19.09.2013 07:36:00
Moody's: No rating impact on SMHL Private Placement Trust 2008-1 after substitution
Sydney, September 19, 2013 -- Moody's Investors Service announced that SMHL Private Placement Trust 2008-1's substitution of approximately AUD 29 million of mortgage loans today would not, in and of itself and as of this time, result in the reduction or withdrawal of the rating of the Class A1 notes issued by Perpetual Limited in its capacity as trustee of SMHL Private Placement Trust 2008-1. Moody's opinion addresses only the credit impact of the action, and Moody's is not expressing any opinion as to whether the action has, or could have other, non-credit related effects that may have a detrimental impact on the interests of note holders and/or counterparties.