04.05.2006 21:09:00
Health Care REIT, Inc. Reports First Quarter Results
"The company's asset base and tenant credit quality have improvedsignificantly," commented George L. Chapman, chief executive officerof Health Care REIT, Inc. "Driven by these recent portfolioimprovements, our strong acquisition pipeline and new developmentinitiative, we expect continued dividend growth and solid portfoliopayment coverages."
Key Performance Indicators.
Quarter Quarter
Ended Ended Percentage
3/31/06 3/31/05 Change
Net Income Available to Common
Stockholders per Diluted Share $0.34 $0.33 3%
FFO per Diluted Share $0.71 $0.72 -1%
FAD per Diluted Share $0.84 $0.66 27%
Common Dividends per Share $0.62 $0.60 3%
FFO Payout Ratio 87% 83%
FAD Payout Ratio 74% 91%
1Q06 Earnings Discussion. The first quarter 2006 reported netincome available to common stockholders of $0.34 per diluted shareincludes $1.6 million, or $0.03 per diluted share, of non-cashexpenses for required accelerated vesting of options and restrictedstock grants pursuant to Statement of Financial Accounting StandardsNo. 123(R), which was adopted on January 1, 2006. In addition, netincome was positively impacted by $1.6 million, or $0.03 per dilutedshare, of gains on sales of real property. FAD for first quarter 2006was higher than FFO by $7.9 million ($0.14 per diluted share) due tonon-recurring cash rental receipts of $10.3 million ($0.18 per dilutedshare) offset by gross straight-line rental income of $2.4 million($0.04 per diluted share). Non-recurring cash receipts are primarilyattributable to cash received in connection with prepaid rent receiptsand real property sales resulting in the payoff of existingstraight-line receivable balances. Please see Exhibits 13 and 14 forreconciliations of net income available to common stockholders to FADand FFO. The following table summarizes the items impacting FFO andFAD:
1Q06 FFO and FAD.
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
Ended Ended Ended Ended
3/31/06 3/31/05 Percentage 3/31/06 3/31/05 Percentage
FFO FFO Change FAD FAD Change
Per Diluted Share $0.71 $0.72 -1% $0.84 $0.66 27%
Included items:
cash payments $0.18 $0.02
SFAS 123(R)
impact ($0.03) ($0.03)
Dividends for First Quarter 2006. As previously announced, theBoard of Directors declared a dividend for the quarter ended March 31, 2006 of $0.64 per share as compared to $0.62 per share for the same period in 2005. The dividend represents the 140th consecutivedividend payment. The dividend will be payable May 19, 2006 to stockholders of record on April 28, 2006.
Development Initiative. As previously announced, the company hasundertaken a new development initiative and expects to fund $150 to$250 million for development during 2006. The company completed asuccessful start to its development program during the first quarterand has provided details of existing projects in Exhibit 8. Thecompany expects to fund $130.6 million for development during 2006 onprojects which are already underway, with an additional $20 to $120million anticipated from projects which have yet to commence. The$130.6 million of anticipated funding from existing projects iscomprised of $32.2 million which was funded during the three monthsended March 31, 2006 and $98.4 million projected to be funded over theremainder of 2006. The information contained in Exhibit 8 relates onlyto development projects for which initial funding has commenced as ofMarch 31, 2006 and does not include any additional developmentprojects which may commence later in 2006.
Outlook for 2006. The company affirms its investment guidance of$450 to $550 million for 2006, which is comprised of $300 million ofacquisitions and $150 to $250 million of funded new development. Inaddition, the company expects $100 to $150 million of dispositions,resulting in net investments of $300 to $450 million. Due in part tothe first quarter gains on sales of properties of $1.6 million, thecompany is increasing its 2006 guidance for net income available tocommon stockholders from a range of $1.28 to $1.36 per diluted shareto $1.33 to $1.41 per diluted share. The company is reaffirming its2006 FFO guidance in the range of $2.88 to $2.96 per diluted share.The company is increasing its 2006 FAD guidance from a range of $2.77to $2.85 per diluted share to $2.91 to $2.99 per diluted shareprimarily due to the non-recurring cash receipts of $10.3 millionoffset by a $1.3 million increase in our gross straight-line rentalincome estimate and a 1.0 million share increase in our estimate ofaverage diluted common shares outstanding.
The company's guidance excludes any impairments, unanticipatedadditions to the loan loss reserve or other additional one-time items,including any additional cash payments outside the normal monthlyrental payments. Please see Exhibit 15 for a reconciliation of theoutlook for net income available to common stockholders to FFO andFAD.
Supplemental Reporting Measures. The company believes that netincome, as defined by U.S. generally accepted accounting principles(U.S. GAAP), is the most appropriate earnings measurement. However,the company considers funds from operations (FFO) and funds availablefor distribution (FAD) to be useful supplemental measures of itsoperating performance. Historical cost accounting for real estateassets in accordance with U.S. GAAP implicitly assumes that the valueof real estate assets diminishes predictably over time as evidenced bythe provision for depreciation. However, since real estate values havehistorically risen or fallen with market conditions, many industryinvestors and analysts have considered presentations of operatingresults for real estate companies that use historical cost accountingto be insufficient. In response, the National Association of RealEstate Investment Trusts (NAREIT) created FFO as a supplementalmeasure of operating performance for REITs that excludes historicalcost depreciation from net income. FFO, as defined by NAREIT, meansnet income, computed in accordance with U.S. GAAP, excluding gains (orlosses) from sales of real estate, plus depreciation and amortization,and after adjustments for unconsolidated partnerships and jointventures. FAD represents FFO excluding the non-cash straight-linerental adjustments.
EBITDA stands for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciationand amortization. The company believes that EBITDA, along with netincome and cash flow provided from operating activities, is animportant supplemental measure because it provides additionalinformation to assess and evaluate the performance of its operations.Additionally, restrictive covenants in the company's long-term debtarrangements contain financial ratios based on EBITDA. The companyprimarily utilizes EBITDA to measure its interest coverage ratio,which represents EBITDA divided by interest expense and its fixedcharge coverage ratio, which represents EBITDA divided by fixedcharges. Fixed charges include interest expense and preferred stockdividends.
FFO, FAD and EBITDA are financial measures that are widely used byinvestors, equity and debt analysts and rating agencies in thevaluation, comparison, rating and investment recommendations ofcompanies. The company's management uses these financial measures tofacilitate internal and external comparisons to historical operatingresults and in making operating decisions. Additionally, FFO and FADare utilized by the Board of Directors to evaluate management. FFO,FAD and EBITDA do not represent net income or cash flow provided fromoperating activities as determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP andshould not be considered as alternative measures of profitability orliquidity. Finally, FFO, FAD and EBITDA, as defined by the company,may not be comparable to similarly entitled items reported by otherreal estate investment trusts or other companies. Please see Exhibits12, 13 and 14 for reconciliations of EBITDA, FAD and FFO to netincome.
Conference Call Information. The company has scheduled aconference call on May 5, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern time to discussits first quarter results, industry trends, portfolio performance andoutlook for 2006. Telephone access will be available by dialing800-811-0667 or 913-981-4901 (international). For those unable tolisten to the call live, a taped rebroadcast will be availablebeginning two hours after completion of the call through May 12, 2006.To access the rebroadcast, dial 888-203-1112 or 719-457-0820(international). The conference ID number is 3585420. To participatein the webcast, log on to www.hcreit.com or www.earnings.com 15minutes before the call to download the necessary software. Replayswill be available for 90 days through the same Web sites. Thisearnings release is posted on the company's Web site under the headingPress Releases.
Health Care REIT, Inc., with headquarters in Toledo, Ohio, is areal estate investment trust that invests in health care and seniorhousing properties. At March 31, 2006, the company had investments in457 facilities in 37 states with 55 operators and had total assets ofapproximately $3.0 billion. The portfolio included 32 independentliving/continuing care retirement communities, 201 assisted livingfacilities, 211 skilled nursing facilities and 13 specialty carefacilities. More information is available on the Internet atwww.hcreit.com.
This document may contain "forward-looking" statements as definedin the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Theseforward-looking statements concern and are based upon, among otherthings, the possible expansion of the company's portfolio; the sale ofproperties; the performance of its operators and properties; itsability to enter into agreements with new viable tenants forproperties that the company takes back from financially troubledtenants, if any; its ability to make distributions; its policies andplans regarding investments, financings and other matters; its taxstatus as a real estate investment trust; its ability to appropriatelybalance the use of debt and equity; its ability to access capitalmarkets or other sources of funds; and its ability to meet itsearnings guidance. When the company uses words such as "may," "will,""intend," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "project,""estimate" or similar expressions, it is making forward-lookingstatements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of futureperformance and involve risks and uncertainties. The company'sexpected results may not be achieved, and actual results may differmaterially from expectations. This may be a result of various factors,including, but not limited to: the status of the economy; the statusof capital markets, including prevailing interest rates; issues facingthe health care industry, including compliance with, and changes to,regulations and payment policies and operators' difficulty inobtaining and maintaining adequate liability and other insurance;changes in financing terms; competition within the health care andsenior housing industries; negative developments in the operatingresults or financial condition of operators, including, but notlimited to, their ability to pay rent and repay loans; the company'sability to transition or sell facilities with a profitable result; thefailure of closings to occur as and when anticipated; acts of Godaffecting the company's properties; the company's ability to reinvestsale proceeds at similar rates to assets sold; operator bankruptciesor insolvencies; government regulations affecting Medicare andMedicaid reimbursement rates; liability claims and insurance costs foroperators; unanticipated difficulties and/or expenditures relating tofuture acquisitions; environmental laws affecting the company'sproperties; delays in reinvestment of sale proceeds; changes in rulesor practices governing the company's financial reporting; andstructure related factors, including real estate investment trustqualification, anti-takeover provisions and key management personnel.Finally, the company assumes no obligation to update or revise anyforward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual resultscould differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements.
Financial Supplement
(In thousands)
March 31
2006 2005
Real estate investments:
Real property owned
Land $ 267,824 $ 210,014
Buildings & improvements 2,712,511 2,217,871
Real property held for sale, net of
accumulated depreciation 15,898 0
Construction in progress 36,115 26,699
------------ -----------
3,032,348 2,454,584
Less accumulated depreciation (293,738) (236,950)
------------ -----------
Total real property owned 2,738,610 2,217,634
Loans receivable 177,704 241,510
Less allowance for losses on loans
receivable (6,711) (5,561)
------------ -----------
170,993 235,949
------------ -----------
Net real estate investments 2,909,603 2,453,583
Other assets:
Equity investments 2,970 3,298
Deferred loan expenses 12,042 6,419
Cash and cash equivalents 25,758 17,429
Receivables and other assets 62,267 79,633
------------ -----------
103,037 106,779
------------ -----------
Total assets $ 3,012,640 $2,560,362
============ ===========
Liabilities and stockholders' equity
Borrowings under unsecured lines of
credit arrangements $ 201,000 $ 163,500
Senior unsecured notes 1,195,378 875,000
Secured debt 131,946 169,506
Accrued expenses and other liabilities 49,399 17,951
------------ -----------
Total liabilities 1,577,723 1,225,957
Stockholders' equity:
Preferred stock 276,875 283,751
Common stock 58,685 53,314
Capital in excess of par value 1,326,341 1,152,670
Treasury stock (2,714) (1,766)
Cumulative net income 855,081 769,056
Cumulative dividends (1,080,688) (922,241)
Accumulated other
comprehensive income 0 1
Other equity 1,337 (380)
------------ -----------
Total stockholders' equity 1,434,917 1,334,405
------------ -----------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 3,012,640 $2,560,362
============ ===========
(In thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended
March 31
2006 2005
Rental income $ 72,785 $ 58,793
Interest income 4,262 4,983
Transaction fees and other income 366 1,422
--------- ----------
Gross revenues 77,413 65,198
Interest expense 24,043 18,697
Provision for depreciation 23,053 18,580
General and administrative 6,201 4,017
Loan expense 711 863
Provision for loan losses 250 300
--------- ----------
Total expenses 54,258 42,457
--------- ----------
Income from continuing operations 23,155 22,741
Discontinued operations:
Gain (loss) on sales of properties 1,553 (110)
Income from discontinued
operations, net 270 608
--------- ----------
1,823 498
--------- ----------
Net income 24,978 23,239
Preferred dividends 5,333 5,436
--------- ----------
Net income available to
common stockholders $ 19,645 $ 17,803
========= ==========
Average number of common shares
Basic 58,178 52,963
Diluted 58,535 53,454
Net income available to
common stockholders per share:
Basic $ 0.34 $ 0.34
Diluted 0.34 0.33
Common dividends per share $ 0.62 $ 0.60
Financial Supplement - March 31, 2006
Portfolio Composition Exhibit 1
($000's except Investment per Bed/Unit)
Balance Sheet
Data # Properties # Beds/Units Balance % Balance
Real Property 440 44,573 $2,738,610 94%
Receivable (1) 17 2,208 177,704 6%
Totals 457 46,781 $2,916,314 100%
Balances # Properties # Beds/Units Investment (2) % Investment
CCRCs 32 4,494 $ 426,653 15%
Assisted Living
Facilities 201 12,343 974,154 33%
Skilled Nursing
Facilities 211 28,632 1,323,447 45%
Specialty Care
Facilities 13 1,312 194,510 7%
Totals 457 46,781 $2,918,764 100%
Committed Committed Investment
Investments # Properties # Beds/Units Balance (3) per Bed/Unit
CCRCs 32 4,494 $ 471,220 $ 104,855
Assisted Living
Facilities 201 12,343 1,088,434 88,182
Skilled Nursing
Facilities 211 28,632 1,332,054 46,523
Specialty Care
Facilities 13 1,312 194,510 148,255
Totals 457 46,781 $3,086,218 -na-
Notes: (1)Includes $15,659,000 of loans on non-accrual.
(2)Real Estate Investments include gross real estate
investments and credit enhancements which amounted to
$2,916,314,000 and $2,450,000, respectively.
(3)Committed Balance includes gross real estate investments,
credit enhancements and unfunded construction commitments
for which initial funding had commenced.
Selected Facility Data Exhibit 2
Coverage Data
% Payor Mix Before After
Census Private Medicare Medicaid Mgt. Fees Mgt. Fees
CCRCs 92% 97% 1% 2% 1.45x 1.23x
Assisted Living
Facilities 88% 83% 0% 17% 1.52x 1.30x
Skilled Nursing
Facilities 86% 17% 15% 68% 2.21x 1.63x
Specialty Care
Facilities 67% 19% 60% 21% 3.19x 2.60x
Weighted Averages 1.94x 1.54x
Notes: Data as of December 31, 2005.
Investment Concentrations ($000's) Exhibit 3
Concentration by Operator # Properties Investment % Investment
------------ ------------ ------------
Emeritus Corporation 50 $ 360,717 12%
Brookdale Living
Communities, Inc. 88 291,266 10%
Merrill Gardens L.L.C. 13 203,670 7%
Life Care Centers of
America, Inc. 24 197,960 7%
Delta Health Group, Inc. 25 171,764 6%
Remaining operators (50) 257 1,693,387 58%
------------ ------------ ------------
Totals 457 $ 2,918,764 100%
Concentration by Region # Properties Investment % Investment
------------ ------------ ------------
South 274 $ 1,479,265 51%
Northeast 62 497,585 17%
West 64 494,902 17%
Midwest 57 447,012 15%
------------ ------------ ------------
Totals 457 $ 2,918,764 100%
Concentration by State # Properties Investment % Investment
------------ ------------ ------------
Florida 62 $ 405,992 14%
Massachusetts 36 336,547 12%
Ohio 29 251,053 9%
Texas 52 222,462 8%
North Carolina 43 202,088 7%
Remaining States (32) 235 1,500,622 50%
------------ ------------ ------------
Totals 457 $ 2,918,764 100%
Revenue Composition ($000's) Exhibit 4
Three Months Ended
March 31, 2006
Revenue by Investment Type (1)
Real Property $ 73,759 94%
Loans Receivable 4,328 6%
Totals $ 78,087 100%
Revenue by Facility Type (1)
Independent/CCRCs $ 9,300 12%
Assisted Living Facilities 28,483 36%
Skilled Nursing Facilities 35,613 46%
Specialty Care Facilities 4,691 6%
Totals $ 78,087 100%
Notes: (1) Revenues include gross revenues and revenues from
discontinued operations.
Revenue Maturities ($000's) Exhibit 5
Operating Lease Expirations & Loan Maturities
Current Lease Current Interest Lease and %
Year Revenue (1) Revenue (1) Interest Revenue of Total
2006 $ 1,843 $ 1,380 $ 3,223 1%
2007 0 336 336 0%
2008 0 2,890 2,890 1%
2009 906 2,009 2,915 1%
2010 1,726 2,263 3,989 1%
Thereafter 287,366 5,763 293,129 96%
Totals $ 291,841 $ 14,641 $ 306,482 100%
Notes: (1) Revenue impact by year, annualized.
Debt Maturities and Principal Payments ($000's) Exhibit 6
Lines of Senior Secured
Year Credit (1) Notes (2) Debt Total
2006 $ 40,000 $ 0 $ 2,329 $ 42,329
2007 0 52,500 15,074 67,574
2008 500,000 42,330 10,289 552,619
2009 0 0 33,807 33,807
2010 0 0 8,733 8,733
2011 0 0 20,472 20,472
2012 0 250,000 14,851 264,851
Thereafter 0 850,000 26,391 876,391
Totals $ 540,000 $1,194,830 $ 131,946 $1,866,776
Notes: (1) Reflected at 100% capacity.
(2) Amounts above represent principal amounts due and do not
reflect unamortized premiums/discounts or the fair value of
interest-rate swap agreements as reflected on the balance
Investment Activity ($000's) Exhibit 7
Three Months Ended
March 31, 2006
Funding by Investment Type
Real Property $ 115,340 94%
Loans Receivable 7,743 6%
Total $ 123,083 100%
Funding by Facility Type
Independent/CCRCs $ 4,788 4%
Assisted Living Facilities 33,564 27%
Skilled Nursing Facilities 84,303 68%
Specialty Care Facilities 428 1%
Total $ 123,083 100%
Development Activity ($000's) Exhibit 8
at Balance at
Dec. 31, 2006 YTD March 31, Committed Unfunded
Facility Type 2005 Fundings 2006 Balances Commitments
------------- --------- ----------- ---------- ---------- -----------
CCRCs $ 0 $ 3,018 $ 3,018 $ 29,621 $ 26,603
Facilities 2,995 24,292 27,287 159,531 132,244
Facilities 911 4,899 5,810 14,417 8,607
--------- ----------- ---------- ---------- -----------
Totals $ 3,906 $ 32,209 $ 36,115 $ 203,569 $ 167,454
Development Funding Projections ($000's)
Projected Future
2006 Fundings Unfunded
Facility Type Projects # Beds/Units Fundings Thereafter Commitments
------------- --------- ------------ ---------- ---------- -----------
CCRCs 1 178 $ 19,782 $ 6,821 $ 26,603
Facilities 15 1,043 72,460 59,784 132,244
Facilities 2 163 6,153 2,454 8,607
--------- ------------ ---------- ---------- -----------
Totals 18 1,384 $ 98,395 $ 69,059 $ 167,454
Project Conversion Projections ($000's)
2006 Quarterly Projections Annual Projections
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Projected Projected
Average Average
Initial Initial
Quarter Amount Yields(1) Year Amount Yields(1)
----------- --------- ---------------------- ---------- -----------
1Q06 2006
actual $ 0 n/a projected $ 9,231 9.00%
2Q06 2007
projected 0 n/a projected 75,350 8.92%
3Q06 2008
projected 6,363 9.00% projected 40,020 8.50%
projected 2,868 9.00% Thereafter 78,968 8.86%
--------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Totals $ 9,231 9.00% Totals $ 203,569 8.82%
Notes: All amounts include both cash advances and non-cash additions
such as capitalized interest.
(1) Represent minimum projected average initial yields. Actual
initial yields may be higher if the underlying market rates
Disposition Activity ($000's) Exhibit 9
Three Months Ended
March 31, 2006
Dispositions by Investment Type
Real Property $ 15,393 42%
Loans Receivable 21,240 58%
Totals $ 36,633 100%
Dispositions by Facility Type
Assisted Living Facilities $ 12,162 33%
Skilled Nursing Facilities 17,513 48%
Specialty Care Facilities 6,958 19%
Totals $ 36,633 100%
Discontinued Operations ($000's) Exhibit 10
Three Months Ended
March 31
2006 2005
---------- ----------
Rental income $ 674 $ 3,372
Interest expense 195 948
Provision for depreciation 209 1,816
---------- ----------
Income (loss) from discontinued
operations, net $ 270 $ 608
Exhibit 11
Current Capitalization
($000's except share price) Leverage & Performance Ratios
---------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Balance Balance
Borrowings Under
Bank Lines $ 201,000 7% Debt/Total Book Cap 52%
Long-Term Debt Debt/Undepreciated
Obligations 1,327,324 45% Book Cap 47%
Stockholders' Equity 1,434,917 48% Debt/Total Market Cap 38%
Total Book
Capitalization $2,963,241 100%
Coverage 3.10x 1st Qtr.
Common Shares
Outstanding (000's) 58,780
Period-End Share
Price $ 38.10
Common Stock
Market Value $2,239,518 55%
Fixed Charge
Preferred Stock 276,875 7% Coverage 2.54x 1st Qtr.
Borrowings Under
Bank Lines 201,000 5%
Long-Term Debt
Obligations 1,327,324 33%
Total Market
Capitalization $4,044,717 100%
EBITDA Reconciliation ($000's) Exhibit 12
Three Months Ended
March 31
2006 2005
---------- ----------
Net income $ 24,978 $ 23,239
Provision for depreciation (1) 23,262 20,396
Interest expense (1) 24,238 19,645
Amortization (2) 3,207 1,042
---------- ----------
EBITDA $ 75,685 $ 64,322
Interest Coverage Ratio
Interest expense (1) $ 24,238 $ 19,645
Capitalized interest 202 265
---------- ----------
Total interest 24,440 19,910
EBITDA $ 75,685 $ 64,322
---------- ----------
Interest coverage ratio 3.10x 3.23x
Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio
Total interest (1) $ 24,440 $ 19,910
Preferred dividends 5,333 5,436
---------- ----------
Total fixed charges 29,773 25,346
EBITDA $ 75,685 $ 64,322
---------- ----------
Fixed charge coverage ratio 2.54x 2.54x
Notes: (1) Provision for depreciation and interest expense include
provision for depreciation and interest expense from
discontinued operations.
(2) Amortization includes amortization of stock-based
compensation, deferred loan expenses and other items.
Funds Available For Distribution Reconciliation Exhibit 13
(Amounts in 000's except per share data)
Three Months Ended
March 31
2006 2005
---------- ----------
Net income available to
common stockholders $ 19,645 $ 17,803
Provision for depreciation (1) 23,262 20,396
Loss (gain) on sales of
properties (1,553) 110
Gross straight-line rental income (2,400) (3,708)
Prepaid/straight-line rent
receipts 10,310 853
---------- ----------
Funds available for distribution $ 49,264 $ 35,454
Average common shares
Basic 58,178 52,963
Diluted 58,535 53,454
Per share data:
Net income available to common
Basic $ 0.34 $ 0.34
Diluted 0.34 0.33
Funds available for distribution
Basic $ 0.85 $ 0.67
Diluted 0.84 0.66
FAD Payout Ratio
Dividends per share $ 0.62 $ 0.60
FAD per diluted share $ 0.84 $ 0.66
---------- ----------
FAD payout ratio 74% 91%
Notes: (1) Provision for depreciation includes provision for
depreciation from discontinued operations.
Funds From Operations Reconciliation Exhibit 14
(Amounts in 000's except per share data)
Three Months Ended
March 31
2006 2005
---------- ----------
Net income available to
common stockholders $ 19,645 $ 17,803
Provision for depreciation (1) 23,262 20,396
Loss (gain) on sales of
properties (1,553) 110
---------- ----------
Funds from operations $ 41,354 $ 38,309
Average common shares
Basic 58,178 52,963
Diluted 58,535 53,454
Per share data:
Net income available to common
Basic $ 0.34 $ 0.34
Diluted 0.34 0.33
Funds from operations
Basic $ 0.71 $ 0.72
Diluted 0.71 0.72
FFO Payout Ratio
Dividends per share $ 0.62 $ 0.60
FFO per diluted share $ 0.71 $ 0.72
---------- ----------
FFO payout ratio 87% 83%
Notes: (1) Provision for depreciation includes provision for
depreciation from discontinued operations.
Outlook Reconciliation Exhibit 15
(Amounts in 000's except per share data)
Current Outlook Prior Outlook
Year Ended Year Ended
December 31, 2006 December 31, 2006
Low High Low High
--------- --------- --------- ---------
Net income available to
common stockholders $ 82,363 $ 87,263 $ 78,200 $ 83,100
Loss (gain) on sales
of properties (1,553) (1,553)
Provision for
depreciation (1) 97,500 97,500 97,500 97,500
--------- --------- --------- ---------
Funds from operations 178,310 183,210 175,700 180,600
Rental income less than (in
excess of) cash received 2,000 2,000 (7,000) (7,000)
--------- --------- --------- ---------
Funds available for
distribution $180,310 $185,210 $168,700 $173,600
Average common shares
outstanding (diluted) 62,000 62,000 61,000 61,000
Per share data (diluted):
Net income available to
common stockholders $ 1.33 $ 1.41 $ 1.28 $ 1.36
Funds from operations 2.88 2.96 2.88 2.96
Funds available for
distribution 2.91 2.99 2.77 2.85
Notes: (1) Provision for depreciation includes provision for
depreciation from discontinued operations.

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