23.12.2013 14:48:00
Casa de Bolsa Banorte Ixe, S.A. de C.V. -- Moody's withdraws all ratings of Casa de Bolsa Banorte Ixe
Mexico, December 23, 2013 -- Moody's de Mexico has today withdrawn Casa de Bolsa Banorte Ixe, S.A. de C.V. (CB Banorte Ixe)'s long- and short-term global local currency (GLC) issuer ratings of Baa1 and Prime-2, respectively. Moody's de México has also withdrawn CB Banorte Ixe's long- and short-term Mexican National Scale issuer ratings of Aaa.mx and MX-1. CB Banorte Ixe's Baa1 GLC issuer rating incorporates a standalone baseline credit assessment of ba2 as well as Moody's assessment of the probability of parental support. The outlook on the ratings before the withdrawal was stable.