the consolidation of itsoperation departments into one Services Center in the Overland ParkInternational Trade Center. This move increases efficiency by bringingtogether over 200 associates who have been located in four differentfacilities. Aslin commented, "This consolidation allows our supportservices to work together more efficiently as we strive to achievemaximum operating leverage and customer service. It also allows spacefor more customer contact personnel in many of our banking locations."

Conference Call

A conference call has been scheduled for October 21, 2005 at 8:00a.m. (CDT) to discuss earnings and results of operations for the thirdquarter and strategic direction and goals. A transcript of the callwill be available at www.goldbanc.com on October 28, 2005.

To call in, please call:


Toll Free: 800-240-2430

The operator will ask which category each participant belongs inas follows:

1) Gold Banc Shareholders

2) Financial Analyst/Investment Managers

3) Associates

4) Media

About Gold Banc

Gold Banc is a $4.1 billion financial holding companyheadquartered in Leawood, Kansas, a part of the Kansas Citymetropolitan area. Gold Banc provides banking and asset managementservices in Florida, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma through 32 bankinglocations. Gold Banc is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol GLDB.

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information

The information included herein contains certain "forward-lookingstatements" with respect to the financial condition, results ofoperations, plans, objectives, future financial performance andbusiness of our company and its subsidiaries, including, withoutlimitation:

-- statements that are not historical in nature; and

-- statements preceded by, followed by or that include the words "believes," "expects," "may," "will," "should," "could," "anticipates," "estimates," "intends" or similar expressions.

Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of futureperformance or results. They involve risks, uncertainties andassumptions. Actual results may differ materially from thosecontemplated by the forward-looking statements due to, among others,the following factors:

-- We may experience potential reductions in deposits or loan demand;

-- Changes in interest margins on loans or deposits could adversely affect our profitability;

-- Changes in allowance for loan losses or increased loan defaults could adversely affect our earnings;

-- Changes in the interest rate environment could adversely affect loan demand, the cost of deposits, or the default rate on loans;

-- Competitive pressures from other financial services companies could adversely affect our business;

-- General economic conditions or conditions in real estate markets, either nationally or locally, could increase our exposure to loan losses;

-- Legislative or regulatory changes may adversely affect the business in which our company and its subsidiaries are engaged;

-- Adapting to technological changes may be more difficult or expensive than we anticipate;

-- Hedging activities may cause losses or be less effective than anticipated; and

-- Changes in securities markets may impact the value of our investments.

We have described under the caption "Factors That May AffectFuture Results of Operations, Financial Condition or Business" inExhibit 99.1 to the company's annual report on Form 10-K/A for 2004additional factors that could cause actual results to be materiallydifferent from those described in the forward-looking statements.Other factors that we have not identified under that caption couldalso have this effect. We undertake no obligation to publicly updateor revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of newinformation, future events or otherwise. You are cautioned not to putundue reliance on any forward-looking statement, which speaks only asof the date it was made. We will not confirm earnings guidance, updateprior guidance or provide further guidance privately, but only viapress release, in accordance with Regulation FD, or in a report filedunder the Exchange Act.

Financial Results Summary as of September 30, 2005

Three months ended Nine months ended
------------------- ---------------------
September September September September
30, 30, Percent 30, 30, Percent
2005 2004 change 2005 2004 change
---------------------------- ----------------------------

Per share
Diluted net
income per
share $ 0.13 -0.05 -364.8% $ 1.00 0.29 243.8%
Basic net
income per
share 0.13 -0.05 -368.4% 1.01 0.30 236.8%
per share 0.05 0.03 66.7% 0.15 0.09 66.7%
Book value
per share 7.11 6.59 7.9% 7.11 6.59 7.9%
equity per
share 6.22 5.67 9.6% 6.22 5.67 9.6%

diluted(1) 37,737 39,318 -4.0% 38,503 39,111 -1.6%
End of
period 38,205 40,184 -4.9% 38,205 40,184 -4.9%

(1) Dilution
due to
stock and
stock options.

Net interest
income $ 29,538 $ 28,930 2.1% $ 91,112 $ 84,949 7.3%
for loan
losses 2,087 459 354.6% 7,373 4,770 54.6%

Service fees 3,057 3,582 -14.7% 9,473 12,031 -21.3%
fees and
commissions 288 691 -58.4% 1,332 2,326 -42.7%
Net gains on
sale of
loans 383 307 24.8% 970 1,113 -12.9%
(losses) on
sale of
securities (6) (11,031) 99.9% (2,070) (10,894) 81.0%
Gain on sale
of branch
facilities - - 0.0% 34,420 20,574 67.3%
Gain on sale
of credit
portfolio - - 0.0% - 1,156 100.0%
insurance 957 949 0.9% 2,834 2,907 -2.5%
Trust fees 1,199 1,125 6.5% 3,705 3,345 10.8%
Other 913 (86) 1162.0% 1,272 1,104 15.2%
--------- ----------------- ---------- ---------------
Total other
income 6,791 (4,463) 252.2% 51,936 33,662 54.3%

Salaries and
benefits 10,752 12,427 -13.5% 36,627 39,019 -6.1%
Processing 1,518 1,943 -21.9% 5,082 5,958 -14.7%
expense 2,368 1,842 28.5% 5,870 5,337 10.0%
expense 1,958 1,759 11.3% 5,966 5,311 12.3%
Services 1,308 1,291 1.3% 4,189 5,081 -17.5%
Expenses for
of Qui Tam
net - 2,500 -100.0% - 16,500 100.0%
Other 3,374 5,093 -33.7% 13,410 16,360 -18.0%
--------- ----------------- ---------- ---------------
Total other
expense 21,278 26,855 -20.8% 71,144 93,566 -24.0%

earnings 12,964 (2,847) 555.4% 64,531 20,275 218.3%
Income taxes 7,968 (1,001) 896.0% 26,146 7,955 228.7%
operations - - 0.0% - (551) 100.0%
--------- ----------------- ---------- ---------------

Net earnings
(loss) $ 4,996 $ (1,846) 370.6% $ 38,385 $ 11,769 226.2%
========= ================= ========== ===============

Key ratios
Net interest
(FTE) 3.10% 2.99% 3.8% 3.05% 3.11% -1.7%
Net interest
(FTE) 2.65% 2.75% -3.7% 2.76% 2.89% -4.5%
ratio 58.57% 74.58% -21.5% 65.39% 64.94% 0.7%
Return on
for quarter) 0.49% -0.17% 380.4% 1.20% 0.37% 225.2%
Return on
for quarter) 7.10% -2.70% 362.7% 18.99% 5.88% 223.0%
Ratio of
equity to
assets 6.66% 6.19% 7.6% 6.66% 6.19% 7.6%

Financial Results Summary as of September 30, 2005

As of As of
--------------------- ---------
September September December
30, 30, Percent 31, Percent
2005 2004 change 2004 change
----------------------------- ------------------
Assets (in thousands)
Cash and due from
banks $ 66,609 $ 75,837 -12.2% $ 65,011 2.5%
Federal funds sold and
deposits 12,069 $ 90,893 -86.7% 43,286 -72.1%
Available-for-sale 373,976 $ 539,261 -30.7% 498,763 -25.0%
Held-to-maturity 391,116 $ 424,599 -7.9% 411,802 -5.0%
Trading 4,352 $ 2,329 86.9% 5,456 -20.2%
---------- ---------------- -----------------
Total investment
securities 769,444 $ 966,189 -20.4% 916,021 -16.0%

Loans 3,025,122 2,914,808 3.8% 2,716,700 11.4%
Allowance for loan
losses (34,222)$ (33,751) 1.4% (32,108) 6.6%
---------- ---------------- -----------------
Net loans 2,990,900 $2,881,057 3.8% 2,684,592 11.4%

Mortgage loans held-
for-sale, net 16,049 $ 6,045 165.5% 5,724 180.4%
Premises and
equipment, net 52,974 $ 58,640 -9.7% 51,613 2.6%
Goodwill 29,252 $ 30,484 -4.0% 30,484 -4.0%
Other intangible
assets, net 4,773 $ 5,524 -13.6% 5,336 -10.6%
Accrued interest and
other assets 48,956 $ 66,160 -26.0% 57,807 -15.3%
Cash surrender value
of bank-owned life
insurance 85,744 $ 82,139 4.4% 82,992 3.3%
Assets held for sale - $ - 0.0% 387,510 -100.0%
---------- ---------------- -----------------

Total assets $4,076,770 $4,262,968 -4.4% $4,330,376 -5.9%
========== ================ =================

(in thousands)
Deposits $3,021,981 $3,073,433 -1.7% $2,786,774 8.4%
Securities sold
under agreements
to repurchase 128,359 154,348 -16.8% 112,205 14.4%
Federal funds
purchased and other
short-term borrowings 1,896 1,055 79.8% 2,463 -23.0%
Subordinated debt 116,599 116,134 0.4% 116,599 0.0%
Long-term borrowings 495,985 601,796 -17.6% 661,534 -25.0%
Accrued interest and
other liabilities 40,321 52,258 -22.8% 30,231 33.4%
Liabilities held for
sale - - 0.0% 350,186 -100.0%
---------- ---------------- -----------------
Total liabilities 3,805,141 3,999,024 -4.8% 4,059,992 -6.3%

Stockholders' equity:
Preferred stock - - 0.0% - 0.0%
Common stock 45,264 44,874 0.9% 45,011 0.6%
Additional paid-in
capital 133,470 129,567 3.0% 129,381 3.2%
Retained earnings 179,629 140,247 28.1% 146,360 22.7%
Accumulated other
comprehensive income
(loss), net (9,834) (5,917) 66.2% (6,007) 63.7%
Unearned compensation (10,611) (10,538) 0.7% (10,072) 5.4%
---------- ---------------- -----------------
337,918 298,233 13.3% 304,673 10.9%

Less treasury stock (66,289) (34,289) 93.3% (34,289) 93.3%
---------- ---------------- -----------------
Total equity 271,629 263,944 2.9% 270,384 0.5%

Total liabilities and
equity $4,076,770 $4,262,968 -4.4% $4,330,376 -5.9%
========== ================ =================

Capital Ratios
Leverage ratio 8.43% 7.70% 9.5% 7.75% 8.8%
Tier 1 risk-based
capital ratio 10.04% 9.62% 4.4% 9.32% 7.7%
Total risk-based
capital ratio 11.82% 11.54% 2.4% 11.08% 6.7%

Financial Results Summary as of September 30, 2005

Three months ended
September 30, September 30, Percent
2005 2004 change
-------------- --------------------
Average Assets (in thousands)
Cash and due from banks $ 61,683 $ 65,301 -5.5%
Federal funds sold and interest-
bearing deposits 16,988 33,367 -49.1%
Investment securities:
Available-for-sale 378,594 607,583 -37.7%
Held-to-maturity 394,149 404,329 -2.5%
Trading 3,016 2,251 34.0%
------------ -------------------
Total investment securities 775,759 1,014,163 -23.5%

Loans 2,984,575 2,877,703 3.7%
Allowance for loan losses (34,075) (34,497) -1.2%
------------ -------------------
Net loans 2,950,500 2,843,206 3.8%

Mortgage loans held-for-sale, net 7,667 4,134 85.4%
Premises and equipment, net 53,581 56,143 -4.6%
Goodwill 29,252 30,484 -4.0%
Other intangible assets, net 4,897 5,647 -13.3%
Accrued interest and other assets 54,999 53,376 3.0%
Cash surrender value of bank-owned
life insurance 85,209 81,565 4.5%
------------ -------------------

Total assets $ 4,040,535 $ 4,187,387 -3.5%
============ ===================

Average Liabilities and
Shareholders' Equity (in
Deposits $ 2,893,557 $ 2,998,407 -3.5%
Securities sold under agreements
to repurchase 109,238 146,124 -25.2%
Federal funds purchased and other
short-term borrowings 4,927 (1,612) 405.7%
Subordinated debt 116,599 115,751 0.7%
Long-term borrowings 592,051 617,248 -4.1%
Accrued interest and other
liabilities 44,963 40,392 11.3%
------------ -------------------
Total liabilities 3,761,335 3,916,310 -4.0%

Stockholders' equity:
Preferred stock - - 0.0%
Common stock 45,258 44,868 0.9%
Additional paid-in capital 133,368 132,384 0.7%
Retained earnings 182,139 147,531 23.5%
Accumulated other comprehensive
income (loss), net (7,423) (8,490) -12.6%
Unearned compensation (11,639) (10,927) 6.5%
------------ -------------------
341,703 305,367 11.9%

Less treasury stock (62,503) (34,289) 82.3%
------------ -------------------
Total equity 279,200 271,078 3.0%

Total liabilities and stockholders'
equity $ 4,040,535 $ 4,187,387 -3.5%
============ ===================

Nine months ended
September 30, September 30, Percent
2005 2004 change
Average Assets (in thousands)
Cash and due from banks $ 66,467 $ 65,236 1.9%
Federal funds sold and interest-
bearing deposits 41,194 63,896 -35.5%
Investment securities:
Available-for-sale 444,889 757,791 -41.3%
Held-to-maturity 400,256 263,321 52.0%
Trading 3,623 3,519 3.0%
------------- -------------------
Total investment securities 848,769 1,024,631 -17.2%

Loans 3,099,762 2,891,631 7.2%
Allowance for loan losses (32,973) (34,461) -4.3%
------------- -------------------
Net loans 3,066,789 2,857,170 7.3%

Mortgage loans held-for-sale, net 6,582 4,422 48.8%
Premises and equipment, net 55,568 58,336 -4.7%
Goodwill 30,006 30,812 -2.6%
Other intangible assets, net 5,110 5,864 -12.9%
Accrued interest and other assets 55,061 51,939 6.0%
Cash surrender value of bank-owned
life insurance 84,281 80,896 4.2%
------------- -------------------

Total assets $ 4,259,826 $ 4,243,201 0.4%
============= ===================

Average Liabilities and
Shareholders' Equity (in
Deposits $ 3,091,499 $ 3,052,450 1.3%
Securities sold under agreements
to repurchase 120,376 134,230 -10.3%
Federal funds purchased and other
short-term borrowings 7,114 (427)1767.5%
Subordinated debt 116,599 122,106 -4.5%
Long-term borrowings 614,295 634,152 -3.1%
Accrued interest and other
liabilities 39,645 33,240 19.3%
------------- -------------------
Total liabilities 3,989,527 3,975,752 0.3%

Stockholders' equity:
Preferred stock - - 0.0%
Common stock 45,166 44,765 0.9%
Additional paid-in capital 131,629 127,126 3.5%
Retained earnings 163,556 146,720 11.5%
Accumulated other comprehensive
income (loss), net (8,209) (5,399) 52.0%
Unearned compensation (11,113) (11,472) -3.1%
------------- -------------------
321,029 301,738 6.4%

Less treasury stock (50,730) (34,289) 47.9%
------------- -------------------
Total equity 270,299 267,449 1.1%

Total liabilities and stockholders'
equity $ 4,259,826 $ 4,243,201 0.4%
============= ===================

Financial Results Summary as of September 30, 2005

Three months ended Nine months ended
------------------- -------------------
September September September September
30, 30, Percent 30, 30, Percent
2005 2004 change 2005 2004 change
--------- --------- ------- --------- --------- -------
Credit Quality
Net charge-
offs (in
thousands) $ 1,402 $ 781 79.5% $ 2,957 $ 3,117 -5.1%
Net charge-
for quarter) 0.19% 0.11% 72.9% 0.13% 0.14% -8.6%
Allowance for
loan losses
thousands) $(34,222) $(33,751) 1.4% $(34,222) $(33,751) 1.4%
Allowance for
loans 1.13% 1.16% -2.5% 1.13% 1.16% -2.5%
loans (in
thousands) $ 21,696 $ 21,957 -1.2% $ 21,696 $ 21,957 -1.2%
loans 0.72% 0.75% -3.9% 0.72% 0.75% -3.9%
Allowance for
loans 157.74% 153.71% 2.6% 157.74% 153.71% 2.6%
Other real
estate owned 4,015 11,448 -64.9% 4,015 11,448 -64.9%

(fully tax
Loans, gross 6.79% 5.68% 19.5% 6.49% 5.56% 16.8%
taxable 3.48% 3.89% -10.8% 3.70% 3.67% 0.6%
nontaxable 3.72% 3.44% 7.9% 3.58% 9.84% -63.6%
Other earning
assets 9.33% 2.73% 242.3% 3.47% 10.16% -65.8%
-------- -------- ------ -------- -------- -------
Total earnings
assets 6.13% 5.17% 18.6% 5.86% 5.28% 11.0%

deposits and
checking 2.33% 1.06% 120.1% 2.02% 0.98% 106.0%
Time deposits 3.39% 2.64% 28.7% 3.13% 2.62% 19.8%
borrowings 1.78% 1.10% 61.9% 1.51% 1.10% 37.9%
borrowings 5.84% 3.68% 58.5% 4.74% 3.66% 29.6%
-------- -------- ------ -------- -------- -------
liabilities 3.48% 2.42% 43.9% 3.10% 2.39% 29.6%

Net interest
spread 2.65% 2.75% -3.7% 2.76% 2.89% -4.5%
======== ======== ====== ======== ======== =======

Net interest
margin 3.10% 2.99% 3.8% 3.05% 3.11% -1.7%
======== ======== ====== ======== ======== =======

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