14.06.2005 15:14:00
Chariot Resources Nearly Doubles Size of Copper Sulphide Zone and Encounters 174 Metres of High Grade Copper Oxide at Marcona Copper Project-Drilling Continues on Two New Zones
Notable copper sulphide intersections from a 15 hole follow-updrill program at the HG Sulphide zone are 64 metres at 1.70% Cu(including 26 metres at 3.36% Cu); 36 metres at 2.40% Cu (including 22metres at 3.38% Cu); 62metres at 1.65% Cu (including 36 metres at2.33% Cu); 42 metres at 1.24% Cu; 76 metres at 1.20% Cu and 20 metresat 3.99% Cu.
The drilling also encountered notable copper oxide intersectionsat the HG Sulphide zone such as 70 metres at 1.25% Cu ( including 8metres at 3.50% Cu); 60 metres at 1.14% Cu; 26 metres at 1.01%Cu; 24metres at 1.12% Cu and 20 metres at 2.03% Cu. One hole had acumulative 174 metres of high-grade copper oxide interercepts.
Drilling has also commenced on two new targets, Target 2a -Sulphide Extensions and Target 1b - Oxide Gaps (and the nearby Cu 40zone). Both of these targets lie outside the conceptual open pitboundary as set out in the Company's 43-101 report. Assays from thesezones will be released as soon as they become available.
Condemnation drilling has commenced in a large area to the west ofthe conceptual open pit boundary that include Targets 3b, 3c, and 3din preparation for a Scoping Study as part of a program to identifythe most suitable site for the eventual location of the operatingplants, leach pads and other surface infra-structure. Results from thecondemnation program will be released when this program has beencompleted.
The copper assays and intercepts from an initial 15 hole drillingprogram at the HG Sulphide target where released on April 25, 2005.The follow-up program of 15 holes consisted of 6,358 metres of reversecirculation drilling thereby bringing the total drilled at the HGSulphide zone to 12,258 metres in 30 holes.
Notable Copper Sulphide Intercepts include:
Hole MJV-05-027 encountered 100 metres of significant Cumineralization in two intersections, including:
- 64 metres at 1.70% Cu ( from 132 metres to 196 metres),including a high-grade intercept of 26 metres at 3.36% Cu;
- 36 metres at 2.40% Cu (from 200 metres to 236 metres), includinga high-grade intercept of 22 metres at 3.38% Cu
Hole MJV-05-30 encountered 26 metres at 0.93% Cu (from 146 metresto 172 metres), including a high-grade intercept of 2 metres of 6.08%Cu.
Hole MJV-05-031 encountered 42 metres at 1.24% Cu (from 344 metresto 386 metres), including 16 metres at 1.97% Cu.
Hole MJV-05-032 encountered 76 metres at 1.20% Cu ( from 186metres to 256 metres); including 18 metres at 1.76% Cu (from182 metresto 200 metres), and 14 metres at 1.83% Cu (from 232 metres to 246metres).
Hole MJV-05-033 encountered 62 metres at 1.65% Cu (from 266 metresto 328 metres), including 36 metres at 2.33 % Cu (from 280 metres to316 metres)
Hole MJV-05-035 encountered 20 metres at 1.07% Cu (from 324 metresto 344 metres and 24 metres at 1.41% Cu (from 422 metres to 446metres.
Hole MJV-05-038 encountered 60 metres at 1.14% Cu (from192 metresto 252 metres)
Hole MJV-05-049 encountered 20 metres at 3.99% Cu ( from 444metres to 464 metres)
The 15 hole follow-up drill program also encountered notableintercepts of copper oxide mineralization. At the Marcona CopperProject copper oxide mineralization tends to lie stratigraphicallyabove the copper sulphide mineralization. Also, in general terms,drill holes with high grade copper sulphide mineralization usuallyhave copper oxide grades in the range of 0.5% Cu to 0.7% Cu. Drillholes with high-grade copper oxide mineral-ization usually do notencounter high-grade sulphide mineralization.
Notable Copper Oxide Intercepts include:
Hole MJV-05-028 encountered 26 metres at 1.01% Cu (from 134 metresto 160 metres) including a high grade intersection of 8 metres at1.79% Cu.
Hole MJV-05-29 encountered 70 metres at 1.25% Cu (from 20 metresto 90 metres), including a high-grade intersection of 8 metres at3.50% Cu.
Hole MJV-05-036 encountered 24 metres at 1.12% Cu (from 152 metresto 176 metres). This hole also encountered 16 metres at 1.28% Cu ofcopper sulphide mineralization (from 248 metres to 264 metres).
Hole MJV-05-037 encountered 62 metres of copper oxidemineralization in numerous intersections of which the most notableintersections are
- 12 metres at 0.70% Cu (from 76 metres to 88 metres) and
- 26 metres at 0.76% Cu (from 108 metres to 134 metres.
Hole MJV-05-038 encountered 174 metres of copper oxidemineralization including:
- 52 metres at 0.43% Cu (from 24 metres to 76 metres),
- 36 metres at 0.73% Cu (from 148 metres to 184 metres),and
- 60 metres at 1.14% Cu (from 192 metres to 252 metres), includinga high grade intersection of 20 metres at 2.03% Cu
All intersections were calculated using a 0.25% Cu cut-off andless than 2 metres of internal waste (see attached Table 1). Highgrade intersections were calculated using a 1% Cu cut-off and lessthan 2 metres of internal waste (see attached Table 2).
Most of the holes are oriented to grid north with an inclinationof -70 degrees. Except holes MJV-05-033 and MJV-05-035 which wereoriented to grid east with an inclination of -70 degrees.
Hole MJV-05-039 was not drilled deep enough to fully penetrate theHG Sulphide zone of copper sulphide mineralization. This hole had 4mat 1.28% Cu from 462 metres to 466 metres and the hole stopped at 472metres. A follow-up deepening of Hole MJV-05-039 is currently inprogress. Hole MJV-05-054 has been drilled 100m to the west of holeMJV-05-039 to further confirm the southward extension of the HGSulphide zone. Assays from the deepening of Hole 039 and from Hole 054will be released when they become available.
Attached is a plan showing the location of the initial 15 holes inrelation to the HG Sulphide zone, selected RioTinto holes and the 15holes that are the subject of this release. The size of the HGSulphide zone has been increased from 300metres wide and 400metreslong to 400metres wide and 500-600metres long. The ultimate size willbe dependant on the deepening of Hole MJV-05-039 that is currently inprogress. The present geological interpretation of this zone, asillustrated on the attached plan, could be subject to modification andchanges arising from the results of the future drilling to test theopen areas.
On April 25, 2005 Chariot release results from Holes MJV-05-01 toMJV-05-15. Holes MJV-05-016; 017,018,019,021,023,025,026, and HolesMJV-05-042 and 043 were all drilled in a large area to the west of thecurrent conceptual open pit. This program is part of an ongoingcondemnation program that seeks to identify the most suitable area forthe construction of surface plants, leach pads and other associatedinfrastructure.
Some of the condemnation holes were drilled near Rio Tinto holesMA 60 and MA 38 without encountering any meaningful intercepts. Theresults of all the holes from the condemnation drilling program willbe released when this program is completed.
Holes MJV-05-020 and 022 were drilled on a new target, Target 2a -Sulphide Extensions, which lies outside the conceptual pit boundary tothe southeast of the HG Sulphide zone. Both holes have been drilled todepths greater than 550 metres. Drilling is continuing at Target 2aand assay results are pending and will be released as soon asavailable.
Holes MJV 05-024 and MJV-05-040 were drilled in Target 1b - OxideGaps (and the nearby Cu 40 zone). This target lies outside theconceptual pit boundary to the southwest of the HG Sulphide zone.Drilling is continuing at Target 1b and the Cu 40 zone and assayresults will be released as soon as possible.
In respect to sampling procedures for the current drillingprogram, all RC chips are logged at the Marcona project site. Holesare sampled in their entirety in 2 metre runs and are split at thedrill site. A 1/8 split or approximately 5 kilograms of a two metresample is submitted to the SGS Lakefield Research ("SGS") preparationfacility on site where the samples are crushed to 95% passing 10 meshand then riffle split where a 250 gram sub-sample is taken andsubmitted to SGS in Lima for analysis. The coarse sample prep rejectis bagged and stored on site and following analysis the analyticalpulp sample is returned to Chariot for storage at the site. Allsamples are analyzed for copper (Cu) using sequential leach resultingin 4 Cu analysis per sample (Cu total, Cu soluble in sulphuric acid,Cu soluble in sodium cyanide and a Cu residual) and Gold using a 30gram Fire Assay with an AA finish. In addition, sulphide samples aresubmitted for 38 element ICP analysis with aqua-regia digest. Qualitycontrol procedures include the insertion of certified projectstandards at the drill site (1/20), field duplicate samples (1/20),laboratory duplicates (1/20) and reagent blanks and reference material(1/20). Currently, approximately 10% of the pulp samples from previousRio Tinto drilling are being check analyzed and procedures are inplace to submit a further 10% of the current drill campaign samples toa second laboratory for check analysis.
The data contained in this news release from the current drillprogram has been validated and intersections calculated by thedesignated Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101,H. Andrew Daniels, P.Geo., VP Exploration.
Mr. Alex Black, Chairman, Executive Vice President said, "Despitethe fact that we have been able to almost double the zone of highgrade copper sulphide mineralization, this zone still remains open intwo directions. Also, we are particularly delighted by the very robustand high-grade intercepts of copper oxide mineralization that we haveencountered in the same area. We will now be looking at the merits oftrying to quantify the impact of the 30 holes drill by ChariotResources on the resources previously calculated in this area by RioTinto."
Chariot Resources Limited (TSX:CHD) and its subsidiaries areengaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineralresource properties primarily located in South America. Additionaldetail about the Company's projects can be viewed on the Company'swebsite at www.chariotresources.com
"Alex Black"
Chairman, Executive Vice President
Lima, Peru Office
Jiron Crane 102 Tel: +51-1-436-9127
Urb. Jacaranda, San Borja Fax: +51-1-436-9129
Lima, 41 Peru
Forward-Looking Statements: Statements in this release that areforward-looking statements are subject to various risks anduncertainties concerning the specific factors disclosed under theheading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the Company's periodic filingswith Canadian Securities Regulators. Such information contained hereinrepresents management's best judgment as of the date hereof based oninformation currently available. The Company does not assume theobligation to update any forward-looking statement.
NOTE: A plan is available on CCNMatthews' website at:http://www2.ccnmatthews.com/database/fax/2000/plan1.pdf
Chariot Resources
Marcona Joint Venture
Significant Intersections to Date
(Base COG greater than 0.25% Cu Total, less than 2m Internal Waste)
Easting Northing Hole Number From To Length (pct) Facies
9800.02 10001.39 MJV-05-027 4.00 8.00 4.00 0.44 Oxide
MJV-05-027 16.00 38.00 22.00 0.41 Oxide
MJV-05-027 42.00 64.00 22.00 0.50 Oxide
MJV-05-027 102.00 114.00 12.00 0.90 Oxide
MJV-05-027 132.00 196.00 64.00 1.70 Sulphide
MJV-05-027 200.00 236.00 36.00 2.40 Sulphide
9799.88 9899.78 MJV-05-028 12.00 16.00 4.00 0.34 Oxide
MJV-05-028 70.00 74.00 4.00 0.33 Oxide
MJV-05-028 80.00 88.00 8.00 0.29 Oxide
MJV-05-028 92.00 96.00 4.00 0.51 Oxide
MJV-05-028 122.00 128.00 6.00 0.55 Oxide
MJV-05-028 134.00 160.00 26.00 1.01 Oxide
MJV-05-028 166.00 246.00 80.00 0.82 Sulphide
9800.10 9800.35 MJV-05-029 20.00 90.00 70.00 1.25 Oxide
MJV-05-029 96.00 100.00 4.00 0.55 Oxide
MJV-05-029 130.00 138.00 8.00 0.64 Sulphide
MJV-05-029 142.00 152.00 10.00 0.54 Sulphide
MJV-05-029 202.00 242.00 40.00 0.71 Sulphide
MJV-05-029 246.00 256.00 10.00 1.04 Sulphide
MJV-05-029 420.00 430.00 10.00 1.46 Sulphide
9800.00 10200.58 MJV-05-030 72.00 80.00 8.00 0.30 Oxide
MJV-05-030 96.00 100.00 4.00 0.36 Oxide
MJV-05-030 120.00 124.00 4.00 0.35 Oxide
MJV-05-030 134.00 138.00 4.00 0.34 Oxide
MJV-05-030 146.00 172.00 26.00 0.93 Sulphide
MJV-05-030 196.00 230.00 34.00 0.72 Sulphide
10001.25 9692.51 MJV-05-031 96.00 102.00 6.00 0.41 Oxide
MJV-05-031 336.00 342.00 6.00 0.65 Sulphide
MJV-05-031 344.00 386.00 42.00 1.24 Sulphide
9788.76 10102.68 MJV-05-032 6.00 12.00 6.00 0.34 Oxide
MJV-05-032 180.00 256.00 76.00 1.20 Sulphide
9819.75 9884.57 MJV-05-033 26.00 36.00 10.00 0.41 Oxide
MJV-05-033 66.00 92.00 26.00 1.12 Oxide
MJV-05-033 110.00 120.00 10.00 0.44 Oxide
MJV-05-033 146.00 154.00 8.00 0.31 Sulphide
MJV-05-033 166.00 174.00 8.00 0.63 Sulphide
MJV-05-033 268.00 330.00 62.00 1.65 Sulphide
9900.32 9700.93 MJV-05-034 62.00 72.00 10.00 0.29 Oxide
MJV-05-034 90.00 96.00 6.00 0.56 Oxide
9955.13 9945.09 MJV-05-035 324.00 344.00 20.00 1.07 Sulphide
MJV-05-035 422.00 446.00 24.00 1.41 Sulphide
10000.44 10199.01 MJV-05-036 0.00 4.00 4.00 0.52 Oxide
MJV-05-036 128.00 138.00 10.00 0.62 Oxide
MJV-05-036 152.00 176.00 24.00 1.11 Oxide
MJV-05-036 180.00 190.00 10.00 0.56 Oxide
MJV-05-036 248.00 264.00 16.00 1.28 Sulphide
10200.21 9701.00 MJV-05-037 48.00 52.00 4.00 0.67 Oxide
MJV-05-037 76.00 88.00 12.00 0.70 Oxide
MJV-05-037 96.00 106.00 10.00 0.42 Oxide
MJV-05-037 108.00 134.00 26.00 0.76 Oxide
MJV-05-037 158.00 168.00 10.00 0.42 Oxide
MJV-05-037 172.00 178.00 6.00 0.32 Oxide
MJV-05-037 264.00 274.00 10.00 0.66 Sulphide
MJV-05-037 390.00 398.00 8.00 0.43 Sulphide
MJV-05-037 418.00 434.00 16.00 0.58 Sulphide
MJV-05-037 448.00 454.00 6.00 1.54 Sulphide
9900.01 10204.33 MJV-05-038 0.00 16.00 16.00 0.70 Oxide
MJV-05-038 24.00 76.00 52.00 0.43 Oxide
MJV-05-038 98.00 108.00 10.00 0.92 Oxide
MJV-05-038 148.00 184.00 36.00 0.73 Oxide
MJV-05-038 192.00 252.00 60.00 1.14 Oxide
10100.28 9600.31 MJV-05-039 116.00 122.00 6.00 0.39 Oxide
MJV-05-039 252.00 256.00 4.00 0.51 Sulphide
MJV-05-039 456.00 468.00 12.00 0.73 Sulphide
9800.02 9700.50 MJV-05-041 8.00 10.00 2.00 0.38 Oxide
MJV-05-041 64.00 66.00 2.00 0.34 Oxide
MJV-05-041 154.00 158.00 4.00 0.29 Oxide
MJV-05-041 236.00 248.00 12.00 0.75 Sulphide
10100.28 9700.66 MJV-05-049 2.00 6.00 4.00 0.63 Oxide
MJV-05-049 12.00 16.00 4.00 0.29 Oxide
MJV-05-049 114.00 144.00 30.00 0.42 Sulphide
MJV-05-049 334.00 342.00 8.00 0.46 Sulphide
MJV-05-049 410.00 412.00 2.00 1.44 Sulphide
MJV-05-049 444.00 466.00 22.00 3.67 Sulphide
Chariot Resources
Marcona Joint Venture
Higher Grade Intersections to Date
(COG greater than 1.00% Cu Total, less than 2m Internal Waste)
Easting Northing Hole Number From To Length (pct) Facies
9800.02 10001.39 MJV-05-027 104.00 106.00 2.00 1.01 Oxide
MJV-05-027 110.00 114.00 4.00 1.71 Oxide
MJV-05-027 138.00 140.00 2.00 1.89 Sulphide
MJV-05-027 160.00 186.00 26.00 3.36 Sulphide
MJV-05-027 194.00 196.00 2.00 1.68 Sulphide
MJV-05-027 200.00 222.00 22.00 3.38 Sulphide
MJV-05-027 226.00 232.00 6.00 1.21 Sulphide
9799.88 9899.78 MJV-05-028 136.00 144.00 8.00 1.79 Oxide
MJV-05-028 154.00 156.00 2.00 1.71 Oxide
MJV-05-028 176.00 180.00 4.00 1.89 Sulphide
MJV-05-028 188.00 190.00 2.00 1.79 Sulphide
MJV-05-028 214.00 216.00 2.00 2.51 Sulphide
MJV-05-028 228.00 236.00 8.00 1.95 Sulphide
MJV-05-028 242.00 244.00 2.00 1.21 Sulphide
9800.10 9800.35 MJV-05-029 20.00 22.00 2.00 2.94 Oxide
MJV-05-029 26.00 30.00 4.00 1.41 Oxide
MJV-05-029 34.00 36.00 2.00 1.11 Oxide
MJV-05-029 42.00 44.00 2.00 1.48 Oxide
MJV-05-029 56.00 64.00 8.00 3.50 Oxide
MJV-05-029 72.00 82.00 10.00 1.32 Oxide
MJV-05-029 84.00 88.00 4.00 1.40 Oxide
MJV-05-029 132.00 134.00 2.00 1.05 Sulphide
MJV-05-029 206.00 208.00 2.00 1.09 Sulphide
MJV-05-029 212.00 214.00 2.00 1.82 Sulphide
MJV-05-029 246.00 252.00 6.00 1.15 Sulphide
MJV-05-029 420.00 428.00 8.00 1.74 Sulphide
9800.00 10200.58 MJV-05-030 148.00 150.00 2.00 6.08 Oxide
MJV-05-030 154.00 156.00 2.00 1.31 Oxide
MJV-05-030 208.00 212.00 4.00 1.44 Sulphide
MJV-05-030 216.00 218.00 2.00 2.08 Sulphide
10001.25 9692.51 MJV-05-031 352.00 354.00 2.00 1.41 Sulphide
MJV-05-031 356.00 372.00 16.00 1.97 Sulphide
MJV-05-031 374.00 376.00 2.00 1.21 Sulphide
MJV-05-031 380.00 382.00 2.00 1.52 Sulphide
9788.76 10102.68 MJV-05-032 182.00 200.00 18.00 1.76 Sulphide
MJV-05-032 208.00 216.00 8.00 1.29 Sulphide
MJV-05-032 222.00 226.00 4.00 1.28 Sulphide
MJV-05-032 232.00 246.00 14.00 1.83 Sulphide
MJV-05-032 250.00 254.00 4.00 1.26 Sulphide
9819.75 9884.57 MJV-05-033 76.00 80.00 4.00 4.05 Oxide
MJV-05-033 274.00 276.00 2.00 1.84 Sulphide
MJV-05-033 280.00 316.00 36.00 2.33 Sulphide
MJV-05-033 326.00 330.00 4.00 1.14 Sulphide
9955.13 9945.09 MJV-05-035 324.00 326.00 2.00 1.36 Sulphide
MJV-05-035 328.00 330.00 2.00 1.00 Sulphide
MJV-05-035 334.00 342.00 8.00 1.56 Sulphide
MJV-05-035 422.00 428.00 6.00 2.55 Sulphide
MJV-05-035 434.00 436.00 2.00 1.59 Sulphide
MJV-05-035 440.00 446.00 6.00 1.70 Sulphide
10000.44 10199.01 MJV-05-036 132.00 134.00 2.00 1.56 Oxide
MJV-05-036 162.00 170.00 8.00 2.18 Oxide
MJV-05-036 248.00 258.00 10.00 1.76 Sulphide
10200.21 9701.00 MJV-05-037 82.00 86.00 4.00 1.06 Oxide
MJV-05-037 116.00 120.00 4.00 1.59 Oxide
MJV-05-037 126.00 128.00 2.00 1.99 Oxide
MJV-05-037 266.00 268.00 2.00 1.09 Sulphide
MJV-05-037 272.00 274.00 2.00 1.09 Sulphide
MJV-05-037 422.00 424.00 2.00 1.19 Sulphide
MJV-05-037 448.00 452.00 4.00 2.13 Sulphide
9900.01 10204.33 MJV-05-038 6.00 10.00 4.00 1.18 Oxide
MJV-05-038 98.00 100.00 2.00 1.05 Oxide
MJV-05-038 104.00 108.00 4.00 1.12 Oxide
MJV-05-038 152.00 158.00 6.00 1.56 Oxide
MJV-05-038 170.00 172.00 2.00 1.13 Oxide
MJV-05-038 212.00 216.00 4.00 1.52 Oxide
MJV-05-038 222.00 242.00 20.00 2.03 Oxide
MJV-05-038 244.00 246.00 2.00 1.06 Oxide
MJV-05-038 248.00 250.00 2.00 1.16 Oxide
10100.28 9600.31 MJV-05-039 462.00 466.00 4.00 1.28 Sulphide
9800.02 9700.50 MJV-05-041 244.00 246.00 2.00 1.62 Sulphide
10100.28 9700.66 MJV-05-049 410.00 412.00 2.00 1.44 Sulphide
MJV-05-049 444.00 464.00 20.00 3.99 Sulphide
The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed this news release anddoes not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of thisnews release.
Chariot Resources Limited (TSX:CHD)
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