23.02.2016 13:58:36
Photocat A/S : Reports highest sales of photocatalytic materials in 2015
Photocat completed Initial Public Offering on Nasdaq First North Stockholm. The Company raised SEK 14.6 m. First day of trading in November 2015.
Signed agreements with 2 important customers in Photocat Garden and Shine-On business. The agreements will secure important distribution of Photocat products.
after the period
Entered agreement with Quandt Dachbahnen in Berlin aiming at supplying the Berlin area with Roofing membranes to reduce the consequences of Dieselgate.
Entered agreement with Binné & Sohn GmbH in Hamburg aimed at offering a range of NOx reducing bitumen membranes. The products will be marketed through Binné & Sohn existing points of sales.
The Fourth Quarter was a busy quarter where many customer leads put Photocat on hold position as they expressed uncertainty on whether the Paris COP 21 turned out positive. Furthermore, they wanted to see Photocat results of the Initial Public Offering in the 4th quarter. In Q4 Photocat had tested its sales set up and verified through focused actions on specific customers the ability to sell technology solutions using Photocat air purifying technology. 2015 became the first year where Photocat converted from offering consultancy services to delivering photocatalysts. Photocat delivered more than 10 ton of catalyst in 2015 which is an all-time high and shows that we have got a base of solid recurring customers, who believes in the NOxOFF technology. The expected upturn in turnover is expected to be delayed with 6 to 9 months based on the developments in the second half and particular last quarter of 2015.
From the point of getting customers to sign-in with the NOxOFF concept we could see that the lead portfolio of Photocat proved to be genuine although it took longer than expected to land the 2 most recent NOxOFF Bitumen customers. It also became clear that the specific leads wanted to see the outcome of Photocat's IPO before starting the production of NOxOFF solutions. The turnover landed below 2015 expectations due to a later listing date than expected. Photocat has since the start of 2016 entered into agreements securing significant growth in sales of Photocatalyst in 2016 as the orders at present is higher than the total volumes delivered in 2015.
The IPO resulted in a success on the first day of trading as both volume in share sales where higher than average for First North listed companies. The outcome of the IPO gave Photocat sufficient funds to operate and implement first part of the strategy plan. Yet it may be that Photocat will try to exploit the mandate at hand to increase the share capital and raise additional capital in 2016. Photocat has credit lines available from its financial institution which will be reviewed in order to see whether these facilities should be enlarged or reduced.
In the aftermath of the COP21 it became clear that the matter of air pollution is a major world health problem and not only in China. Today the most air polluted cities are estimated to be in India and since the publication in Environmental Pollution from the Dutch research group from Radboud University it is clear that Dieselgate alone will cost enormous resources and mean 45.000 Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY's). Photocat believe that these result will to a greater extent than earlier force political decision makers to react and appreciate documentation based solutions to reduce NOx in the air similar to what Photocat offers.
Financial Summary of the year 2015
Photocats first year of transformation from R&D Company ended with a strong growth in volume sales of our photocatalyst in both Photocat GardenTM, NOxOFFTM, Shine-OnTM and ACTIFLOORTM. In all 4 product categories volume is up to all time high levels. What is promising for 2016 is that we have orders for higher volumes than we delivered in 2015 for all product categories.
To meet the demands and to be able to deliver on time to the customers, Photocat has increased production of photocatalytic materials and increased inventory.hone: +45 70 22 50 55016)07.2016 - 31.ing d economically to degrade NOx ed materials s that we have orders for higher volumes t
2015 was also the first year we recorded sales in all four product families.
Photocat A/S manufactures patented photocatalytic materials for both outdoor and indoor applications with the effect to degrade NOx and VOCs when exposed to light. Both NOx and VOCs are severely damaging to human health. Photocats patented technology is a very efficient and economically viable alternative to many of the traditional technologies targeting NOx.
Photocats shares was listed in Nasdaq First North in Stockholm November 20, 2015, with the ticker symbol PCAT.
The companys Certified Advisor is Redeye AB.
First Quarter Report (01.01.2016 - 31.03.2016) (28.04.2016)
Annual Report (01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015) (05.05.2016)
Annual General Meeting (25.05.2016)
Second Quarter (01.04.2016 - 30.06.2016) (17.08.2016)
Third Quarter Report (01.07.2016 - 30.09.2016) (04.11.2016)
IN DKK | Note |
Q4 2015 |
Full-year 2015 |
Q4 2014 |
Full-year 2014 | |
Nettoomsætning Revenue |
193.042,00 |
2.390.207,00 |
147.330,15 |
3.817.045,21 | ||
Andre driftsindtægter Other operating income | 454.413,00 | 454.413,00 | 265.074,00 | 265.074,00,00 | ||
Omkostninger til råvarer og hjælpe- materialer Expenses for raw materials and consumables | 796.703,00 | 140.014,00 | -143.246,19 | -495.680,35 | ||
Andre eksterne omkostninger Other external expenses | -1.604.449,36 | -3.558.452,00 | -149.109,40 | -1.764.438,19 | ||
Bruttoresultat Gross profit |
-160.291,36 |
-573.818,00 |
120.048,56 |
1.822.000,67 | ||
Personal- eomkostninger Staff expenses | 205.328,00 | -2.540.820,00 | 124.037,81 | -1.566.418,04 | ||
Af- og nedskrivninger af immaterielle og materielle anlægs- aktiver Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment | -982.110,92 | -2.373.373,25 | -723.831,47 | -1.891.258,69 | ||
Resultat før finansielle poster Profit/loss before financial income and expenses |
-937.074,28 |
-5.488.011,25 |
-479.745,10 |
-1.635.676,06 | ||
Finansielle omkostninger Financial expenses | -105.273,00 | -397.254,00 | -85.214,71 | -253.701,97 | ||
Resultat før skat Profit/loss before tax |
-1.042.347,28 |
-5.885.265,25 |
-564.959,81 |
-1.889.378,03 | ||
Skat Taxes | 239.026,00 | 239.026,00 | 473.779,61 | 473.779,61 | ||
Resultat Net profit/loss |
-803.321,28 |
-5.646.239,25 |
-91.180,20 |
-1.415.598,42 |
Balance Sheet 31ST of December
IN DKK | Note |
Q4 2015 |
Year- end 2015 |
Q4 2014 |
Year- end 2014 |
Færdiggjorte udviklings- projekter Completed development projects | 8.259.666,00 | 8.259.666,00 | 9.792.769,81 | 9.792.769,81 | |
Erhvervede patenter Acquired patents | 507.632,09 | 507.632,09 | 710.771,14 | 710.771,14 | |
Udviklings- projekter under udførelse Development projects in progress | 1.787.561,00 | 1.787.561,00 | 342.134,00 | 342.134,00 | |
Immaterielle anlægsaktiver Intangible Assets |
10.554.859,09 |
10.554.859,09 |
10.845.674,95 |
10.845.674,95 | |
Produktions- anlæg og maskiner Plant and machinery | 2.788.526,52 | 2.788.526,52 | 3.246.048,51 | 3.246.048,51 | |
Materielle anlægsaktiver Property, plant and equipment | 2.788.526,52 | 2.788.526,52 | 3.246.048,51 | 3.246.048,51 | |
Andre værdipapirer og kapitalandele Other investments | 1,00 | 1,00 | 1,00 | 1,00 | |
Deposita Deposits | 290.302,25 | 290.302,25 | 290.302,25 | 290.302,25 | |
Finansielle anlægsaktiver Fixed asset investments | 290.303,25 | 290.303,25 | 290.303,25 | 290.303,25 | |
Anlægsaktiver Fixed assets |
13.633.688,86 |
13.633.688,86 |
14.382.026,71 |
14.382.026,71 | |
Varebeholdninger Inventories |
1.703.608,00 |
1.703.608,00 |
1.107.478,00 |
1.107.478,00 | |
Tilgode- havender fra salg og tjenesteydelser Trade receivables | 928.376,00 | 928.376,00 | 288.565,25 | 288.565,25 | |
Tilgode- havender hos tilknyttede virksomheder Receivables from group enterprises | 31.625,00 | 31.625,00 | 31.625,00 | 31.625,00 | |
Andre tilgode- havender Other receivables | 354.393,39 | 354.393,39 | 37.835,00 | 37.835,00 | |
Udskudt skatteaktiv Deferred tax asset | 240.500,01 | 240.500,01 | 510.555,00 | 510.555,00 | |
Selskabsskat Corporation tax | |||||
Periode- afgrænsnings- poster Prepayments | 94.000,00 | 94.000,00 | 152.691,88 | 152.691,88 | |
Tilgode- havender Receivables |
1.648.894,4 |
1.648.894,4 |
1.021.272,13 |
1.021.272,13 | |
Likvide beholdninger Cash at bank and in hand |
3.134.676,31 |
3.134.676,31 |
17.713,00 |
17.713,00 | |
Omsætnings- aktiver Current assets |
6.487.178,71 |
6.487.178,71 |
2.146.463,13 |
2.146.463,13 | |
Aktiver Assets |
20.120.867,57 |
20.120.867,57 |
16.528.489,84 |
16.528.489,84 |
Balance Sheet 31st of December
Liabilities & equity
IN DKK | Note |
Q4 2015 |
Year- end 2015 |
Q4 2014 |
Year- end 2014 |
Selskabs- kapital Sharecapital | -1.980.508,00 | -1.980.508,00 | -1.167.537,00 | -1.167.537,00 | |
Overført resultat Retained earnings | -11.130.498,00 | -11.130.498,00 | -4.932.044,00 | -4.932.044,00 | |
Egenkapital Equity |
-13.111.006,00 |
-13.111.006,00 |
-6.099.581,00 |
-6.099.581,00 | |
Ansvarlig lånekapital Subordinate loan capital | -500.001,64 | -500.001,64 | |||
Kredit- institutter Credit institutions | -1.937.101,61 | -1.937.101,61 | -644.996,00 | -644.996,00 | |
Leveran- dører af varer og tjene- steydelser Trade payables | -231.496,00 | -231.496,00 | |||
Gæld til selskabs- deltagelse og ledelse Payables to Shareholders and Management | -25.710,78 | -25.710,78 | -2.938.058,20 | -2.938.058,20 | |
Periodeaf- grænsnings- poster Deferred income | -2.461.406,00 | -2.461.406,00 | -2.915.819 | -2.915.819 | |
Langfristede gældsfor- pligtelser Long-term debt |
-4.424.218,39 |
-4.424.218,39 |
-7.230.370,84 |
-7.230.370,84 | |
Kredit- institutter Credit institutions | -161.867,00 | -161.867,00 | |||
Leveran- dører af varer og tjene- steydelser Trade payables | -1.542.189 | -1.542.189 | -2.077.813,00 | -2.077.813,00 | |
Anden gæld Other payables | -589.042 | -589.042 | -504.445,00 | -504.445,00 | |
Periode- afgræns- ningsposter Deferred income | -454.413,00 | -454.413,00 | -454.413,00 | -454.413,00 | |
Kort- fristede gældsfor- pligtelser Short-term debt | -2.585.644,00 | -2.585.644,00 | -3.198.538,00 | -3.198.538,00 | |
Gældsfor- pligtelser Debt |
-7.009.862,39 |
-7.009.862,39 |
-10.428.908,84 |
-10.428.908,84 | |
Passiver Liabilities and equity | -20.120.868,39 | -20.120.868,39 | -16.528.489,84 | -16.528.489,84 |
Cash flow statement 1st January - 31st of December
IN DKK | Note |
Q4 2015 |
Year-end 2015 |
Resultat Net profit/loss | -803.321,28 | -5.646.239,25 | |
Reguleringer Adjustments | 393.944,92 | 2.077.188,25 | |
Ændring i driftskapital Change in working capital | -971.448,00 | -2.176.330,00 | |
Pengestrømme fra drift før finansielle poster Cash flow from operating activities before financial income and expenses |
-1.380.824,36 |
-5.745.381,00 | |
Renteudbetalinger og lignende Financial expenses | -105.273,00 | -397.254,00 | |
Pengestrømme fra ordinær drift Cash flow from ordinary activities |
-1.486.097,36 |
-6.142.635,00 | |
Betalt selskabsskat Corporation tax paid | 509.081,00 | 509.081,00 | |
Pengestrømme fra driftsaktivitet Cash flow from operating activities | -977.016,36 | -5.633.554,00 | |
Køb af immaterielle anlægsaktiver Purchase of property, plant and equipment Køb af materielle anlægsaktiver Purchase of tangible fixed asset | -1.590.035,00 -35.000,00 | -1.590.035,00 -35.000,00 | |
Andre reguleringer Other adjustments | |||
Pengestrømme fra investeringsaktivitet Cash flow from investing activities | -1.625.035,00 | -1.625.035,00 | |
Forøgelse af gæld til kreditinstitutter Increase in loans from credit institutions | 467.898,00 | 1.130.239,00 | |
Tilbagebetaling af gæld til tilknyttede virksomheder af varer og tjenesteydelser Repayment of payables to group enterprises Increase in Equity Kapitalforhøjelse Capital increase | 21.339,00 4.615.163,00 | 21.339,00 9.223.977,00 | |
Pengestrømme fra finansieringsaktivitet Cash flow from financing activities |
5.104.400,00 |
10.375.555,00 | |
Ændring i likvider Change in cash and cash equivalents | 2.502.348,64 | 3.116.966,00 | |
Likvider 1. januar Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January | 632.328,00 | 17.713,00 | |
Likvider 31st December Cash and cash equivalents at 31st December |
3.134.676,64 |
3.134.679,00 | |
Likvider specificeres således: Cash and cash equivalents are specified as follows: | |||
Likvide beholdninger Cash at bank and in hand | 632.328,00 | 3.134.676,31 | |
Likvider 31st December Cash and cash equivalents at 31st December | 3.134.676,31 | 3.134.676,31 |
Photocat's operations are associated with risks related to inter alia product development, commercialization, financing, intellectual property, collaborations with partners, authority decisions, agreements and key personnel.
For a description of the Company's risks, please see the Annual Report for the fiscal year 2014. No significant changes in the Company's risk assessment have occurred since the Annual Report was issued.
The Board of Directors and the CEO certify that the interim report gives a fair overview of the business, position and profit or loss of the Company and describes the principal risks and uncertainties that face the Company.
This report has not been reviewed by the Company's auditors.
Roskilde, [02, 25, 2016]
Mette Therkildsen, Chairman of the Board
Thomas Becker, Board member
Henrik Jensen, Board member
Tom Weidner, Board member
For more information, please contact:
Michael Humle, CEO Photocat A/B (publ). Phone: +45 22 10 25 23
Photocat A/S (publ), Langebjerg, 4DK-4000, Roskilde, Denmark
Phone: +45 70 22 50 55
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Photocat A/S via Globenewswire
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