01.02.2006 17:01:00

CORRECTING and REPLACING SANYO Third Quarter Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2005

Please replace the release dated Jan. 31, 2006 with thefollowing corrected version due to multiple revisions. (Revisions arein Table 5. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited). Also seefourth graph from the bottom under the subhead Cash Flows.)

The corrected release reads:


SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. today announced its consolidated resultsfor the third quarter ended December 31, 2005 (October 1, 2005 toDecember 31, 2005).
1. Consolidated results (Unaudited)

(1) For the three-month period ended December 31, 2005
(Unit: Millions of Yen)

For the Third For the Third Change from
quarter ended quarter ended the previous
December 31, 2005 December 31, 2004 quarter
-------------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------
Net Sales 611,535 620,646 -1.5%
-------------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------
Operating income 16,324 10,357 57.6%
(loss) (2.7%) (1.7%)
-------------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------
Income (Loss) before
income taxes and 12,648 (11,897)
minority interests (2.1%) (-1.9%) -
-------------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------
Net income (loss) 6,218 (17,617)
(1.0%) (-2.8%) -
-------------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------
Net income (loss)
per share 3.35 Yen (9.50 Yen)
-------------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------

(2) For the nine-month period ended December 31, 2005
(Unit: Millions of Yen)

For the nine-month For the nine-month
period period
From Apr. 1, 2005 From Apr. 1, 2004
To Dec. 31, 2005 To Dec. 31, 2004 Change
-------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------
Net Sales 1,799,018 1,886,197 -4.6%
-------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------
Operating income (10,195) 49,351
(-0.6%) (2.6 %) -
-------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------
Income (loss) before
income taxes and (111,226) 6,400
minority interest (-6.2%) (0.3%) -
-------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------
Net income (loss) (136,307) (14,216)
(-7.6%) (-0.8%) -
-------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------
Net income (loss)
per share (73.50 Yen) (7.66 Yen)
-------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------
1. The number of consolidated subsidiaries 157, and affiliates 42
(equity method)
2. SANYO's consolidated financial statements are based on U.S. GAAP
3. Operating profit and segment-based information is prepared using
Japan's standard.

2. Consolidated Sales by Business Group Category (Unaudited)

(1) For the three-month period ended December 31, 2005
(Unit: Millions of Yen)

For the Third For the Third
quarter ended quarter ended
December 31, 2005 December 31, 2004 Change
Product category ----------------- ----------------- --------------
Ratio Ratio
Amount to Amount to Amount Ratio
total total
------------------- --------- ------- --------- ------- -------- -----
Consumer 303,483 49.6% 316,036 50.9% (12,553) -4.0%
Commercial 58,669 9.6% 55,030 8.9% 3,639 6.6%
Component 230,556 37.7% 230,413 37.1% 143 0.1%
Others 18,827 3.1% 19,167 3.1% (340) -1.8%
Total 611,535 100.0% 620,646 100.0% (9,111) -1.5%
------------------- --------- ------- --------- ------- -------- -----
Breakdown Domestic
sales 283,723 46.4% 309,098 49.8% (25,375) -8.2%
sales 327,812 53.6% 311,548 50.2% 16,264 5.2%

(2) For the nine-month period ended December 31, 2005
(Unit: Millions of Yen)

For the nine- For the nine-
month period month period
From Apr. 1, 2005 From Apr. 1, 2004
To Dec. 31, 2005 To Dec. 31, 2004 Change
Product category ----------------- ----------------- --------------
Ratio Ratio
Amount to Amount to Amount Ratio
total total
------------------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------ -------- -----
Consumer 866,307 48.2% 935,700 49.6% (69,393) -7.4%
Commercial 176,327 9.8% 161,495 8.6% 14,832 9.2%
Component 680,615 37.8% 719,316 38.1% (38,701) -5.4%
Others 75,769 4.2% 69,686 3.7% 6,083 8.7%
Total 1,799,018 100.0% 1,886,197 100.0% (87,179) -4.6%
------------------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------ -------- -----
Breakdown Domestic
sales 865,782 48.1% 957,452 50.8% (91,670) -9.6%
sales 933,236 51.9% 928,745 49.2% 4,491 0.5%

3. Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)

(1) For the three-month period ended December 31, 2005
(Unit: Millions of Yen)

For the Third For the Third
quarter ended quarter ended Change
December 31, 2005 December 31, 2004
Items ----------------- ----------------- ------------------
Amount Ratio Amount Ratio Amount Ratio
to net to net
sales sales
--------------- --------- ------- --------- ------- ---------- -------
Net sales 611,535 100.0% 620,646 100.0% (9,111) -1.5%

revenue 36,875 6.0% 25,554 4.1% 11,321 44.3%

Sales and
revenue 648,410 106.0% 646,200 104.1% 2,210 0.3%

Cost of sales 525,726 85.9% 535,899 86.3% (10,173) -1.9%

general and
expenses 106,360 17.4% 99,944 16.1% 6,416 6.4%

income 16,324 2.7% 10,357 1.7% 5,967 57.6%

Other income 19,746 3.2% 6,049 1.0% 13,697 226.4%

(Interest and
Dividends) (1,507) (981) (526)

(Other) (18,239) (5,068) (13,171)

Other expenses 23,422 3.8% 28,303 4.6% (4,881) -17.2%

(Interest) (5,605) (3,925) (1,680)

(Other) (17,817) (24,378) ((6,561))
Income (Loss)
before income
taxes 12,648 2.1% (11,897) -1.9% 24,545 -

Income taxes 4,581 0.8% 4,114 0.7% 467 11.4%
Income (Loss)
interests 8,067 1.3% (16,011) -2.6% 24,078 -

interests 1,849 0.3% 1,606 0.2% 243 15.1%
Net income
(loss) 6,218 1.0% (17,617) (2.8)% (23,835) -

(2) For the nine-month period ended December 31, 2005
(Unit: Millions of Yen)

For the nine-month For the nine-month
period period
From Apr. 1, 2005 From Apr. 1, 2004
To Dec. 31, 2005 To Dec. 31, 2004 Change
Items ------------------- ------------------- -----------------
Ratio Ratio
Amount to net Amount to net Amount Ratio
sales sales
------------ ----------- ------- ----------- ------- --------- -------
Net sales 1,799,028 100.0% 1,886,197 100.0% (87,179) -4.6%

revenue 100,741 5.6% 76,751 4.1% 23,990 31.3%

Sales and
revenue 1,899,759 105.6% 1,962,948 104.1% (63,189) -3.2%

Cost of
sales 1,595,830 88.7% 1,609,266 85.3% (13,436) -0.8%

general and
expenses 314,124 17.5% 304,331 16.2% 9,793 3.2%

Operating (10,195) -0.6% 49,351 2.6% (59,546) -

Other income 44,207 2.5% 22,200 1.2% 22,007 99.1%

Dividends) (5,631) (3,970) (1,661)

(Other) (38,576) (18,230) (20,346)

expenses 145,238 8.1% 65,151 3.5% 80,087 122.9%

(Interest) (16,370) (11,972) (4,398)

(Other) (128,868) (53,179) (75,689)
taxes (111,226) -6.2% 6,400 0.3% (117,626) -

Income taxes 31,784 1.8% 16,962 0.9% 14,822 87.4%
------------ ----------- ------- ----------- ------- --------- -------
interests (143,010) -7.9% (10,562) -0.6% (132,448) -

interests (6,703) -0.4 3,654 0.2 (10,357) -
Net income
(loss) (136,307) -7.6% (14,216) -0.8% (122,091) -

4. Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited) (Unit: Millions of Yen)

Items As of As of Increase As of
Dec. 31, Sep. 30, (Decrease) Mar. 31,
2005 2005 2005
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Current Assets
Cash and Time deposits 249,444 242,137 7,307 294,982
Notes and accounts 527,615 457,643 69,972 477,687
Finance receivables - 245,644 (245,644) 261,639
Inventories 386,734 386,112 622 383,976
Other 83,869 69,442 14,427 75,082
Current assets total 1,247,662 1,400,978 (153,316) 1,493,366

Investment and advances 205,613 235,335 (29,722) 250,991
Property, plant & equipment 566,066 628,995 (62,929) 611,231
Other 71,120 231,770 (160,650) 245,089
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Total Assets 2,090,461 2,497,078 (406,617) 2,600,677
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Current liabilities
Short-term borrowings 404,754 561,990 (157,236) 547,632
Notes and accounts 478,037 454,140 23,897 503,789
Other 301,614 315,038 (13,424) 315,107
Total current liabilities 1,184,405 1,331,168 (146,763) 1,366,528

Long-term debt 504,927 737,872 (232,945) 679,728
Accrued pension and
severance costs 201,788 212,277 (10,489) 216,190

Total liabilities 1,891,120 2,281,317 (390,197) 2,262,446

Minority interests in
Consolidated subsidiaries 17,656 50,059 (32,403) 49,963

(Stockholders' equity)
Common stock 172,242 172,242 - 172,242
Additional paid-in capital 336,038 336,030 8 336,035
Retained earnings (220,648) (226,867) 6,219 (84,342)
Accumulated other
comprehensive loss (98,533) (108,316) 9,783 (128,310)
Treasury stock (7,414) (7,387) (27) (7,357)

Total stockholders' equity 181,685 165,702 15,983 288,268
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Total liabilities, minority
interests and
stockholders' equity 2,090,461 2,497,078 (406,617) 2,600,677
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------

5. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited)

(1) For the three-month ended December 31, 2005
(Unit: Millions of Yen)

Items For the Third For the Third
quarter quarter
ended ended
December 31, December 31,
2005 2004
------------------------------------------ ------------- -------------
1. Cash flows from operating activities
Net income (loss) 6,218 (17,617)
Depreciation and amortization 32,877 27,719
Increase in receivables (66,781) (32,364)
(Increase) Decrease in inventories 3,616 (20,506)
Increase in notes & accounts payable 29,045 6,063
Other, net (20,706) (32,208)
------------------------------------------ ------------- -------------
Net cash (used) in provided by operating
activities (15,731) (68,913)
------------------------------------------ ------------- -------------
2. Cash flows from investing activities
(Increase) Decrease in short term
& long term investment 16,248 (4,792)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (6,567) (10,234)
Proceeds on business transfer - 17,889
(Payments for) sale of consolidated
subsidiaries (6,130) -
Other (2,442) (5,781)
------------------------------------------ ------------- -------------
Net cash (used) provided by investing
activities 1,109 (2,918)
------------------------------------------ ------------- -------------
3. Cash flows from financing activities
Increase in short term borrowing 34,848 49,249
Decrease in long term debt (17,426) (55,088)
Dividends paid (521) (5,989)
Other 1,796 (62)
------------------------------------------ ------------- -------------
Net cash (used) provided by financing
activities 18,697 (11,890)
------------------------------------------ ------------- -------------
4. Effect of exchange rate changes on
cash & cash equivalents 3,232 (3,123)
------------------------------------------ ------------- -------------
5. Net (decrease) increase in cash & cash
equivalents 7,307 (86,844)
------------------------------------------ ------------- -------------
6. Cash & cash equivalents of newly
consolidated subsidiaries - 1,510
7. Cash & cash equivalents at beginning 242,137 316,427

8. Cash & cash equivalents at end 249,444 231,093
------------------------------------------ ------------- -------------

(2) For the nine-month period ended December 31, 2005
(Unit: Millions of Yen)

Items For the nine- For the nine-
month period month period
From Apr. 1, From Apr. 1,
2005 2004
To Dec. 31, To Dec. 31,
2005 2004
----------------------------------------- ------------- -------------
1. Cash flows from operating activities
Net income (loss) (136,307) (14,216)
Depreciation and amortization 99,625 85,808
Decrease in fixed assets 57,438 -
Increase in receivables (15,429) (17,191)
(Increase) Decrease in inventories 16,031 (60,510)
Increase (Decrease) in notes &
accounts payable (49,741) 25,945
Other (27,191) (63,722)
----------------------------------------- ------------- -------------
Net cash (used) in provided by operating
activities (55,574) (43,886)
----------------------------------------- ------------- -------------
2. Cash flows from investing activities
(Increase) Decrease in short term
& long term investment 58,817 (10,737)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (59,178) (52,225)
Proceeds on business transfer - 17,889
(Payments for) sale of consolidated
subsidiaries (6,130) -
Other (1,994) (11,705)
----------------------------------------- ------------- -------------
Net cash (used) in investing activities (8,485) (56,778)
----------------------------------------- ------------- -------------
3. Cash flows from financing activities
Increase in short term borrowing 48,568 70,448
Decrease in long term debt (53,806) (9,339)
Dividends paid (1,077) (11,852)
Other 1,761 (109)
----------------------------------------- ------------- -------------
Net cash (used) in financing activities (4,554) 49,148
----------------------------------------- ------------- -------------
4. Effect of exchange rate changes on
cash & cash equivalents 6,780 (85)
----------------------------------------- ------------- -------------
5. Net decrease in cash & cash
equivalents (61,833) (51,601)
----------------------------------------- ------------- -------------
6. Cash & cash equivalents of newly
consolidated subsidiaries 16,295 5,232

7. Cash & cash equivalents at beginning 294,982 277,462

8. Cash & cash equivalents at end 249,444 231,093
----------------------------------------- ------------- -------------

6. Consolidated Segment Information (Unaudited)

(1) For the three-month period ended December 31, 2005
(Unit: Millions of Yen)

Items For the Third For the Third
quarter quarter
ended ended Change
December 31, December 31,
2005 2004
Amount Comp- Amount Comp- Amount Ratio
onent onent
prop- prop-
ortion ortion
ratio ratio
Net sales Consumer 305,439 46.2% 319,496 48.5%(14,057) -4.4%
& ------------------------------------------------------------
operating Commercial 59,417 9.0% 55,600 8.4% 3,817 6.9%
revenue ------------------------------------------------------------
Component 239,702 36.2% 236,468 35.9% 3,234 1.4%
Others 57,091 8.6% 46,761 7.2% 10,330 22.1%
Sub-total 661,649 100.0% 658,325 100.0% 3,324 0.5%
Corporate &
eliminations (13,239) - (12,125) - (1,114) -
Total 648,410 - 646,200 - 2,210 0.3%

Operating Consumer 1,844 8.2% 8,064 51.4% (6,220)-77.1%
income ------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial 2,612 11.6% 1,360 8.7% 1,252 92.1%
Component 14,094 62.4% 3,111 19.8% 10,983 353%
Others 4,023 17.8% 3,148 20.1% 875 27.8%
Sub-total 22,573 100.0% 15,683 100.0% 6,890 43.9%
Corporate &
eliminations (6,249) - (5,326) - (923) -
Total 16,324 - 10,357 - 5,967 57.6%

(2) For the nine-month period ended December 31, 2005
(Unit: Millions of Yen)

Items For the nine- For the nine-
month period month period
From Apr. 1, From Apr. 1, Change
2005 2004
To Dec. 31, To Dec. 31,
2005 2004
Amount Comp- Amount Comp- Amount Ratio
onent onent
prop- prop-
ortion ortion
ratio ratio
Net sales Consumer 872,081 44.9% 947,281 47.2%(75,200) -7.9%
& ------------------------------------------------------------
operating Commercial 179,441 9.3% 163,429 8.2% 16,012 9.8%
revenue ------------------------------------------------------------
Component 706,375 36.4% 740,389 36.9%(34,014) -4.6%
Others 182,953 9.4% 153,696 7.7% 29,257 19.0%
Sub-total 1,940,850 100.0% 2,004,795 100.0%(63,945) -3.2%
Corporate &
eliminations (41,091) - (41,847) - 756 -
Total 1,899,759 - 1,962,948 - (63,189) -3.2%

Operating Consumer (10,210) -94.7% 25,263 37.7%(35,473) -
income ------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial 4,606 42.7% 3,548 5.3% 1,058 29.8%
Component 7,926 73.5% 26,449 39.5%(18,523)-70.0%
Others 8,457 78.5% 11,737 17.5% (3,280)-27.9%
Sub-total 10,779 100.0% 66,997 100.0%(56,218)-83.9%
Corporate &
eliminations (20,974) - (17,646) - (3,328) -
Total (10,195) - 49,351 - (59,546) -


1. Contents of Business Segment
Consumer: TVs, VCRs, DVD Players, LCD Projectors, Audio Equipment,
Digital Cameras, Telephones, Refrigerators, Air
Conditioners, Washing Machines and Microwave Ovens, etc.

Commercial: Showcases, Package-Type Air Conditioners and Absorption-
Type Chiller/Heaters.

Component: Semiconductors, LCDs and Electronic Components, Primary
batteries, Rechargeable batteries and Solar modules.

Others: Leasing, Credit, Distribution, Maintenance and Housing.

2. Basic R&D expenses and corporate office expenses are includedin the item of "Corporate and eliminations" as unallocated expenses.

Business Performance & Financial Position

1. Qualitative information for consolidated business results

General Overview for Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2005

The global economy in the current period under review has beensteadily recovering. In the U.S., while there has been concernregarding inflationary pressures caused by a hike in energy pricesetc., there has been an economic expansion. In China, growinginvestments in fixed assets have contributed to continued businessgrowth.

In regards to Japan's economy, ongoing improved corporate profitsand firm private capital investment lead to a gradual growth ofpersonal consumption. While the economy has been recovering supportedby domestic private demand, the future trends of the managementclimate remain uncertain with concerns like oil prices shifting at ahigh level etc.

Under these conditions, SANYO registered a large consolidateddeficit in the last fiscal year after one of its main manufacturingfacilities for semiconductors was struck by a major earthquake inNiigata in October 2004 and the forecast for this year will also be anet loss. Under such severe conditions, in order to increase corporatevalue and raise employees' motivation, a reform plan called the 'SANYOEVOLUTION PROJECT' was launched based on SANYO's new vision 'ThinkGAIA'. SANYO aims to push through the Mid-Term Business Plan bybusiness realignment and rebuilding through a greater selection andfocus of its business portfolio, management and organizational reformsto improve the cost structure and improve the financial condition etc.

Consolidated Results

On Dec. 27, 2005, SANYO transferred a part of its interest inSANYO Electric Credit Co., Ltd, a consolidated company of SANYO, to anaffiliate company of Goldman Sachs Inc. As a result, SANYO now holds a19.13% stake in SANYO Electric Credit Co., Ltd. Moreover, in thisthird quarter, SANYO Electric Credit Co., Ltd., will be treated as aconsolidated company on SANYO's statements of income, and at the endof this Fiscal Year will not be a listed as a consolidated company.

For third quarter fiscal year 2005, consolidated net sales were611.5 billion yen, a decrease of 1.5% over the same period last year.Domestic net sales were 283.7 billion yen, a decrease of 8.2% over thesame period last year. Overseas net sales increased 5.2% to 327.8billion yen over the same period last year.

Consumer segment recorded sales of 303.4 billion yen, a decreaseof 4.0% compared with the same period of the previous year despiteincrease in digital cameras, owing to decrease in sales of mobilephones etc.

Commercial segment sales amounted to 586 billion yen, an increaseof 6.6% compared to the same period of the previous year, due to anincrease in overseas sales of large air conditioners and showcases.

Component segment sales increased 0.1% over the same period lastyear to 230.5 billion yen despite decrease in sales for LCDs due tobusiness restructuring and for optical pickups due to price declines,owing to great demand for solar modules and rechargeable batterieslike Lithium ion batteries.

Operating income was 16.3 billion yen, an increase of 57.6% overthe same period last year, owing to cost reduction facilitated byimprovement effects of cost of sales etc. Income before income taxesand minority interests was 24.5 billion yen higher than the sameperiod last year at 12.6 billion yen owing to gain on sale ofinvestment securities and the occurrence of losses caused due to theearthquake over the same period last year. Net income after deductingprovision for income tax and minority interests is 6.2 billion yen.

2. Financial Position


Total assets at the end of the third quarter decreased by 406.6billion yen to 2,090.4 billion yen compared to the end of the firsthalf of the fiscal year. The main reason for this is that with SANYOElectric Credit Co., Ltd. off SANYO's consolidated balance sheet,finance receivables decreased by 245.2 billion yen and long-term debtdecreased by 123.1 billion yen.

Liability and Stockholders' Equity

Total liabilities at the end of the third quarter decreased 390.1billion yen to 1,891.1 billion yen compared to the end of the firsthalf of the fiscal year. The main reason for this is that with SANYOElectric Credit Co., Ltd. off SANYO's consolidated balance sheet,short-term borrowings decreased by 203.6 billion yen and long-termdebt decreased by 206.2 billion yen.

Cash Flows

Regarding statement of cash flows, net cash used in operatingactivities was 15.7 billion yen, net cash provided in investingactivities was 1.1 billion yen. Net cash provided in financingactivities was 18.6 billion yen. Taking into account exchange ratefluctuations, cash and cash equivalents at the end of this quarterincreased by 7.3 billion yen compared to the end of the mid-termperiod to 249.4 billion yen.

3. Forecast of consolidated results for FY 2005 (April 1, 2005 toMarch 31, 2006)

The forecast for consolidated results for FY 2005 has not changedfrom the announcement made on November 18, 2005.

(a) The forecasts above are based on assumptions deemed reasonablyat the time they were prepared. Actual results may differsignificantly from forecasts. Actual results may be influenced by, butnot limited to the following, changes in political and economicclimate in different regions, increased material costs andfluctuations in the foreign exchange markets.

Note: This is a Summary of the Japanese original

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