22.11.2018 08:31:17

DGAP-News: CPI PROPERTY GROUP reports financial information for the third quarter of 2018

DGAP-News: CPI PROPERTY GROUP / Key word(s): Quarterly / Interim Statement
CPI PROPERTY GROUP reports financial information for the third quarter of 2018

22.11.2018 / 08:31
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Press Release
Luxembourg, 22th November 2018
CPI PROPERTY GROUP reports financial information for the third quarter of 2018

CPI PROPERTY GROUP (hereinafter "CPIPG", the "Company" or together with its subsidiaries the "Group"), the leading owner of income-generating real estate in the Czech Republic, Berlin and the CEE region, is pleased to publish financial information for the third quarter of 2018.

"CPIPG's business continues to perform extremely well," said Martin Nemecek, CEO of CPIPG. "Our asset management teams have once again delivered positive like-for-like rental growth and higher levels of income. We remain focused on positioning CPIPG's property portfolio and capital structure for long-term success, and are optimistic for the future."

Performance highlights for CPIPG as of Q3 2018 include:
Total revenues of EUR 382 million, a 17% increase year-on-year. Gross rental income increased by 18% to EUR 223 million, driven by like-for-like growth and acquisitions. Like-for-like growth for the total portfolio was 5.1% on an annualized basis. In Berlin, like-for-like growth exceeded 8% while the Czech Republic and the CEE region ranged between 3% and 7%.

Net business income increased by 19% to EUR 246 million and funds from operations (FFO) increased by 40% to EUR 129 million, reflecting stronger business and operating performance.

CPIPG's net interest coverage ratio (ICR) was 3.8x relative to 2.5x in Q3 2017, reflecting higher levels of income and a lower cost of debt following CPIPG's refinancing exercises in late 2017. CPIPG continues to target an ICR well above 3x.

Net Loan to Value (LTV) was 40.8% at the end of Q3. The slight increase relative to CPIPG's reported LTV as of 30th June (39.1%) is attributable to cash advance payments made to redeem high coupon bonds previously placed in the local bond market, as the Group continues to focus on simplifying the capital structure by eliminating subsidiary bonds and repaying secured loans.

In September, all of the secured bonds issued by CPIPG's residential subsidiary CPI BYTY were repaid, for a total of about EUR 115 million. The repayment improved CPIPG's unencumbered assets ratio and ICR. Further repayments of subsidiary bonds during Q4 are expected to have a similarly positive effect.

Key events occurring after quarter-end include:
In October 2018, Moody's Investor Service upgraded CPIPG's long-term rating to Baa2 from Baa3. The outlook is stable. The upgrade reflected CPIPG's strong operating performance and efforts to improve our capital structure, particularly the level of unencumbered assets

In October 2018, the Central Bank of Ireland approved a supplement to the base prospectus for the EUR 3 billion Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) programme.

In October 2018, CPIPG issued senior notes of EUR 610 million (under our EMTN programme), issue price 99.34%. The bonds mature in April 2022 and bear fixed coupon of 1.45% p.a. Proceeds are being used to repay subsidiary bonds and secured loans.

In October 2018, CPIPG issued senior notes of CHF 165 million (under our EMTN programme), issue price 100%. The bonds mature in October 2023 and bear fixed coupon of 1.63% p.a. Proceeds are being used to repay subsidiary bonds and secured loans. The majority of the CHF bond proceeds were swapped to EUR.

In October 2018, CPIPG further repaid secured CPI Retail Portfolio bonds in total amount of approximately EUR 44 million.

In October 2018, CPIPG refinanced IGY shopping centre with a new secured loan of EUR 60 million provided by Komercni banka for a term of five years at extremely attractive pricing.

In November 2018, CPIPG was rated A- with a stable outlook by a leading Japanese credit rating agency, Japan Credit Rating Agency, and became the first non-Japanese real estate company to obtain such a rating.

In November 2018, CPIPG repaid early a major part of bonds issued by CPI a.s. in total amount of EUR 273 million (CZK 7 billion) and announced the early repayment of the remainder of the CPI a.s. bonds together with bonds issued by CPI Finance Slovakia and CPI Finance Slovakia II in total amount of EUR 206 million. The repayment will further reduce the Group's interest expense and increase our ICR.


Performance   30-Sep-18 30-Sep-17 Change
Gross rental income EUR million 223 189 18%
Net rental income EUR million 205 171 19%
Total revenues EUR million 382 326 17%
Net business income EUR million 246 207 19%
EBITDA EUR million 211 174 21%
Funds from operations (FFO) EUR million 129 92 40%
Profit before tax EUR million 218 242 -10%
Net interest expense EUR million (56) (69) -19%
Net ICR   3.8x 2.5x 1.3x
Net profit for the period EUR million 181 199 -9%
Assets   30-Sep-18 31-Dec-17 Change
Total assets EUR million 8,014 7,529 6%
Property Portfolio EUR million 7,044 6,722 5%
Gross leasable area* sqm 3,326,000 3,329,000 0%
Occupancy in % % 93.0 92.7 0.3 p.p.
Total number of properties ** No. 417 420 0%
Total number of residential units No. 11,905 12,402 -4%
Total number of hotel beds No. 10,488 10,488 0%
EPRA NAV EUR million 3,998 3,934 2%
* Excluding hotels
**Excluding residential properties
Financing structure   30-Sep-18 31-Dec-17 Change
Total equity EUR million 3,920 3,315 18%
Equity ratio % 49 44 5 p.p.
Net debt EUR million 2,873 3,015 5%
Loan to value ratio in % (Net LTV) % 40.8 44.9 -4.1 p.p.
Secured debt as of total debt % 56 59 -3 p.p.
Unencumbered assets % 49 43 6 p.p.


The income statement for the 9 months period ended 30 September 2018 and 30 September 2017 is as follows:

  INCOME STATEMENT (EUR million) 30-Sep-18 30-Sep-17  
Gross rental income 223 189  
Net service revenue 21 20  
Property operating expenses (40) (38)  
Net rental income 204 171  
Development sales 16 4  
Cost of goods sold (16) (3)  
Development operating expenses (1) (2)  
Net development income (1) (1)  
Hotel revenue 93 88  
Hotel operating expenses (58) (54)  
Net hotel income
Revenues from other business operations
35 34  
Revenues from other business operations 29 25  
Related operating revenues/COGS (21) (22)  
  Net income from other business operations 8 3  
  Total revenues 382 326  
  Total direct business operating expenses (136) (119)  
  Net business income 246 207  
Net valuation gain* 125 163  
Net gain/ (loss) on disposals (1) 1  
Amortization, depreciation and impairments (29) (14)  
Other operating income 4 6  
Administrative expenses (35) (33)  
Other operating expenses (5) (2)  
  Operating result 306 328  
Interest income 10 6  
Interest expense (66) (75)  
Other net financial result* (31) (17)  
  Net finance costs (87) (86)  
  Share of profit of equity-accounted investees (net of tax) (1) --  
  Profit before income tax 218 242  
Income tax expense (38) (43)  
  Net profit for the period 180 199  

* the Group changed the presentation of unrealized foreign exchange gains/losses on property portfolio arising from the changes in FX rates in cases, when the property portfolio is valued in other currency than the functional currency of the respective SPV. FX gain/loss on property portfolio, which was recognized as part of Other net financial result, was reclassified to Net valuation gain. The comparative amounts have been restated in this regards.

Net rental income
Net rental income increased by 19% to EUR 205 million, compared to EUR 171 million for the first nine months of 2017. The increase in gross rental income (GRI) was attributable to acquisitions (including CPIPG's largest-ever acquisition from CBRE GI, completed at the end of March 2017) and strong like-for-like growth in our core geographies. Higher GRI was partially offset by increased property operating expenses as CPIPG continues investing in our properties to improve occupancy and rents.

Developments sales
Development sales in 2018 and related cost of goods sold (both almost reaching EUR 16 million) represent the sale of four apartments from the Palais Maeterlinck project in France.

Net hotel income
Net hotel income was EUR 35 million, compared to EUR 34 million for the first nine months of 2017. We continue to see positive trends in our congress hotels, resorts, and city hotels.

Net income from other business operations
Net income from other business operations in both 2018 and 2017 relates to agriculture (EUR 3 million in 2018) and our Swiss mountain resort (EUR 5 million in 2018).

Net valuation gain
The net valuation gain of EUR 125 million results principally from the revaluation of selected high performing assets, primarily from the Czech Republic and Berlin. The gain was driven primarily by the overall performance improvement of the assets in terms of rents and occupancy.
The net valuation gain includes also unrealized foreign exchange gains / losses related to the portion of the Group's property portfolio which is valued in CZK (gain of EUR 33 million for 9 months of 2018). The comparative figure for 2017 has also been adjusted in this regard (loss of 44 million for 9 months of 2017) as we have reclassified FX revaluation gains from "other financial result" to "net valuation gain."

Amortization, depreciation and impairments (ADI)
Increase in ADI is attributable to impairment of goodwill (EUR 9 million) related to Hospitality Group (Mamaison brand hotels) recognized in connection with acquisition of this hotel portfolio in 2014.

Interest expense and interest income
Interest expense decreased by EUR 9 million mainly due to changes in the financing strategy of the Group, which has led to decline in bank loans (decrease in interest expense by EUR 16 million) and increase in interest of expense of bonds by EUR 9 million primarily due to new Eurobonds issued by the Company in October 2017. Interest income increased by EUR 4 million primarily as a result of new loans provided by the Group (mainly at the end of 2017) to related parties.

Other net financial result
In 2018, the Group recognized unrealized non-cash foreign exchange losses of EUR 27 million related to loans denominated in EUR which are booked by entities of the Group where the functional currency has depreciated versus the EUR, such as Hungarian, Forint, Czech Koruna or Polish Zloty.


  BALANCE SHEET (EUR million) 30-Sep-18 31-Dec-17  
  Intangible assets and goodwill 114 120  
  Investment property 6,180 5,808  
  Property, plant and equipment 773 724  
  Deferred tax assets 144 142  
  Other non-current assets 102 89  
  Total non-current assets 7,313 6,883  
  Inventories 78 82  
  Trade receivables 74 77  
  Cash and cash equivalents 246 239  
  Asset held for sale 12 113  
  Other current assets 291 135  
  Total current assets 701 646  
  TOTAL ASSETS 8,014 7,529  
  Equity attributable to owners of the Company 3,332 3,277  
  Perpetual notes 548 --  
  Non-controlling interests 40 38  
  Total equity 3,920 3,315  
  Bonds issued 1,288 1,332  
  Financial debts 1,499 1,593  
  Deferred tax liabilities 740 710  
  Other non-current liabilities 49 50  
  Total non-current liabilities 3,576 3,685  
  Bonds issued 67 158  
  Financial debts 265 165  
  Trade payables 75 75  
  Other current liabilities 111 131  
  Total current liabilities 518 529  

Total assets and total liabilities
Total assets increased by EUR 485 million (6%) to EUR 8,014 million as at 30 September 2018. The largest driver of this growth was acquisitions (Shopping centre in Hradec Králové, Atrium Office Complex, HopStop retail chains). Assets held for sale decreased due to the sale of certain assets that the management considered non-strategic. The disposed assets included a portfolio of five small retail properties located in regional cities of northern Czech Republic, totaling approximately 25,700 sqm, and the Budaörs Office Park located near Budapest. In August, the Group also disposed of an office building located in Prague, serving as the headquarters of Nestlé for the Czech and Slovak Republics.

Total liabilities were EUR 4,093 million as at 30 September 2018 which represents an decrease of EUR 121 million (-3%) compared to 31 December 2017. The early repayment of bonds issued by CPI BYTY in September 2018 (decrease of EUR 119 million) represent the main driver of the decrease.

Because of the repayment of the CPI BYTY bonds, CPIPG's ratio of unencumbered assets to total assets increased to nearly 50% from 43% at year-end-2017. This demonstrates our commitment to prioritize unsecured financing and refinancing and intends to further increase the level of unencumbered assets over time.

Bonds issued and financial debts
Change in financial debts relates to the repaid bank loans in total amount EUR 147 million and new bank loan CPI Národní in total amount of EUR 111 million. A decrease in non-current bonds issued by EUR 44 million relates to the reclassification of CPI Retail Portfolio bonds to current. A decrease in current bonds issued relates to the repaid CPI BYTY bonds (119 MEUR) and CPI Finance Slovakia bonds (28 MEUR).

In October 2018, Kingstown's legal advisers filed additional submission to increase the amount of alleged damages claimed to EUR 157 million. The Company continues to believe the claim is without merit and intends to vigorously contest it. Hearings on the admissibility of the claim are expected to take place in early 2019.

Total equity increased by 18%, from EUR 3,315 million as at 31 December 2017 to EUR 3,920 million as at 30 September 2018. The main elements impacting equity were:
the issuance of hybrid notes (EUR 550 million) in May 2018;
a decrease in equity due to share buy-back programme (EUR 145 million);
an increase by EUR 180 million (profit for nine months of 2018);
a decrease by EUR 17 million in translation reserve, reflecting CZK depreciation towards EUR.

EPRA NAV was EUR 3,998 million as at 30 September 2018, an increase of 1.6 % relative to December 2017.

For further information please contact:

David Greenbaum
Chief Financial Officer
CPI Property Group

Kirchhoff Consult AG
Andreas Friedemann
Borselstrasse 20
22765 Hamburg
+49 40 60 91 86 50


Alternative Performance Measures (APM) Definition Rationale
EPRA NAV Net Asset Value adjusted to include properties and other investment interests at fair value and to exclude certain items not expected to crystalise in a long-term investment property business model. Makes adjustments to IFRS NAV to provide stakeholders with the most relevant information on the fair value of the assets and liabilities within a true real estate investment company with a long-term investment strategy.
Consolidated adjusted EBITDA Net business income as reported deducted by administrative expenses as reported. This is an important economic indicator showing a business's operating efficiency comparable to other companies, as it is unrelated to the Group's depreciation and amortization policy and capital structure or tax treatment. It is one of the fundamental indicators used by companies to set their key financial and strategic objectives.
Loan-to-Value or Net LTV It is calculated as Net Debt divided by fair value of Property Portfolio. Net Debt is borrowings plus bank overdraft less cash and cash equivalents. Property Portfolio covers all properties held by the Group, independent of the balance sheet classification, from which the Group incurs rental or other operating income. Loan-to-Value provides a general assessment of financing risk undertaken.
Net ICR It is calculated as Consolidated adjusted EBITDA divided by a sum of Interest income as reported and Interest expense as reported. This measure is an important indicator of a firm's ability to pay interest and other fixed charges from its operating
performance, measured by EBITDA.
Secured debt as of total debt It is calculated as a sum of secured bonds and secured financial debts as reported divided by a sum of Bonds issued and Financial Debts as reported. This measure is an important indicator of a firm's financial flexibility and liquidity. Lower levels of secured debt typically also means lower levels of mortgage debt properties that are free and clear of mortgages are sources of alternative liquidity via the issuance of property specific mortgage debt, or even sales.
Unencumbered assets It is calculated as a sum of bond collateral and bank loan collateral divided by Total Assets as reported. This measure is an important indicator of a commercial real estate firm's liquidity and flexibility. Properties that are free and clear of mortgages are sources of alternative liquidity via the issuance of property-specific mortgage debt, or even sales. The larger the ratio of unencumbered assets to total assets, the more flexibility a company generally has in repaying its unsecured debt at maturity, and the more likely that a higher recovery can be realized in the event of default.
Funds from operations It assumes net income (computed in accordance with IFRS), excludes non-recurring (non-cash) items like gains (or losses) from sales of property and inventory, impact of derivatives revaluation and impairment transactions. Calculation excludes accounting adjustments for unconsolidated partnerships and joint ventures. Funds from operations provide an indication of core recurring earnings.


EPRA NAV reconciliation (EUR million) 30-Sep-18 31-Dec-17
Equity per the financial statements (NAV) 3,332 3,277
Effect of exercise of options, convertibles and other equity interests -- --
Diluted NAV, after the exercise of options, convertibles and other equity interests 3,332 3,277
Revaluation of trading property and PPE 1 3
Fair value of financial instruments (2) 2
Deferred tax on revaluation 710 697
Goodwill as a result of deferred tax (43) (43)
EPRA NAV 3,998 3,934
Consolidated adjusted EBITDA reconciliation (EUR million) 30-Sep-18 30-Sep-17
Net business income 246 207
Administrative expenses (35) (33)
Consolidated adjusted EBITDA 211 174
Net LTV reconciliation (EUR million) 30-Sep-18 31-Dec-17
Financial debts 1,764 1,758
Bonds issued 1,355 1,489
Net debt linked to AHFS -- 7
Cash and cash equivalents (246) (239)
Net debt 2,873 3,015
Total property portfolio 7,044 6,722
Net LTV 40.8% 44.9%
Secured debt as of Total debt reconciliation (EUR million) 30-Sep-18 31-Dec-17
Secured bonds 44 163
Secured financial debts 1,708 1,700
Total debts 3,118 3,247
Secured debt as of Total debt 56% 57%
Unencumbered assets reconciliation (EUR million) 30-Sep-18 31-Dec-17
Bonds collateral 74 483
Bank loans collateral 4,007 3,846
Total assets 8,014 7,529
Unencumbered assets ratio 49% 43%
Net Interest coverage ratio reconciliation (EUR million) 30-Sep-18 31-Dec-17
Interest income 10 10
Interest expense (66) (99)
Net Business Income 246 272
Administrative expenses (35) (42)
Net Interest coverage ratio 3.8x 2.6x
Funds from operations reconciliation (EUR million) 30-Sep-18 30-Sep-17
Net profit for the period 181 199
Deferred income tax 17 33
Net valuation gain or loss on investment property (125) (163)
Net valuation gain or loss on revaluation of derivatives (2) (11)
Net gain or loss on disposal of inventory 1 --
Net gain or loss on disposal of assets 1 1
Amortization, depreciation and impairments 29 14
Other non-recurring / non-cash items 27 19
Funds from operations 129 92

22.11.2018 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

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Language: English
40, rue de la Vallée
L-2661 Luxembourg
Phone: +352 264 767 1
Fax: +352 264 767 67
E-mail: contact@cpipg.com
Internet: www.cpipg.com
ISIN: LU0251710041
Listed: Regulated Market in Frankfurt (General Standard); Regulated Unofficial Market in Dusseldorf, Stuttgart

End of News DGAP News Service

749767  22.11.2018 


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