24.06.2013 22:22:00
NKNK Finance plc -- Moody's changes outlook on NKNK's Ba3 rating to positive
London, 24 June 2013 -- Moody's Investors Service has today changed OJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim's ("NKNK") rating outlook to positive from stable and affirmed its Ba3 corporate family rating (CFR), Ba3-PD probability of default rating and Ba3 senior unsecured notes rating (with a loss given default (LGD) assessment of LGD4, 51%) issued by NKNK Finance plc., which reflects a strengthening of the company's standalone profile (baseline credit assessment (BCA)) within the b1 category. The other rating inputs -- support, dependence and the rating of NKNK's major shareholder, the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia), currently rated Ba1, stable -- remain unchanged.