24.09.2015 19:32:00

Unipeg Merger Corp. -- Moody's assigns B3 CFR to DigiCert; outlook stable

New York, September 24, 2015 -- Moody's Investors Service assigned to Unipeg Merger Corp., which will be merged into DigiCert, Inc. (DigiCert), a first-time B3 Corporate Family Rating (CFR) and a B3-PD probability of default rating. Moody's also assigned a B1 rating to DigiCert's proposed first lien credit facilities comprising a $15 million revolving credit facility and a $220 million term loan facility. The proceeds from the 1st lien credit facilities and $110 million of second lien term loans (not rated) will be used to finance the acquisition of a majority interest in DigiCert's direct parent, DigiCert Holdings, Inc., by funds affiliated with Thoma Bravo LLC. TA Associates and management will retain a minority interest in the company after the acquisition. The ratings have a stable outlook.

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