25.02.2019 23:08:00
Global Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Industry
NEW YORK, Feb. 25, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs in US$ Thousand.
Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05151484
The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for the US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Rest of World. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period 2016 through 2024. Also, a five-year historic analysis is provided for these markets. Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are primarily based on public domain information including company URLs.
The report profiles 21 companies including many key and niche players such as:
- Allergan Plc
- AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.
- Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- Pharmacosmos A/S
- Sanofi US
Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05151484
Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) - An Overview
Table 1: Iron Deficiency Prevalence by Disease: Analyzed by Percentage Number of Patients with ID and IDA in CKD (with dialysis), Non-Dialysis-CKD, Congestive Heart Failure, Chemotherapy Induced Anemia, Irritable Bowel Disease, Patient Blood Management (Surgery), Heavy Uterine Bleeding and Postpartum (OB-GYN) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market - A Quick Primer
Table 2: Intravenous Iron Drugs Market by Therapeutic Area: 2016 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
US and Europe Dominate IV Iron Market
Asia-Pacific - The Fastest Growing Market
Leading Intravenous Iron Drugs Globally
Leading IV Iron Drugs Available in the Market
Leading Intravenous Iron Drugs: In a Nutshell
Ferinject/Injectafer - The Leading Intravenous Iron Drug Globally
Table 3: Worldwide Ferinject (Injectafer) Sales (in US$ Million): 2014-2017 (First Half) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Venofer® - Looses Ground to Ferinject
Table 4: Worldwide Venofer Sales (In US$ Million): 2014-2017 (First Half) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Feraheme Obtains Broader Label Approval
Table 5: Worldwide Feraheme Sales (in US$ Million): 2014- 2017 (First Half) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Feraheme® Obtains FDA Filing Acceptance for Treating All Adult Patients Suffering from IDA
Gluconate (Ferrlecit® and Nulecit)
Global Market Leaders
Expanding Pool of ESRD and CKD Patients - The Major Growth Driver for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs
ESRD Prevalence Statistics: An Opportunity Indicator
Table 6: Increasing Number of ESRD Patients Worldwide: 2014-2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 7: ESRD Prevalence in Select Countries (2015): Number of ESRD Patients Per Million Population in EU-28, Japan, Taiwan, USA and Global (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 8: Global Population of ESRD Patients Undergoing Treatment by Type of Modality (2010, 2015 & 2020P): Percentage Breakdown of Patients Undergoing Dialysis Therapy, and Kidney Transplantation (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Increase in Healthcare Spending Bodes Well for Intravenous Iron Drugs Market
Table 9: Healthcare Spending as % of GDP by Geographic Region (2016) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Dialysis Patients - A Major Market for Intravenous Iron Supplements
Table 10: Worldwide Distribution of Dialysis Patients by Geographic Region (2016): Percentage Breakdown of Patient Population (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 11: Global Population of Kidney Dialysis Patients by Type of Treatment Modality (2016): Percentage Breakdown of Patients Receiving Hemodialysis, Home Hemodialysis, and Peritoneal Dialysis (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Ageing Population Drives Demand for IV Iron Drugs
Table 12: Global Aging Population in Select Regions/Countries: Population of 60+ Individuals in €˜000s and as a Percentage of Total Population for 2015 & 2050 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 13: Elderly Population (60+ Years) as a Percentage of Total Population (2015 & 2050) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 14: Life Expectancy at Age 60 and 80 Years - (2010-2015), (2020-2025) & (2045-2050) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 15: Life Expectancy for Select Countries in Number of Years: 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Shifting Preference from Oral Iron Drugs to Intravenous Iron Drugs
Comparison of Ferrous Salts with IV Iron Therapy
Other Chronic Diseases with IDA Offer Prospects for IV Iron Drugs
Anemia in Heart Failure - A Market with Huge Potential
Table 16: Number of AHF Events in the US and EU by Type: 2017E (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Chemotherapy Induced Anemia to Promote IV Iron Supplements
Table 17: Worldwide Incidence of Cancer: Number of New Cases Diagnosed for the Years 2013, 2020 & 2030 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 18: New Cancer Cases in the World by Affected Site: 2012 (in Thousands) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Correction of IDA in Pregnancy Signals Opportunities
Women€™s Health - A Key Growth Opportunity
Perioperative and Postoperative Anemia - A Niche Market Beckons
Adverse Reactions of IV Iron Preparations Raise Concerns
Dosing Limitations Plague IV Iron Market
Select Therapeutic Areas and the Required Iron Doses
Increasing Trend towards Bundled Reimbursements
A Glimpse of Regulations in the US and Europe
Comparison of Approved Indications and Safety Warnings for Select FDA Approved IV Iron Drugs
Coverage of IV Iron and ESA in the Reimbursement Packages of Dialysis Services across Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, the UK, France, the US and Ontario, Canada
AMAG to Expand Feraheme® Label
Pharmacosmos and Laboratoire Aguettant to Commercialize Monover® in France
Pharmacosmos and Pfizer to Commercialize Monover® in Brazil
Rockwell Medical Announces Data Presentation on Triferic Intravenous (IV) Administration
Nippon Shinyaku and Pharmacosmos to Develop and commercialize Monofer® in Japan
Lupin Announces the Launch of Novel Injectable Iron Formulation in India
Pharmacosmos and Pfizer to Commercialize Monofer® in Canada
Allergan Plc. (Ireland)
AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (USA)
Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. (USA)
Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (USA)
American Regent, Inc. (USA)
Pharmacosmos A/S (Denmark)
Sanofi US (USA)
Vifor Pharma Ltd. (Switzerland)
Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma (Switzerland)
Table 19: World Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 20: World Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 21: World 14-Year Perspective for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Rest of World Markets for Years 2011, 2017 & 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
A.Market Analysis
United States: The Largest Market for Intravenous Iron Drugs Globally
Table 22: Iron Deficiency Prevalence by Disease: Analyzed by Percentage Share of Patients with ID and IDA for Select Diseases (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Rising Incidence of ESRD Drives IV Iron Drugs Market
ESRD Incidence and Prevalence Statistics: Opportunity Indicators
Table 23: Reported Incidence of ESRD in the US (2010-2013): Breakdown by Age (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 24: Reported Incidence of ESRD in the US (2010-2013): Breakdown by Gender (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 25: Reported Incidence of ESRD in the US (2010-2013): Breakdown by Race (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 26: Reported Incidence of ESRD in the US (2010-2013): Breakdown by Ethnicity (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 27: Reported Incidence of ESRD in the US (2010-2013): Breakdown by Cause
Table 28: Reported Prevalence of ESRD in the US (2010-2013): Breakdown by Gender (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 29: Reported Prevalence of ESRD in the US (2010-2013): Breakdown by Race (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 30: ESRD Treatment in the US by Type (2016): Percentage Share Breakdown of Number of Patients Treated for Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, and Transplant (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Aging Demographics: A Key Market Driver
Table 31: Aging Population in the US (2015 & 2030): 60 Years and Above Population (in Thousands) and Percentage of Population (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Injectafer - The Leading Intravenous Iron Drug in the US
Addressing Broader IDA Indications Present Opportunities
Table 32: The US Non-Dialysis IV Iron Drugs Market in Volume Terms: 2016 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
CMS Reimbursement Shifts to Bundled Payment for Dialysis
Medicare Coverage of Dialysis Treatment for ESRD Patients
CMS Introduces New Bundled Payment - ESRD Prospective Payment System (PPS)
Impact of Changes in Payment System for CMS and Service Providers
Concerns over Allergic Reactions Prompt FDA to Issue Warning
Potential Short-Term and Long-Term Safety Concerns of IV Iron Preparations
FDA Issues Drug Safety Communication for Feraheme or Ferumoxytol
Strategic Corporate Developments
Select Key Players
B.Market Analytics
Table 33: The US Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 34: The US Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
A.Market Analysis
Table 35: Canadian Dialysis Patient Population: 2014-2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Strategic Corporate Development
B.Market Analytics
Table 36: Canadian Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 37: Canadian Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
A.Market Analysis
Current & Future Analysis
Table 38: Japanese Elderly (65+ Years) Population: 2000-2020 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 39: Dialysis Patient Population in Japan (2014-2018) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Bundled Payment Policy Encourages IV Iron Use
Strategic Corporate Development
B.Market Analytics
Table 40: Japanese Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 41: Japanese Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
A.Market Analysis
Current & Future Analysis
European Authorities Recommends Ferinject for Iron Deficiency in Systolic Heart Failure Patients
Research Thrusts IV Iron Therapies into Limelight
List of Available IV Iron Drugs in Europe
Ageing Population Boosts Demand
Table 42: European Aging Population by Age Group: 1975-2050 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 43: European Country-wise Statistics of 65+ Population as % of Total Population: As on January 1, 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Strategic Corporate Development
B.Market Analytics
Table 44: European Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 45: European Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 46: European 14-Year Perspective for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales for France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets for Years 2011, 2017 & 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Market Analysis
Table 47: French Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 48: French Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
A.Market Analysis
Current & Future Analysis
Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. Kgaa - A Key Player
B.Market Analytics
Table 49: German Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 50: German Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Market Analysis
Table 51: Italian Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 52: Italian Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Market Analysis
Table 53: UK Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 54: UK Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Market Analysis
Table 55: Spanish Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 56: Spanish Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Market Analysis
Table 57: Russian Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 58: Russian Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
A.Market Analysis
Current & Future Analysis
Key Players
B.Market Analytics
Table 59: Rest of European Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 60: Rest of European Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
A.Market Analysis
India & China Offer Significant Growth Opportunities
Table 61: China and India Lead Global Population (2015): Table Depicting China and India€™s Huge Population Vis-a-vis Other Countries€™ Population (in Millions) by Age Group (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Dialysis Modality Preferences
Table 62: Asia-Pacific Dialysis Patient Population (2014-2018) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Dialysis Patient Population by Modality
Table 63: Dialysis Patient Population by Modality in Select Asia-Pacific Countries (2016) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
B.Market Analytics
Table 64: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - China, India and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 65: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - China, India and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 66: Asia-Pacific 14-Year Perspective for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales for China, India and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets for Years 2011, 2017 & 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Market Analysis
Table 67: Chinese Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 68: Chinese Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
A.Market Analysis
Product Launch
B.Market Analytics
Table 69: Indian Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 70: Indian Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Market Analysis
Table 71: Rest of Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 72: Rest of Asia-Pacific Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
A.Market Analysis
Current & Future Analysis
Strategic Corporate Development
B.Market Analytics
Table 73: Latin American Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - Brazil and Rest of Latin American Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 74: Latin American Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - Brazil and Rest of Latin American Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 75: Latin American 14-Year Perspective for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Sales for Brazil and Rest of Latin American Markets for Years 2011, 2017 & 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
A.Market Analysis
Current & Future Analysis
B.Market Analytics
Table 76: Rest of World Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2016 through 2024 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Table 77: Rest of World Historic Review for Intravenous (IV) Iron Drugs Market Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2011 through 2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart)
Total Companies Profiled: 21 (including Divisions/Subsidiaries - 22) The United States (5) Japan (2) Europe (7) - France (1) - Germany (1) - The United Kingdom (1) - Rest of Europe (4) Asia-Pacific (Excluding Japan) (8)
Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p05151484
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View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-intravenous-iv-iron-drugs-industry-300801272.html
SOURCE Reportlinker

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