25.06.2015 18:51:00
Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A. -- Moody's affirms Infraestruturas de Portugal's Ba2 ratings; stable outlook
London, 25 June 2015 -- Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) has today affirmed the Ba2 corporate family rating (CFR) and senior unsecured rating, the Ba2-PD probability of default rating (PDR) and the (P)Ba2 EUR3 billion EMTN rating of Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A. (IP). Concurrently, Moody's also affirmed the (P)Ba1 rating of IP's EUR3 billion EMTN programme, which provides for the issuance of government-guaranteed notes, and the Ba1 rating of government-guaranteed notes issued under the programme. The outlook on all the ratings is stable.