12.12.2024 22:00:00

Results of the votes of the Combined Shareholders’ General Meeting of December 11, 2024

Daix (France), New York City (New York, United States), December 11, 2024 Inventiva (Euronext Paris and Nasdaq: IVA) (the "Company”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of oral small molecule therapies for the treatment of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis ("MASH”), also known as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis ("NASH”), and other diseases with significant unmet medical needs, today announced the results of the votes of its Combined Shareholders’ Meeting.  

The Combined Shareholders' Meeting was held on Wednesday December 11, 2024, at 9 a.m. at Hôtel Oceania Le Jura, 14 avenue Foch, 21000 Dijon (France), under the chairmanship of Mr. Frédéric Cren, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and cofounder of Inventiva.  

Mr. Frederic Cren proceeded to the usual formalities of the opening of the meeting, in particular to the constitution of the Bureau by appointing Mr. Pierre Broqua and Mr. Jean Volatier, as tellers, as well as Mr. Eric Duranson, as secretary of the general meeting.

All the resolutions submitted to vote have been adopted by the shareholders, with the exception of the 59th resolution, which had been the subject of a negative recommendation by the Board of Directors. The 59th resolution would have empowered the Board of Directors to decide on share capital increases reserved for members of a company savings plan to be set up by the Company.

Pursuant to Article R. 22-10-14 IV. of the French Commercial Code, the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting approved, without modification, the compensation policy for corporate officers as presented in the report of the Board of Directors (Schedules 1 to 4, pages 27 and seq.).

Information on the results of the votes is detailed below:

  • Total number of shares composing the share capital: 87 077 695
  • Total number of shares with voting rights: 86 962 703


Ordinary part Extraordinary part
Shareholders Shares Votes Shareholders Shares Votes

Shareholders present 2 13 000 13 000 2 13 000 13 000

Proxy to third parties 0 0 0 0 0 0

Proxy to the Chairman 111 4 701 495 4 770 465 111 4 701 495 4 770 465

Mail votes 72 64 628 619 76 624 677 72 64 628 619 76 624 677

TOTAL 185 69 343 114 81 408 142 185 69 343 114 81 408 142

Quorum 79,738 % 79,738 %

Ordinary Resolutions

ResolutionResultForAgainstAbstentionTotal number of votes castNumber of represented sharesProportion of represented share capitalNon- voting votesInvalid votesQuorum
1Adopted81 065 22999,58 %341 4250,42 %1 488­-

81 406 65469 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
2Adopted81 066 14999,58 %340 5050,42 %1 488-81 406 65469 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
3Adopted64 373 07899,40 %386 5370,60 %16 648 527-64 759 61569 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
4Adopted81 021 68899,53 %383 9210,47 %2 533­-81 405 60969 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %

Extraordinary Resolutions

ResolutionResultForAgainstAbstentionTotal number of votes castNumber of represented sharesProportion of represented share capitalNon- voting votesInvalid votesQuorum
5Adopted81 357 49399,96 %31 2970,04 %19 352­-81 388 79069 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
6Adopted73 651 64299,99 %10 8530,01 %2 730 107­-73 662 49564 327 57473,873 %5 015 540078,498 %
7Adopted73 651 97299,99 %10 5230,01 %7 745 647­-73 662 49569 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
8Adopted72 649 41999,99 %10 5230,01 %1 267 546­-72 659 94264 073 71073,582 %7 480 654078,432 %
9Adopted74 537 48399,99 %10 5230,01 %3 544 556­-74 548 00666 027 53475,826 %3 315 580078,935 %
10Adopted75 120 71899,99 %10 8830,01 %1 267 921­-75 131 60164 334 49473,881 %5 008 620078,500 %
11Adopted72 946 90699,99 %10 5230,01 %1 267 921­-72 957 42962 160 32271,384 %7 182 792077,914 %
12Adopted78 507 66999,99 %10 8830,01 %1 267 521­-78 518 55267 721 04577,770 %1 622 069079,353 %
13Adopted75 603 87699,99 %10 8830,01 %1 267 521­-75 614 75964 817 25274,436 %4 525 862078,626 %
14Adopted79 586 99699,99 %10 5230,01 %1 267 521­-79 597 51968 800 01279,009 %543 102079,611 %
15Adopted77 112 49799,99 %10 8830,01 %2 323 555­-77 123 38067 381 90777,381 %1 961 207079,271 %
16Adopted77 109 34299,98 %14 0380,02 %3 228 728­-77 123 38068 287 08078,420 %1 056 034079,489 %
17Adopted78 074 46099,98 %14 0380,02 %1 267 921­-78 088 49867 291 39177,277 %2 051 723079,249 %
18Adopted76 008 14799,99 %10 5230,01 %1 267 921­-76 018 67065 221 56374,900 %4 121 551078,730 %
19Adopted78 923 20299,99 %10 5230,01 %1 267 521­-78 933 72568 136 21878,247 %1 206 896079,453 %
20Adopted79 828 35099,99 %10 5230,01 %1 267 546­-79 838 87369 041 39179,287 %301 723079,668 %
21Adopted79 828 05099,99 %10 5230,01 %1 267 846­-79 838 57369 041 39179,287 %301 723079,668 %
22Adopted79 526 62799,99 %10 5220,01 %1 267 546­-79 537 14968 739 66778,940 %603 447079,597 %
23Adopted81 359 86799,96 %33 0950,04 %15 180­-81 392 96269 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
24Adopted71 582 91299,98 %11 5230,02 %5 634 249­-71 594 43565 163 65674,833 %4 179 458078,715 %
25Adopted71 583 31299,98 %11 5220,02 %6 726 444­-71 594 83466 256 25076,088 %3 086 864078,993 %
26Adopted71 583 31299,98 %11 5220,02 %9 416 262­-71 594 83468 946 06879,177 %397 046079,645 %
27Adopted71 583 67299,98 %11 5220,02 %9 616 857­-71 595 19469 147 02379,408 %196 091079,693 %
28Adopted73 651 04599,98 %11 5220,02 %2 730 035­-73 662 56764 327 57473,873 %5 015 540078,498 %
29Adopted73 651 04599,98 %11 5220,02 %7 745 575­-73 662 56769 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
30Adopted78 506 74299,99 %11 5220,01 %1 267 809­-78 518 26467 721 04577,770 %1 622 069079,353 %
31Adopted75 602 94999,98 %11 5230,02 %1 267 808­-75 614 47264 817 25274,436 %4 525 862078,626 %
32Adopted80 129 17199,99 %11 5220,01 %1 267 449­-80 140 69369 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
33Adopted81 369 60599,97 %21 0770,03 %17 460­-81 390 68269 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
34Adopted72 648 51799,98 %11 5470,02 %1 267 424­-72 660 06464 073 71073,582 %7 480 654078,432 %
35Adopted74 536 58199,98 %11 5220,02 %3 544 459­-74 548 10366 027 53475,826 %3 315 580078,935 %
36Adopted75 120 19199,98 %11 5230,02 %1 267 808­-75 131 71464 334 49473,881 %5 008 620078,500 %
37Adopted72 946 38099,98 %11 5220,02 %1 267 448­-72 957 90262 160 32271,384 %7 182 792077,914 %
38Adopted78 506 74299,99 %11 5220,01 %1 267 809­-78 518 26467 721 04577,770 %1 622 069079,353 %
39Adopted75 603 30999,98 %11 5220,02 %1 267 449­-75 614 83164 817 25274,436 %4 525 862078,626 %
40Adopted79 586 07099,99 %11 5220,01 %1 267 448­-79 597 59268 800 01279,009 %543 102079,611 %
41Adopted77 111 57199,99 %11 5220,01 %2 323 842­-77 123 09367 381 90777,381 %1 961 207079,271 %
42Adopted77 111 57099,99 %11 5230,01 %3 229 015­-77 123 09368 287 08078,420 %1 056 034079,489 %
43Adopted78 077 44999,99 %11 5470,01 %1 267 423­-78 088 99667 291 39177,277 %2 051 723079,249 %
44Adopted76 007 62199,98 %11 5220,02 %1 267 448­-76 019 14365 221 56374,900 %4 121 551078,730 %
45Adopted78 922 27699,99 %11 5220,01 %1 267 448­-78 933 79868 136 21878,247 %1 206 896079,453 %
46Adopted79 827 08999,99 %11 5220,01 %1 267 808­-79 838 61169 041 39179,287 %301 723079,668 %
47Adopted79 827 08899,99 %8 5220,01 %1 270 809­-79 835 61069 041 39179,287 %301 723079,668 %
48Adopted79 525 72499,99 %11 5230,01 %1 267 448­-79 537 24768 739 66778,940 %603 447079,597 %
49Adopted81 369 44699,97 %20 7770,03 %17 919­-81 390 22369 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
50Adopted71 583 67299,98 %11 5230,02 %5 633 489­-71 595 19565 163 65674,833 %4 179 458078,715 %
51Adopted71 583 67399,98 %11 5220,02 %6 726 083­-71 595 19566 256 25076,088 %3 086 864078,993 %
52Adopted71 583 67399,98 %11 5220,02 %9 415 901­-71 595 19568 946 06879,177 %397 046079,645 %
53Adopted71 583 67399,99 %8 5220,01 %9 619 856­-71 592 19569 147 02379,408 %196 091079,693 %
54Adopted73 651 04599,98 %11 5230,02 %2 730 034­-73 662 56864 327 57473,873 %5 015 540078,498 %
55Adopted73 651 04699,98 %11 5220,02 %7 745 574­-73 662 56869 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
56Adopted75 603 34099,98 %11 4920,02 %1 267 448­-75 614 83264 817 25274,436 %4 525 862078,626 %
57Adopted80 129 20199,99 %11 4930,01 %1 267 448­-80 140 69469 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
58Adopted81 020 28099,54 %372 8590,46 %15 003­-81 393 13969 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
59Rejected7 685 9049,76 %71 063 23190,24 %2 659 007­-78 749 13569 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
60Adopted75 436 35192,67 %5 970 2637,33 %1 528­-81 406 61469 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
61Adopted81 029 21599,54 %376 2990,46 %2 628­-81 405 51469 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
62Adopted81 014 25199,53 %379 2380,47 %14 653­-81 393 48969 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
63Adopted79 403 90599,54 %367 5400,46 %1 636 697­-79 771 44569 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %


Ordinary Resolutions

ResolutionResultForAgainstAbstentionTotal number of votes castNumber of represented sharesProportion of represented share capitalNon- voting votesInvalid votesQuorum
64Adopted76 371 03193,82 %5 034 1336,18 %2 978­-81 405 16469 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
65Adopted72 500 04499,51 %359 5960,49 %8 548 502­-72 859 64069 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %
66Adopted81 391 05099,98 %16 7040,02 %388­-81 407 75469 343 11479,633 %0079,738 %


About Inventiva 

Inventiva is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the research and development of oral small molecule therapies for the treatment of patients with MASH/NASH and other diseases with significant unmet medical need. The Company benefits from a strong expertise and experience in the domain of compounds targeting nuclear receptors, transcription factors and epigenetic modulation. Inventiva is currently advancing one clinical candidate, has a pipeline of two preclinical programs and continues to explore other development opportunities to add to its pipeline.

Inventiva’s lead product candidate, lanifibranor, is currently in a pivotal phase 3 clinical trial, NATiV3, for the treatment of adult patients with MASH/NASH, a common and progressive chronic liver disease.

Inventiva’s pipeline also includes odiparcil, a drug candidate for the treatment of adult MPS VI patients. As part of Inventiva’s decision to focus clinical efforts on the development of lanifibranor, it suspended its clinical efforts relating to odiparcil and is reviewing available options with respect to its potential further development. Inventiva is also in the process of selecting a candidate for its Hippo signaling pathway program.

The Company has a scientific team of approximately 90 people with deep expertise in the fields of biology, medicinal and computational chemistry, pharmacokinetics and pharmacology, and clinical development. It owns an extensive library of approximately 240,000 pharmacologically relevant molecules, approximately 60% of which are proprietary, as well as a wholly-owned research and development facility.

Inventiva is a public company listed on compartment B of the regulated market of Euronext Paris (ticker: IVA, ISIN: FR0013233012) and on the Nasdaq Global Market in the United States (ticker: IVA).




Pascaline Clerc, PhD
EVP, Strategy and Corporate Affairs
   +1 202 499 8937
Brunswick Group
Tristan Roquet Montegon /
Aude Lepreux /
Julia Cailleteau
Media relations

   +33 1 53 96 83 83
Westwicke, an ICR Company
Patricia L. Bank
Investor relations

         +1 415 513-1284


Important Notice

This press release contains "forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release are forward-looking statements.

These statements include, but are not limited to, forecasts and estimates with respect to Inventiva’s pre-clinical programs and clinical trials, including design, duration, timing, recruitment costs, screening and enrollment for those trials, including the ongoing NATiV3 Phase III clinical trial with lanifibranor in MASH/NASH, clinical trial data releases and publications, the information, insights and impacts that may be gathered from clinical trials, the potential therapeutic benefits of Inventiva’s product candidates, including lanifibranor, potential regulatory submissions, approvals and commercialization, Inventiva’s pipeline and preclinical and clinical development plans, the expected benefit of having received Breakthrough Therapy Designation, including its impact on the development and review timeline of Inventiva’s product candidates, the potential development of and regulatory pathway for odiparcil, and future activities, expectations, plans, growth and prospects of Inventiva and its partners. Certain of these statements, forecasts and estimates can be recognized by the use of words such as, without limitation, "believes”, "anticipates”, "expects”, "intends”, "plans”, "seeks”, "estimates”, "may”, "will”, "would”, "could”, "might”, "should”, "designed”, "hopefully”, "target”, "potential”, "opportunity”, "possible”, "aim”, and "continue” and similar expressions. Such statements are not historical facts but rather are statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management's beliefs. These statements reflect such views and assumptions prevailing as of the date of the statements and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause future results, performance, or future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Actual events are difficult to predict and may depend upon factors that are beyond Inventiva's control. There can be no guarantees with respect to pipeline product candidates that the clinical trial results will be available on their anticipated timeline, that future clinical trials will be initiated as anticipated, that product candidates will receive the necessary regulatory approvals, or that any of the anticipated milestones by Inventiva or its partners will be reached on their expected timeline, or at all. Future results may turn out to be materially different from the anticipated future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements, forecasts and estimates, due to a number of factors, including that Inventiva cannot provide assurance on the impacts of the Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction (SUSAR) on enrollment or the ultimate impact on the results or timing of the NATiV3 trial or regulatory matters with respect thereto, that Inventiva is a clinical-stage company with no approved products and no historical product revenues, Inventiva has incurred significant losses since inception, Inventiva has a limited operating history and has never generated any revenue from product sales, Inventiva will require additional capital to finance its operations, in the absence of which, Inventiva may be required to significantly curtail, delay or discontinue one or more of its research or development programs or be unable to expand its operations or otherwise capitalize on its business opportunities and may be unable to continue as a going concern, Inventiva’s ability to obtain financing and to enter into potential transactions, Inventiva's future success is dependent on the successful clinical development, regulatory approval and subsequent commercialization of current and any future product candidates, preclinical studies or earlier clinical trials are not necessarily predictive of future results and the results of Inventiva's and its partners’ clinical trials may not support Inventiva's and its partners’ product candidate claims, Inventiva's expectations with respect to its clinical trials may prove to be wrong and regulatory authorities may require holds and/or amendments to Inventiva’s clinical trials, Inventiva’s expectations with respect to the clinical development plan for lanifibranor for the treatment of MASH/NASH may not be realized and may not support the approval of a New Drug Application, Inventiva and its partners may encounter substantial delays beyond expectations in their clinical trials or fail to demonstrate safety and efficacy to the satisfaction of applicable regulatory authorities, the ability of Inventiva and its partners to recruit and retain patients in clinical studies, enrollment and retention of patients in clinical trials is an expensive and time-consuming process and could be made more difficult or rendered impossible by multiple factors outside Inventiva's and its partners’ control, Inventiva's product candidates may cause adverse drug reactions or have other properties that could delay or prevent their regulatory approval, or limit their commercial potential, Inventiva faces substantial competition and Inventiva’s and its partners' business, and preclinical studies and clinical development programs and timelines, its financial condition and results of operations could be materially and adversely affected by geopolitical events, such as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and related sanctions, impacts and potential impacts on the initiation, enrollment and completion of Inventiva’s and its partners’ clinical trials on anticipated timelines and the state of war between Israel and Hamas and the related risk of a larger conflict, health epidemics, and macroeconomic conditions, including global inflation, rising interest rates, uncertain financial markets and disruptions in banking systems. Given these risks and uncertainties, no representations are made as to the accuracy or fairness of such forward-looking statements, forecasts, and estimates. Furthermore, forward-looking statements, forecasts and estimates only speak as of the date of this press release. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking statements.

Please refer to the Universal Registration Document for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers on April 3, 2024 as amended on October 14, 2024, and the Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 3, 2024, and the Half-Year Report for the six months ended June 30, 2024 on Form 6-K filed with the SEC on October 15, 2024. Other risks and uncertainties of which Inventiva is not currently aware may also affect its forward-looking statements and may cause actual results and the timing of events to differ materially from those anticipated. All information in this press release is as of the date of the release. Except as required by law, Inventiva has no intention and is under no obligation to update or review the forward-looking statements referred to above. Consequently, Inventiva accepts no liability for any consequences arising from the use of any of the above statements.


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